Hooker Church

Centaur's Avatar
I would take you at your word if'n I knew what-the-fuck you wuz a sayin'. Originally Posted by Toyz
Meh, I've seen you wax loquacious on occasion.
They just use BIG words to compensate for little whatchamacallits ...... Originally Posted by fun2come
Wordsmiths are better in bed. Truly.

I am not saying that they have giant, raging cocks and slick skills, although somehow it always *seems* that way. I am saying that if a man can throw out three perfectly crafted sentences before reaching for my panties, chances are they'll already be melted off by the time he gets there.
Centaur's Avatar
Wordsmiths are better in bed. Truly.

I am not saying that they have giant, raging cocks and slick skills, although somehow it always *seems* that way. I am saying that if a man can throw out three perfectly crafted sentences before reaching for my panties, chances are they'll already be melted off by the time he gets there. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
To tremendous diction
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-14-2014, 09:13 PM
Meh, I've seen you wax loquacious on occasion. Originally Posted by Centaur
With my limited edumacation & lowly station in life? Nah, I learnt my English on the mean streets of Harlem....no wait...that was Chevy Chase, or George Carlin I forget...never mind...

I keep this close at hand whenever on the interwebs tolling the various chat rooms...helps me overcome my 7th grade education.

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Wordsmiths are better in bed. Truly.

I am not saying that they have giant, raging cocks and slick skills, although somehow it always *seems* that way. I am saying that if a man can throw out three perfectly crafted sentences before reaching for my panties, chances are they'll already be melted off by the time he gets there. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Harumph! Well, Ah reckon thet 'splains a lot.

Sex Worker Rights are equal to Human and Labor Rights. Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
I could not agree with you more.

On a related note it seems that you want to be the one to lead the charge on this. That is a very laudable goal and I wish you the best with it. I genuinely mean that. It is a change that way overdue.

That being said, if you are to be the leader, consider the following:

1) You would be well served to the epitome of you profession. By that I mean that you needed to be someone that others can look and say "She is the best example of one of us." That means that people have to see you as someone who is highly professional, dependable and respectful of others. By others I mean not only providers and clients but the general population at large.

2) You need to be extremely conscious of what want you inspire. Then you need to have a clear understanding of what you have been inspiring. If what you have been doing does not match up with what you want to inspire, change it. You would do well to take a hard, honest look at what you have inspired here on this forum. If what you see works against you, make a change.

3) You need to have a realistic plan and understand that it will be a multi-year project and one addressed on several fronts. You will need a grass roots campaign as well as a public relations campaign. Ultimately, sex work rights is going to be won through a combination of public education, grass roots campaigning and through the courts (see Freedom of Assembly, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_assembly ).

4) You need to understand that those in political leadership you want on your side have limitations. They cannot immediately jump on your band wagon no matter how sympathetic they may be to your cause. Example: The other day somewhere I saw that you were railing against Wendy Davis because she was not addressing sex worker rights. Let's be realistic. This is extremely conservative Texas. She is very smart to take up that cause. It would be political suicide. Her opponents would use such support to bludgeon her. I think that she is someone that could eventually support sex worker rights. However, it does you no good to rail against her. I might suggest that if you support her (pay it forward), she might come around to supporting you.

Good luck in your efforts.
Whispers's Avatar
Sex Worker Rights are equal to Human and Labor Rights. Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow

Can you point to any supporting case law to support the "Labor Rights" portion of your statement?
Whispers's Avatar
Hmm, no invite to Hooker Church today.

Such a shame how a "CHURCH" treats one of it's own. No wonder our work will never be taken seriously. Y'all can't even be accepting to your own sisters.

At least call it what it is. A Hooker Club where only the accepted get in. If you "are trouble" or "misunderstood" or "crazy," you don't get in.

Bravo, ladies.

Bravo!!! Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
Truthfully... Did you expect one?

For whatever reason that ladies that organized and plan it had a desire to keep it out of the public eye.

You showed a total disregard to them with your grandstanding here.

When it comes to being someone others trust you are demonstrating that is a quality you lack.....

Not everyone wants the limelight you seem to seek.
HunterGrace's Avatar
You've managed to misunderstand the meaning of the word "protect." If you truly cared about protecting your fellow providers, you would've posted this in Infoshare, the private area where it belongs - where we're protected, not in an open forum to be attacked. You've taken something sacred and are using it as another soapbox to stand on.
. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Calm down, or else we change your name to "Clair she blew a fucking gasket." I mean, is this really something to get so worked up about? Really? Ebola, ISIS, Ferguson, Fires in California, Pope marries those living in sin, and Hooker Church. Do you see the disconnect? This is not a gasket blowing issue. It's not. Just breathe now honey, even if it's just an opportunity for a threAD for EFN, I'm sure we can dig up a few you have posted yourself. Not hatin, just sayin. Muah,

There will be a new venue for Hooker Church. If you ever want to be able to attend again, you will not reply to this post, and instead PM me privately, apologizing profusely for your indiscretion. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

Woooooahhhh, Mea Culpa! Hooker Church isn't helping the stress you seem to be under. Let's sit in a hooker prayer circle and moan together now. Ohhhhhhhh mmmmmmm serenity now serenity now serenity now oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm mmmmm

There, all better now.
HunterGrace's Avatar
Truthfully... Did you expect one?

