Yssup Rider's Avatar
I said it is NEVER OK to lie.

How can you keep asking the same question when you've always had the answer?

Do you support people who never lie and are always right? Do YOU never lie and are always right?

Your ridiculous badgering is as juvenile as it is pointless.

Are you going to FTFM, now, you Whiny old, draft-dodging queen?
lustylad's Avatar
I said it is NEVER OK to lie. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

But it's ok to overlook lies dispensed in the service of a greater progressive goal like healthcare "reform". As long as Gruber's heart was in the right place, all is forgiven. Right, assup?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's up to the individual, isn't it Junior?

Is it also OK to trash people who don't agree with the trash you espouse, even if you're lying to do it?

Glass house, asshole. Go review some hookers, eat some pierogis and jerk off with your "Butt Buddies." You're out of your league here.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's up to the individual, isn't it Junior?

Is it also OK to trash people who don't agree with the trash you espouse, even if you're lying to do it?

Glass house, asshole. Go review some hookers, eat some pierogis and jerk off with your "Butt Buddies." You're out of your league here. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Proof that genetics often don't work as effectively as "name brands"!
lustylad's Avatar
Damn assup, I really push your insecurity button! Methinks you protest too much. Each time you tell me I'm out of my league, I'm SMDH wondering why a "playa" like you can't engage on substance or merit. Is it because you still haven't gotten over all those taunts and putdowns you had to endure in the school yard? Maybe a new therapist can help you. Who knows? Someday with the right help, you might even learn how to control your emotional insecurities and up your game to where you can play at my level. Until then, don't forget to look in the mirror for your daily affirmation:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical response. Begone, Junior, before your hurt yoursf.

BTW - when are you and your pals coming to, how did you put it? Oh yeah, beat me to. Pulp?

lustylad's Avatar
BTW - when are you and your pals coming to, how did you put it? Oh yeah, beat me to. Pulp? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

We all showed up at Nau's drugstore looking for you. You were nowhere to be found so we chowed down $5.85 cheeseburger platters and left. The dog door in the back was flapping noisily when we walked in. Next time we'll bring our K9 pal Ripper (German shep police dog) to scout out the back. Try not to feel too insecure about all this. Talk to your therapist.
flghtr65's Avatar
The recent Mckinsey study reports that 29% of subsidy eligible people will see their premiums go down; 71% will see an increase. That is most. You are a subsidy eligible household, you fall in the 29% category. You can thank all of us who are paying for your subsidy. You are very welcome.

When all policies (subsidy eligible and other) are considered 65% will see increases.....again, that is most !

Add in increased deductibles and higher copays and the picture gets worse.



I can give you multiple links that say the same - health insurance premiums are going up !

From your Forbes link. It looks like you skipped over this text.

On the other hand, McKinsey estimates that 29 percent of all subsidy-eligible individuals will experience a net premium decline in the price of the lowest-price silvery plan with 10 percent of all subsidy eligible buyers seeing a decrease that could exceed 10 percent.
All in all, it is going to be quite a stretch for Obamacare opponents to turn this data into bad news. Increased competition among insurers means better prices and better policies. An increase in the number of policies one can choose from also means improvements in policy quality and premium costs.
And with a median increase of somewhere between 4 and 6 percent, it seems we have very little to complain about.

While 65 percent of existing policies will see an increase in premium costs for 2015, the median increase will be just 4 percent.
From your Forbes link. It looks like you skipped over this text.

On the other hand, McKinsey estimates that 29 percent of all subsidy-eligible individuals will experience a net premium decline in the price of the lowest-price silvery plan with 10 percent of all subsidy eligible buyers seeing a decrease that could exceed 10 percent.
All in all, it is going to be quite a stretch for Obamacare opponents to turn this data into bad news. Increased competition among insurers means better prices and better policies. An increase in the number of policies one can choose from also means improvements in policy quality and premium costs.
And with a median increase of somewhere between 4 and 6 percent, it seems we have very little to complain about.

