what about these requiring 2 hr sessions?

Naomi4u's Avatar
^ That is awesome if it works for you but with me if a gentleman pays for the hour.. he gets an hour and most of the time I'll let him go over 10-15 minutes. Why? Just common courtesy. THAT to me is fair. The hour starts when he walks through the door NOT when I start taking my clothes off. Last time I checked I was selling my time.. not services.. right?

Another reason why half hours don't work for me... I actually LIKE to spend time with my clients.. You just can't get to know someone in 30 minutes or even have a conversation and play time in 30 minutes.
ANONONE's Avatar
I'm sure she'd turn on me sooner or later. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Your honesty is refreshing on this board.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Your honesty is refreshing on this board. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Thank you.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
OK, so I gave up reading all the comments at page 6. Long read. Funny read. Informative read.

First of all, the OP's question came off as somewhat antagonistic even though she maintains a sort of "sweetness" in the rest of her replies. Manipulate others much, hon? Takes one to know one, so let's don't argue the point. By the many replies, you can see that your "mission" was accomplished as many others can, and I say, You go girl! Marketing yourself out in a CO-ED forum is great, but you might want to do so in a manner that is somewhat more congenial to ALL the ladies and not just the ones who happen to market themselves the way that you do. When ya don't, it comes across as a bit jealous, back biting or petty to some. I'm just sayin'.

Now, I have had only one or two appointments last less than hour. The gents here know that if they don't push the issue, we will normally let them stay over a bit. Then there are those who totally take advantage of this fact, as well as, the ladies who are enjoying the visit and things just happen to those who are not clock watching. Nothing to sugar coat, these things just happen. However, the gents should also be mindful of the clock, as we are a time oriented business even though it's the most personal business one can operate. It's not totally the ladies responsibility and when we do try to be mindful, we are BRANDED as clock watchers. WTH....you guys can't have it both ways....LOL If ya go over your time, tip the lady accordingly. Most of my clients have and do so. They are the best kind of client to have. While they have fun, they still keep things in perspective and understand they are paying for my time. If you didn't bring along enough to tip, then tell the lady you or she must go, if she asks to continue then it's on her. I'm not sure how this issue can be confusing to anyone, but hey, that's just me.

I tried the half hour appointment. Once. It's not my cup of tea and not worth any amount of money due to the way it made me feel, which was somewhat like a MacDonald's drive-thru. As Naomi stated, we are human beings, we are entitled to our feelings just as anyone not in this business is. I don't get the lack of compassion for the sentiments being shared. If the gents don't enjoy the ladies honest opinions or sentiments, then maybe they should stick to a more male dominated forum rather than following them all over the board antagonizing them or arguing with them about their every thought and opinion. It's a tad obvious and a bit amusing to see someone do this over and over again, at least to me it is.

Now, you can't always tell tone in the written word, especially in an online forum, or at least that's been my experience. However, there are those who take advantage of that and there are also those who think everything the opposite sex says and does is directly aimed at them in a negative manner. State your opinions, clarify your intent if asked and keep the flow moving when possible. Is it really that hard? I can be the worst when attacked, but I do pick my battles. Some are worth more introspect than others and some are just downright disagreements that cannot seem to be satisfied with one or two responses. I've only participated in two threads that made me all out angry and that's really a hard thing to do. I'm here to market myself and for entertainment value. I enjoy it for the most part, but am starting to get a bit weary of a**hats, whether they be male or female.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Very well said Max!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Very well said Max! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks, hon. I enjoy your honest opinions. You are very refreshing and unique on this board. Have fun out there, no doubt you can hold your own!
London Rayne's Avatar

Nothing to sugar coat, these things just happen. However, the gents should also be mindful of the clock, as we are a time oriented business even though it's the most personal business one can operate. It's not totally the ladies responsibility and when we do try to be mindful, we are BRANDED as clock watchers. WTH....you guys can't have it both ways....LOL I'm not sure how this issue can be confusing to anyone, but hey, that's just me.

As Naomi stated, we are human beings, we are entitled to our feelings just as anyone not in this business is. I don't get the lack of compassion for the sentiments being shared. If the gents don't enjoy the ladies honest opinions or sentiments, then maybe they should stick to a more male dominated forum rather than following them all over the board antagonizing them or arguing with them about their every thought and opinion. It's a tad obvious and a bit amusing to see someone do this over and over again, at least to me it is.
Originally Posted by M A X
Oh M.A.X. does have a way with words lol. Subtle, yet someone needs to go wipe the egg off their face~
OK, so I gave up reading all the comments at page 6. Long read. Funny read. Informative read.

