The 2020 Presidential Election

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, I agree - anything can happen! And it did. Biden reversed himself on the Hyde amendment. What do you think of that? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Will not be anything major in time to come. How many times as Trump reversed himself on major issues?

Trump Reverses Himself on Vaccinations

Trump Reverses Himself On 6 Major Issues In 2 Days

Trump reverses himself on NATO, China, Russia and more

Trump Says Russia Helped Him Win Election, But Then Reverses Himself

Reversing one's opinion is NOT always bad. You make a statement. You get feedback from other people who you respect. Then you do what you think is best. In this case Biden changed his opinion, just as Trump has done many times as I've just illustrated.

Still think Buttigieg will be the Democratic nominee? Currently in 5th place.
Where did you serve? Qatar is the jump off point for many of we servicemen into Iraq and Afghanistan. For you to say she did not care about the troops because she didn't go into theatre is ridiculous. I am a veteran and she showed she cared. Stop speaking on shit you know nothing about. Ooh, I'm sorry, someone in your family served which makes you qualified to speak on such subjects. You ma'am(for lack of a better word) are an idiot!
I would reply -but damn can't insult on here anymore. I just RTMed you. Read the rules.

Where did you serve? Qatar is the jump off point for many of we servicemen into Iraq and Afghanistan. For you to say she did not care about the troops because she didn't go into theatre is ridiculous. I am a veteran and she showed she cared. Stop speaking on shit you know nothing about. Ooh, I'm sorry, someone in your family served which makes you qualified to speak on such subjects. You ma'am(for lack of a better word) are an idiot! Originally Posted by LuvYogaPants
Oh yes - that's correct but I meant do you think it will effect him with voters? The abortion issue. I think he kowtowed to the liberal base which takes out the middle of the road voters. A lot of hispanics here in Texas are Roman Catholic and they did not like what he did.

I still like Mayor Pete - he seems sane. To me, he is not so extreme. Level headed, intelligent and cute as a button.
I just want to squeeze his cheeks like my grandma used to do to me!!!

Will not be anything major in time to come. How many times as Trump reversed himself on major issues?

Trump Reverses Himself on Vaccinations

Trump Reverses Himself On 6 Major Issues In 2 Days

Trump reverses himself on NATO, China, Russia and more

Trump Says Russia Helped Him Win Election, But Then Reverses Himself

Reversing one's opinion is NOT always bad. You make a statement. You get feedback from other people who you respect. Then you do what you think is best. In this case Biden changed his opinion, just as Trump has done many times as I've just illustrated.

Still think Buttigieg will be the Democratic nominee? Currently in 5th place. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh yes - that's correct but I meant do you think it will effect him with voters? The abortion issue. I think he kowtowed to the liberal base which takes out the middle of the road voters. A lot of hispanics here in Texas are Roman Catholic and they did not like what he did.

I still like Mayor Pete - he seems sane. To me, he is not so extreme. Level headed, intelligent and cute as a button.
I just want to squeeze his cheeks like my grandma used to do to me!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
But you did not answer my question. Do you still think Mayor Pete will win the Democratic nomination as you predicted earlier?

Biden holds a 67-33 lead among Hispanic voters. The Hispanics in Texas don't come into play since Texas will vote for Trump in any event in 2020. No idea what impact his statements will have on other voters. Let's watch the polls in the next couple of weeks for any indication.

Remember that there are only 5 or 6 states that are truly significant in 2020 -- Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Florida, and maybe NC, Virginia and Ohio. Only Arizona and Florida have significant Hispanic voters.

Also remember that there are 3 major issues on voters minds -- the economy, health care and immigration. According to this poll, national security/terrorism, climate change, and the deficit are the next 3 concerns on voter's minds. The only one of the six in which Trump gets high grades is the economy. But he does have the chance to improve on immigration but right now he has failed. Health care -- F. Climate change - F. Deficit - F. National security/terrorism - no improvements over what was in place when Trump took office.
As of right now - I do. I think Biden is going to burn out with voters. I agree that the economy,health care and immigration are on voters minds. But I have seen an uptick here in Austin with pro lifers protesting in front of clinics. This is the first year that I have seen that. A friend of mine said that abortion will be the defining issue.
I disagreed with him. I think things should stay as they are and just leave everything alone. But there is now a lot of pro life noise out there and we will see how that goes.
It's all so exciting.