While 65 percent of existing policies will see an increase in premium costs for 2015, the median increase will be just 4 percent. Originally Posted by flghtr65

You forgot to mention this... look at all them links http://benefitrevolution.blogspot.com/

Stories Causing Atlas to Shrug, November 20th Edition | Hospitals Killing Folks, Obamacare Really Just Means Medicaid and Unfunded Pension Madness
California Hospitals Make Hundreds of Errors Every Year, Public is Unaware. California hospitals reported 6,282 adverse events to the state in the last four fiscal years. They range from “death associated with an error”, to “stage 3 or 4 decubitus ulcer,” or bedsores. However, the state has no way of ensuring that every hospital is reporting every error that occurs.

Of the 8.5 million who enrolled in the Obamacare Exchanges during 2014, over 6 million enrolled in Medicaid (which is almost entirely taxpayer funded) as opposed to the Exchanges (which are about 75% taxpayer funded).

New CBO Study: 60% of Americans Receive More Government Benefit Than They Pay in Taxes

California has a $754 billion unfunded liability -- the highest among the 50 states. But overall, Illinois is probably worse off than Californitopia.

Here is what PPACA will bring to us on a national scale: Despite the healthy supply of physicians in Massachusetts, some patients must still wait as long as four months for a first-time visit with a primary care physician.

Under new Obamacare rules a company may not reimburse workers for their insurance premiums with after-tax money but an employer can just give an employee a raise and not specifically reimburse premiums. Can the owner tailor the amount of additional compensation for each person to the cost of health insurance without crossing the line into reimbursement? Probably so, according to the New York Times, but the raise must be unconditional.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I said it is NEVER OK to lie.

How can you keep asking the same question when you've always had the answer?

Do you support people who never lie and are always right? Do YOU never lie and are always right?

Your ridiculous badgering is as juvenile as it is pointless.

Are you going to FTFM, now, you Whiny old, draft-dodging queen? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Then how can you POSSIBLY support Obama?
flghtr65's Avatar
You are the moron for believing what Gruber, Obama and liberals tell you. I bet you believed Obama's lie: You like your healthcare plan you can keep your health care plan; or this whopper: Every household will see their insurance premiums decline by $2,500 !!!!!!!

You Are The Moron.

Post tables and numbers all you want. The CBO numbers are based on Gruber's modeling......................

The CBO projections aren't reliable.

It is no surprise to me that people who get a government subsidy are signing up. Notable is the fact that people are spending less on medical services because they can't afford to go to the doctor and incur the very steep deductibles and copays under Obamacare.

Obamacare isn't working. Obama knows it. That is why he has delayed full implementation until he is out of office. That is when the really big wealth redistribution hits !! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Moron, Grubers modeling is based on the individual mandate which was passed into law. Any estimate regarding increase coverage is valid. This comes from you weekly standard link. You don't even understand your own links IDIOT. In 2014 14 million more people obtained health insurance, 7 million from the exchanges and 7 million from the Expanded Medicaid.

One more time for your dumb ass, the CBO will not score the cost of the ACA to determine if it will increase or decrease the deficit.

That model favors government mandates over market competition and claims that essentially the only way to achieve a large reduction in the number of uninsured Americans is to impose an Obamacare-like individual mandate.
LexusLover's Avatar
From your Forbes link. It looks like you skipped over this text.

On the other hand, McKinsey estimates that 29 percent of all subsidy-eligible individuals will experience a net premium decline in the price of the lowest-price silvery plan with 10 percent of all subsidy eligible buyers seeing a decrease that could exceed 10 percent.

While 65 percent of existing policies will see an increase in premium costs for 2015, the median increase will be just 4 percent. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Soooo.................... are "premiums" going up or down?


.. the TAXPAYERS (who are paying INCREASED PREMIUMS) have to pay "SUBSIDIES" so that "subsidy eligible buyers" will get an OFFSET against their INCREASED PREMIUMS!!!!!

Used to be called "funny money" ... now it's just plain lying.

So, if premiums are going UP ACROSS THE BOARD (which they are) and YouRong has "reduced" premiums ... that means he is a ...

"subsidy eligible buyer" through the Government portal!!!!!

And you call me a leech?
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually, it is.

http://austinsilentmarket.com/listin...west-austin-2/ Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Real estate listings? ...... what a friggin' joke you are!!!!

Nau's is on WEST LYNN .....


And you want to discuss the "Affordable Care Act" .... and your subsidy?

Now wonder you believed Guber's Lies ....

..... you'll believe a realtor selling property over a GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT!
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  • WTF
  • 11-23-2014, 06:10 AM