For whatever reason that ladies that organized and plan it had a desire to keep it out of the public eye.

You showed a total disregard to them with your grandstanding here.

When it comes to being someone others trust you are demonstrating that is a quality you lack.....

Not everyone wants the limelight you seem to seek. Originally Posted by Whispers
And we know how Whispers feels about exclusive clubs that providers may organize.......Next accusation-unionizing the hookers and price fixing. I've seen this one before. Seize them hookers now! Before it's too late! oh wait, it seems as though Whispers is supportive of this one. Fuck, pick a fucking side already. NOooo, the attagirls was evil but this hooker church is ok. I see now, um, fuck me.

Next sacred john church luncheon announcement coming soon to a private group approved of solely by whispers. contact whispers for request to join sacred inexclusive exclusive um, er, uh, outfit.

Never mind. I give up. EFN, let's just start our own Hooker Coven and invite no one! Yall are excluded from joining, every damn one of you. (contact me for an invite)
HunterGrace's Avatar
""ITS NOT A SECRET CLUB! SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHH ALREADY!This is what I hear Secret Amour trying to say, and correct me if I'm wrong. I'm being serious, this is the message, right?

One more note, Is there a written mission statement I can look over before deciding if I should can my own hooker church or join the minority at HC? I mean, I don't want to violate a mission that I may not be privy to because of the backlash EFN is getting. I mean, are we even sure EFN was given said mission before the outing of the not secret shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh club? Perhaps she really truly didn't know she was violating a sanction of this mission? I only say this because of a post I read earlier, somewhere, way back there, in this thread, about "what we are building" in regards to HC.
I think there's a fairly wide spectrum between advertised/very public and strictly to be kept secret. For example "low key". I get it. Imagine the potential for raging debates about religion impinging on these women's professional environment for one (of many).

Sounds like some felt EFN, while not explicitly "breaking a rule" was more than a bit tone deaf with this post. That said we all tend to think our assumptions about things like that are obviously right if there isn't some explicit expectation set.
harkontume's Avatar
I saw the hooker church vid!

For those of you who haven't it is a must.

All of them have these nun outfits with real short skirts.

They were very angry at the youngest one for sucking cock!!

So they were paddling her bare behind while fingering themselves.

Hooker Church sounds like fun!
nuglet's Avatar
I saw the hooker church vid!

For those of you who haven't it is a must.

All of them have these nun outfits with real short skirts.

They were very angry at the youngest one for sucking cock!!

So they were paddling her bare behind while fingering themselves.

Hooker Church sounds like fun! Originally Posted by harkontume
Hmmm, wonder if they need a choir boy? I can do baptism's, but in a different culture.
Chelsea, it's my heartfelt opinion that adult women and men should enjoy the moral freedom to exchange intimacy on whatever terms they so choose, remunerated or otherwise. But your ability to market those services to men or women or intersex persons or any sapient being capable of informed adult consent is in no shape or form tantamount to the wider struggle of women's liberation. Your apparent assumption that I see women's liberation as in any way inferior to the liberation of African Americans is based on a false equivalency. Neither is inferior not superior. There are difference and similarities between the two struggles, but ranking them is sheer idiocy. They are both critical to human dignity for their own sometimes coincident arrays of reasons. You may disagree that your freedom to be a sex worker is not the same as your liberation as a woman, and numerous rad fems have penned arguments both for and against that opinion such that anything we debate here would be repetitive. But yeah, I don't think your ability to sell sexual fantasies or my ability to buy them is morally equivalent to a black person's freedom from chattel slavery, and I think the comparison is dumb, but I don't think you're a dumb person by any stretch. That you might disagree with me bothers me not in the slightest because I believe that differences of opinion are a net good to progress. Your derogatory attempt to goad me by calling me honey alters that belief not at all. Best of luck with your weltanschauung. But there will be no game.

TL;DR - Sex work ≠ women's vote. Originally Posted by Centaur
I agree as well, with a lot of that. But, let's start at a much more simple point. So, you don't like being called, honey. do you realize that whispers does that all the time. And that sometimes the word 'girl" is used EXACTLY in that same way., that we get that shit ALL the tiime. All the fucking time, here. So, you only have a problem with until it's done t
to you.