Unfortunate PM

carkido45's Avatar
Carkiddo experience has taught us you seldom understand even the simplest concepts, you know what always happens when you go down this path. It never ends well. Would you like to talk of you getting your money right? We have tried in the past and you ran away putting your self appointed title of OASPDBB into question. Originally Posted by Wayward
Go write a review you still have a long road to catch up.
BDS MUST be your ATF because you're quick to get behind her skirt.
carkido45's Avatar
BDS and Waywards love shack
Wayward's Avatar
Go write a review you still have a long road to catch up.
BDS MUST be your ATF because you're quick to get behind her skirt.
WHAT A MAN.. Originally Posted by carkido45
Look who got up on his hind legs, carkiddo I've been waiting for you to thank me for the last two reviews before writing another. You might want to read them and pick up a few pointers. I want to be fair but one of mine is worth about ten of yours. We aren't even talking about accuracy yet. Now off the top of your massive head, how many reviews do you think we have written?

IF you want to light me up, we can revisit the thread you ran away from or move to the litter box. In this thread you should at least try and stay on topic.
Why A Duck?'s Avatar
Dayum, 168 posts in 13hrs 6 mins! This thread must have broken the post velocity meter! 12.8 post/hrs!

Sorry, back to the semi-entertaining banter.
I honestly never believed valerie ever had any intention of visiting Houston. I could tell from her first threAD that she came in here with the sole intention to stir up a bunch of sh!t and that's exactly what she did.

Think about it. If she actually planned to visit Houston to make some money, do you think she really would've been dumb enough to provoke a bunch of posters into a flame war and try to manipulate the mods into locking threads and banning people?

No. She obviously came in here with an agenda. Then when she unfortunately got "offended" by the very sh!tstorm that she purposely created, all of a sudden she has to cancel her Houston trip and screw over the pour souls who actually pre-booked with her.

The great thing about these threads is it exposes which guys actually have a brain and a pair of balls and which posters are mere ass-clown/Pussy Whipped White Knights.

Which side are you on?

p.s. ck45 don't answer that question since we already know which side you're on.
LexusLover's Avatar
...which posters are mere ass-clown/Pussy Whipped White Knights. Originally Posted by soldierboy713
...may be looking for a discount .... or in this case .... a refund?
Sisyphus's Avatar
I care not for empty apologies.... Originally Posted by Valerie
That's a little surprising as empty retractions seem perfectly acceptable...certainly put enough time & energy into chasing those....
I hope V is not taken as representative of her place of upbringing. As in Houston, Londoners are a very diverse breed.

WT is well known to be a term of severe abuse in UK. The words may not be censored, but the overall intent is very clear. It is never meant as a term of endearment, and is likely to cause a physical cat fight if used. One would be very wary of using it against a woman if her man was within earshot.

Probably the most it would be used would be between teenage schoolgirls.

Britain is not, in contrast to popular conception, driven by class, but that does not mean that accusing somebody of being lowest class is not an insult.

Almost as much of an insult as calling somebody an upper class snob.

WT is maybe the equivalent of 'ghetto bitch', which is always a term of abuse and snobbery.

So, no getting away from the fact that V knew the term was inflammatory and there is no problem of translation across the atlantic.

Thought I would clear that up. There is a certain type of Britain abroad for which many of the British population feel a deep shame.

Not to say I still think some of the attacks on V were over the top.
Why A Duck?'s Avatar
Back to the original posters assertion, can someone point me to the post or thread that was so rough on the provider that she chose not to visit?

I'd just like to judge for myself.
To support my assertion that the term is well known and regarded as inflammatory in the UK, see:


The teacher at least had the sense to apologise and did not try to be disingenuous.

it would seem that the English wench needs to review
Velvet Jones,the professional purveyor of the soiled dove.

Does no one remember his classic dissertation on the subject?
I do not know the Library of Congress number,but the book's title is
"I Wanna Be a Ho" by Velvet Jones ;>)

ILLUSION is what you are selling---all the rest of that drivel can be had at home


BDS,I thinck you are very sexy,even when you have been drincking ;.))
This one is DONE...

Valerie cancelled her trip and if/when she decides to come back it's probably best she let those interested know via PM/email like she said.

In all honesty I think both "sides" had a point. The behavior she received was unnecessary but it could have been taken with a little more light heartedness or just ignored....just my .02