First of all, the OP's question came off as somewhat antagonistic even though she maintains a sort of "sweetness" in the rest of her replies. Manipulate others much, hon? Takes one to know one, so let's don't argue the point. By the many replies, you can see that your "mission" was accomplished as many others can, and I say, You go girl! Marketing yourself out in a CO-ED forum is great, but you might want to do so in a manner that is somewhat more congenial to ALL the ladies and not just the ones who happen to market themselves the way that you do. When ya don't, it comes across as a bit jealous, back biting or petty to some. I'm just sayin'.

Now, I have had only one or two appointments last less than hour. The gents here know that if they don't push the issue, we will normally let them stay over a bit. Then there are those who totally take advantage of this fact, as well as, the ladies who are enjoying the visit and things just happen to those who are not clock watching. Nothing to sugar coat, these things just happen. However, the gents should also be mindful of the clock, as we are a time oriented business even though it's the most personal business one can operate. It's not totally the ladies responsibility and when we do try to be mindful, we are BRANDED as clock watchers. WTH....you guys can't have it both ways....LOL If ya go over your time, tip the lady accordingly. Most of my clients have and do so. They are the best kind of client to have. While they have fun, they still keep things in perspective and understand they are paying for my time. If you didn't bring along enough to tip, then tell the lady you or she must go, if she asks to continue then it's on her. I'm not sure how this issue can be confusing to anyone, but hey, that's just me.

I tried the half hour appointment. Once. It's not my cup of tea and not worth any amount of money due to the way it made me feel, which was somewhat like a MacDonald's drive-thru. As Naomi stated, we are human beings, we are entitled to our feelings just as anyone not in this business is. I don't get the lack of compassion for the sentiments being shared. If the gents don't enjoy the ladies honest opinions or sentiments, then maybe they should stick to a more male dominated forum rather than following them all over the board antagonizing them or arguing with them about their every thought and opinion. It's a tad obvious and a bit amusing to see someone do this over and over again, at least to me it is.

Now, you can't always tell tone in the written word, especially in an online forum, or at least that's been my experience. However, there are those who take advantage of that and there are also those who think everything the opposite sex says and does is directly aimed at them in a negative manner. State your opinions, clarify your intent if asked and keep the flow moving when possible. Is it really that hard? I can be the worst when attacked, but I do pick my battles. Some are worth more introspect than others and some are just downright disagreements that cannot seem to be satisfied with one or two responses. I've only participated in two threads that made me all out angry and that's really a hard thing to do. I'm here to market myself and for entertainment value. I enjoy it for the most part, but am starting to get a bit weary of a**hats, whether they be male or female. Originally Posted by M A X
Very well said Max! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh M.A.X. does have a way with words lol. Subtle, yet someone needs to go wipe the egg off their face~ Originally Posted by London Rayne
I see we have a mutual admiration society. Providers in this corner...gents in that.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
OK, so I gave up reading all the comments at page 6. Long read. Funny read. Informative read.

First of all, the OP's question came off as somewhat antagonistic even though she maintains a sort of "sweetness" in the rest of her replies. Manipulate others much, hon? Takes one to know one, so let's don't argue the point. By the many replies, you can see that your "mission" was accomplished as many others can, and I say, You go girl! Marketing yourself out in a CO-ED forum is great, but you might want to do so in a manner that is somewhat more congenial to ALL the ladies and not just the ones who happen to market themselves the way that you do. When ya don't, it comes across as a bit jealous, back biting or petty to some. I'm just sayin'.

Now, I have had only one or two appointments last less than hour. The gents here know that if they don't push the issue, we will normally let them stay over a bit. Then there are those who totally take advantage of this fact, as well as, the ladies who are enjoying the visit and things just happen to those who are not clock watching. Nothing to sugar coat, these things just happen. However, the gents should also be mindful of the clock, as we are a time oriented business even though it's the most personal business one can operate. It's not totally the ladies responsibility and when we do try to be mindful, we are BRANDED as clock watchers. WTH....you guys can't have it both ways....LOL If ya go over your time, tip the lady accordingly. Most of my clients have and do so. They are the best kind of client to have. While they have fun, they still keep things in perspective and understand they are paying for my time. If you didn't bring along enough to tip, then tell the lady you or she must go, if she asks to continue then it's on her. I'm not sure how this issue can be confusing to anyone, but hey, that's just me.

