The Romans dug it, but I’ve gotta disagree. Normalizing and numbing people to the effects of violence isn’t a good thing, especially for kids. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Kids are being "normalized" to violence everyday. What they are not seeing, are the the consequences of this violence. They think this is nothing more than a video game. Do you think any of this young shooters ever give a moment of thought as to what is going to happen to them in prison? Because you were bullied and want revenge, you do something to ensure you will be bullied and worse for the rest of your natural life? How could any person do this if they understood what was going to happen to them?
The Romans dug it as entertainment and it was done to persons ( some not all ) who committed no other crime than being different from the people in charge. That is not what I'm proposing. I'm proposing we start showing kids what will happen to people who commit violence, that violence will be committed on them and we'll make damn sure it is worst than any bulling you went through in school.
I couldn't be more serious about this topic. It is my number one priority and nothing else even comes close. This violence against innocent people has got to stop and I don't see anybody proposing how we are going to accomplish the most important thing in life, to be free from violence.
Not a religious man here but I believe you will reap what you sow. I'm flat out sick and tired of this shit.