Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

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12 Originally Posted by Redhot1960
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watch this now it will be gone soon! Originally Posted by Redhot1960

that video info is a doozy.

if what he claims to be true, bin laden is alive and hiding in Iran???? the guy who was killed was a double?

makes me wonder if the Seals guy's claim were true or not.
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California Prosecutor Falsifies Transcript of Confession
Court of Appeal slams Attorney General Kamala Harris again
By Sidney Powell • 03/04/15 1:04pm
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh she's just a misguided hoe
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It's not often that I get out of bed to make a post! But this is one time! 13

Nancy Pelosi Has Public Condescending Meltdown During CNN Interview…

Posted on October 13, 2020 by sundance
The hubris and condescension in this video snippet are quite remarkable, especially when we consider that Wolf Blitzer is a fellow traveler, friend and ally of Pelosi, and professional narrative engineer for the political left. [There’s a shorter version below the fold]

After being asked a question about her refusal to accept a compromise $1.8 trillion spending package for COVID-19 economic impacts, Nancy Pelosi has a total meltdown. Pelosi is so unfamiliar with even gentle push-back, she cannot fathom an alternate point of position that does not carry exclusive democrat political benefit. This is wild:
TryWeakly's Avatar
That video was awesome, especially coming from the Blitz...

Just a matter of time before she is doing it on a more repeated Hiden Biden .....

Sometimes Blitz has moments that really foooking shine......
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems a bit over the top (hyppie), but then - we are talking about Demonicrats after all. The below is from alternate sources that have a steady track record, so I'm inclined to follow it for a bit. Be interesting to see where this rabbit hole leads. Clearly, nothing of significance will be before Nov 3rd - IMHO.

As an aside, the article uses a couple alternate paths, i.e. avoiding censorship, such as Brighteon for videos, instead of Googlie's Utubbie and a Clearwire path for the article itself. There are 3 embedded videos in the article. I did a quicky DDG search on the article title and it did show up. Obviously not on any Lame Scream Media links at this time, so I doubt Fredo or Wolfie Blitzy will be discussing anytime soon..

Obama, Clinton, Biden and Brennan will “hang for treason” when this evidence comes out… BOMBSHELL recordings prove they had Seal Team Six EXECUTED to cover up deep state crimes

(Natural News) This story is rapidly unfolding and looks to be one of the most damning indictments of the deep state in modern U.S. history. According to numerous firsthand sources and witnesses, a treasure trove of audio, video and photographic evidence exists that reveals Obama, Clinton, Brennan and Biden to be complicit in outright treason against America.

According to multiple reports, these traitors ran a multi-billion dollar payoff and bribery operation with Iran, staged the fake killing of Osama Bin Laden, then had the entire Seal Team Six that carried out the Bin Laden raid executed in a staged accident to cover up their own crimes.

The evidence exposing all this has already been forwarded to multiple independent news organizations as well as a sitting U.S. Congressman, say firsthand sources.

This story exploded onto the scene following a bombshell presentation by Charles Woods and Nick Noe at AMPfest. User “harrier808” has been posting the relevant videos to, the independent, uncensored free speech video platform, so you can watch the full presentation here:...
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This 5 minute video from Brandon Straka reminds us that the Lame Scream Media is Fake AF and that the Trump train is the real deal, made entirely of Real Americans. In case you do not know: Brandon is the founder of #WALKAWAY.

Enjoy (Sorry these do not embed, leastwise, I don't know how)
Click that chite...
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