I tried the half hour appointment. Once. It's not my cup of tea and not worth any amount of money due to the way it made me feel, which was somewhat like a MacDonald's drive-thru. As Naomi stated, we are human beings, we are entitled to our feelings just as anyone not in this business is. I don't get the lack of compassion for the sentiments being shared. If the gents don't enjoy the ladies honest opinions or sentiments, then maybe they should stick to a more male dominated forum rather than following them all over the board antagonizing them or arguing with them about their every thought and opinion. It's a tad obvious and a bit amusing to see someone do this over and over again, at least to me it is.

Now, you can't always tell tone in the written word, especially in an online forum, or at least that's been my experience. However, there are those who take advantage of that and there are also those who think everything the opposite sex says and does is directly aimed at them in a negative manner. State your opinions, clarify your intent if asked and keep the flow moving when possible. Is it really that hard? I can be the worst when attacked, but I do pick my battles. Some are worth more introspect than others and some are just downright disagreements that cannot seem to be satisfied with one or two responses. I've only participated in two threads that made me all out angry and that's really a hard thing to do. I'm here to market myself and for entertainment value. I enjoy it for the most part, but am starting to get a bit weary of a**hats, whether they be male or female. Originally Posted by M A X
Nicely stated for "max" impact, especially the parts I've highlighted.

I would also think that the quality of "bitchiness" displayed in either a gentleman's or lady's post anywhere on this board would limit their opportunities for fraternization. It amazes me what some people are willing to type without regard for others' feelings or their own public image.
London Rayne's Avatar
Actually, the "gentlemen" would not apply to her post lol.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I see we have a mutual admiration society. Providers in this corner...gents in that. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
How so Charles? Seems a couple of the ladies in the thread were/are ready to be agreeable to anything the gents say or want and maybe even if it is not how they really feel. It's called submission, some are more submissive than others. Maybe they should start a male dominated, female submissive only forum for those who don't appreciate ladies who think and act in a manner they feel is best suited for them. It certainly seems, after reading many responses, that there might be a need for this.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Thanks, hon. I enjoy your honest opinions. You are very refreshing and unique on this board. Have fun out there, no doubt you can hold your own! Originally Posted by M A X
You're welcome and Thanks again for the kind words love. It is nice to see I didn't piss EVERYONE off No way I was gonna let them take me down, A girl's gotta stand up for herself always!
Naomi4u's Avatar
How so Charles? Seems a couple of the ladies in the thread were/are ready to be agreeable to anything the gents say or want and maybe even if it is not how they really feel. It's called submission, some are more submissive than others. Maybe they should start a male dominated, female submissive only forum for those who don't appreciate ladies who think and act in a manner they feel is best suited for them. It certainly seems, after reading many responses, that there might be a need for this. Originally Posted by M A X

100% Agree!
London Rayne's Avatar
How so Charles? Seems a couple of the ladies in the thread were/are ready to be agreeable to anything the gents say or want and maybe even if it is not how they really feel. It's called submission, some are more submissive than others. Maybe they should start a male dominated, female submissive only forum for those who don't appreciate ladies who think and act in a manner they feel is best suited for them. It certainly seems, after reading many responses, that there might be a need for this. Originally Posted by M A X
Or maybe you could call it the "Must kiss azz to survive or I would never get laid" board lmao! That is also so obvious it's hilarious. How do I draw attention to myself since all my other qualities are pale in comparison? Put down girls half my age, who make double what I do, and look better...wow how brilliant.

I did that in high school but have moved on since then....thank goodness. Insecurity and jealousy are not very attractive and guys are not stupid lol. Much a topic of discussion in other areas he he. This is not a competition!
I see we have a mutual admiration society. Providers in this corner...gents in that. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
How so Charles? Seems a couple of the ladies in the thread were/are ready to be agreeable to anything the gents say or want and maybe even if it is not how they really feel. It's called submission, some are more submissive than others. Maybe they should start a male dominated, female submissive only forum for those who don't appreciate ladies who think and act in a manner they feel is best suited for them. It certainly seems, after reading many responses, that there might be a need for this. Originally Posted by M A X
Well, first of all, I don't want to be accused of telling providers how to run their business. When it comes to a provider's business model, I vote with my feet...I don't tell them what to do.

Second, it seems to me that in this thread, like a lot on this board, the providers have lined up on one side of an issue, while the gents line up on another. Generally speaking, I normally chalk this up to a difference in the genders. (Although the real world likes to treat men and women equally, there are distinct differences between them in attitude, personality, POVs, etc.) However, when it comes to this issue, the preference stretches across gender lines. The comment was aimed at ladies who lined up on one side of the issue and banded together in this thread.

BTW, I really do think providers, in general, gang up on gents on this board.