Helping The Transition From ASPD (1950) to Eccie (2019)

boardman's Avatar
Well shit the bed if things didn't just get sideways...
Russ38's Avatar
You may have to explain that a little better to him Russ. Originally Posted by tbone2u
I agree 100% tbone but for some....if they don’t know by’s utterly hopeless....

He's about 4 bricks short of a full load. Originally Posted by tbone2u
He’ll catch the rest of that load in the “Dick Tree”.....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I seriously doubt have have the ability to influence anyone except the court jesters on this site.

There's a massive blue wave taking over. The last election should have educated you on that.
Russ38's Avatar
There's a massive blue wave taking over. The last election should have educated you on that. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel should have educated you.....(and for the record...I identify as Independent....)
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I’m not ignoring this but I’m not available. This is being addressed and in asking for a bit of patience. Originally Posted by B Three

Maybe this mass opposition to sis chap will finally get through. It's bad enough that people are risking having points given to them to make this point.

I would hope that board management is beyond allowing sis chap to play the victim. He is not a victim.

Through his intentional racist postings and his continuous spamming, he's angered some valuable members and this thread is a microcosm of his posting history and the end results of them. It appears that some of us are tiring of his self appreciating threads about how rich he is and how smart he is. His act has gotten past being old.

We're told to ignore him, however we wonder where board management is and they know he's a problem poster, why don't they do something about it. I've suggested taking away his thread starting privileges, which the software of a forum I was an admin for had. I don't remember whether the mods have the keys to that folder or not, maybe it was just the admin who had permissions.

The gross opposition to him isn't something that we're PMing each other about, there is no conspiracy, however it's the end result when someone tries to start problems, most especially racial problems seems to have the run of the board and get away with anything he want's to get away with.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-12-2019, 04:52 PM
ya'll are drama queens. if SC broke any rules, rtm the offending posts with the reasons therefore. otherwise, give it a rest.
general dislike of someone is not enough to revoke their posting priviledges.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
ya'll are drama queens. if SC broke any rules, rtm the offending posts with the reasons therefore. otherwise, give it a rest.
general dislike of someone is not enough to revoke their posting priviledges. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Remedial reading is your friend. I plainly stated thread starting, not posting privileges.
winn dixie's Avatar
Maybe this mass opposition to sis chap will finally get through. It's bad enough that people are risking having points given to them to make this point.

I would hope that board management is beyond allowing sis chap to play the victim. He is not a victim.

Through his intentional racist postings and his continuous spamming, he's angered some valuable members and this thread is a microcosm of his posting history and the end results of them. It appears that some of us are tiring of his self appreciating threads about how rich he is and how smart he is. His act has gotten past being old.

We're told to ignore him, however we wonder where board management is and they know he's a problem poster, why don't they do something about it. I've suggested taking away his thread starting privileges, which the software of a forum I was an admin for had. I don't remember whether the mods have the keys to that folder or not, maybe it was just the admin who had permissions.

The gross opposition to him isn't something that we're PMing each other about, there is no conspiracy, however it's the end result when someone tries to start problems, most especially racial problems seems to have the run of the board and get away with anything he want's to get away with. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Spot on! Sista is driving away members with his posts and spamming. But why do the respected Houston mods allow this? And why do some members like sista and prince akeem post with impunity? I highly respect B3. However these issues should be looked at by Dallas admin. and possibly St, C himself!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Fuck being on some KING shit you fellas make me feel like I'm on some GOD level shit. Hyping me up like this its fucking EPIC. It's intoxicating to even think I have this kinda power over you folks of all people. No one man should have all this Power. I love yall for this. Its amazing... so amazing.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Apparently I even have the power to drive men away from this board meaning I'm the reason they arent getting any pussy. Again this shit is God level.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
ya'll are drama queens. if SC broke any rules, rtm the offending posts with the reasons therefore. otherwise, give it a rest.
general dislike of someone is not enough to revoke their posting priviledges. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Drama with a capital D lol
TryWeakly's Avatar
Which one is catching tonight? Seems that SissyLips and PMSin got that "love thang" happenin again, ya dig?
Russ38's Avatar
Tough one to call.....but either way, there will def be some balls on chin and goo funneling action going on.....
Probably little balls
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Then again..............maybe no balls.