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Tiger, was the above post on topic? Originally Posted by Wakeup

Look at Wake Up.... grasping for straws.... diverting attention... he's quite the illusionist.... all the while.....
ignoring relevant questions.... just his regular M.O.
It is more than apparent that he doesn't have the answers as to why the girl was banned... and will soon revert to his magician roots and make himself disappear. Then.... we can miss him for another while....
That's simple...she hadn't broken any guidelines...until she did... Originally Posted by Wakeup

But this site will actively block attempts at info sharing. That's something altogether different. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
It's apparently okay to share the information 5 people at a time (ECCIEFPaaT)....
That seems a bit cumbersome....
I'm pretty sure that Wakeup would tell you that it's okay to share the information... until it's not okay to share the information.... and then it's okay to share the information five people at a time....

That's simple...she hadn't broken any guidelines...until she did... Originally Posted by Wakeup
But what do I know.... I'm not a Philadelphia Lawyer......
generalbob's Avatar
My comment was meant to say that cowboy has it backward in who the member was that deserved protection, and who the bad actor was...not his fault he can't grasp that...but it is ironic... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Not ironic in the least. I think you are the only one that didn't understand what cowboy was saying.
generalbob's Avatar
sorry. Double post
Ceremony's Avatar
Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Yep. I'm lost.

doofs long lost brother........?
FATHER!!!!!!!????????????????? ?


Carlos Danger's Avatar
elghund's Avatar
Tiger, was the above post on topic? Originally Posted by Wakeup
I think you need some lessons in being a mod from Lea.

And, why won't you answer Pauls question?

generalbob's Avatar
I think you need some lessons in being a mod from Lea.

And, why won't you answer Pauls question?

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
Possibly a question that can't be answered with a question?
Wakeup's Avatar
Simple, there's only one person allowed to answer that question here...and you'll have to wait till she gets back from her ban...

C'mon're not this ignorant about how the board works...are you? I know Paul is, but this can't be true for the entire Upset crowd...
Ceremony's Avatar
Possibly a question that can't be answered with a question? Originally Posted by generalbob
What is obergruppenführer?

Which would make for a great handle for a future member we could possibly miss.