But you did not answer my question. Do you still think Mayor Pete will win the Democratic nomination as you predicted earlier?

Biden holds a 67-33 lead among Hispanic voters. The Hispanics in Texas don't come into play since Texas will vote for Trump in any event in 2020. No idea what impact his statements will have on other voters. Let's watch the polls in the next couple of weeks for any indication.

Remember that there are only 5 or 6 states that are truly significant in 2020 -- Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Florida, and maybe NC, Virginia and Ohio. Only Arizona and Florida have significant Hispanic voters.

Also remember that there are 3 major issues on voters minds -- the economy, health care and immigration. According to this poll, national security/terrorism, climate change, and the deficit are the next 3 concerns on voter's minds. The only one of the six in which Trump gets high grades is the economy. But he does have the chance to improve on immigration but right now he has failed. Health care -- F. Climate change - F. Deficit - F. National security/terrorism - no improvements over what was in place when Trump took office. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Changed his mind about astronomy also:

Donald J. Trump

For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!
Awww, thats the best you can do. Report me again and again, you have been an antagonist on this site for a while, it's too bad you can't take what you dish out, like your supreme leader. Write it down, take a picture, I don't give a fuck, idiot!
Awwwwww, did you get your feelings hurt sugar? This is politics where the big boys play. Now run along.

Awww, thats the best you can do. Report me again and again, you have been an antagonist on this site for a while, it's too bad you can't take what you dish out, like your supreme leader. Write it down, take a picture, I don't give a fuck, idiot! Originally Posted by LuvYogaPants
You are still an idiot. Report it.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Good discussion but stop the name calling folks
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
How many times as Trump reversed himself on major issues?
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Plus this one:

“I’m very pro-choice,” Trump said in an interview with Tim Russert in 1999.

The flip flop topic does not play well for Trump.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
There is no way Biden wins!!! Too many negative things that are actually true!
Originally Posted by pleasurem
Now here is a major dose of irony (mixed in with some Hannity-esque lack of self-awareness).

Who would support someone with "too many negative things that are actually true"?"

87% of Republicans support Trump (according to latest Gallop poll)

Regular Republicans, along with the fake-christians, white supremacists, run-of-the-mill bigots and pussy-grabbers, turn a blind eye towards amoral, racist and despicable anti-American Putin-ass-kissing behavior, as long as Trump throws them a bone.

But with a perception that Democrats do not accept negatives from their candidates, the right's hope is that only the most bland and unelectable Democrat is left standing.

But I doubt George Dukakis is going to win the Democratic nomination in 2020. Keep in mind that HRC had the same type of commanding lead in the polls at this point in 2015. She kept it based on a combination of her name recognition and qualifying experience. I believe Biden (with similar positive attributes) will also keep his lead and will enter the 2020 election with far less baggage and perceived negatives. Some people do not realize how many people actually and truly like Biden.

But it is early. Things could change. We haven't seen the entire playbook from the Trump/Russia team.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
It's to be expected that Republicans will bash the Democratic candidates they are most fearful of and prop up ones they feel Trump will easily beat.

Statements like "I think Biden is going to burn out with voters" really mean "I HOPE Biden is going to burn out with voters."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
As of right now - I do. I think Biden is going to burn out with voters. I agree that the economy,health care and immigration are on voters minds. But I have seen an uptick here in Austin with pro lifers protesting in front of clinics. This is the first year that I have seen that. A friend of mine said that abortion will be the defining issue.
I disagreed with him. I think things should stay as they are and just leave everything alone. But there is now a lot of pro life noise out there and we will see how that goes.
It's all so exciting. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I think abortion is an important issue to a small subset of the voting population. To them it is an extremely important issue. Again, the importance of any issue is only relevant in a handful of states which will determine the outcome of the 2020 election.
It does not matter in Texas since Texas will go Republican in 2020 and it has little to do with abortion rights issues. It does not matter in NY or California since they will go Democratic in 2020. None of the states that have passed early abortion bans are considered battleground states at the current time.

So, no, I don't think Biden reversing himself on the Hyde Amendment will hurt him long term in the battleground states. It's not the change in opinion that will hurt him the most, but rather it will hurt his image of being indecisive.