Do gentlemen in the Deep South enjoy a woman with all-natural hairy pussy, armpits, etc.?

I'm not sure about hairy, but I've been known to bury my face in a sweaty armpit on more than one occasion!!!
  • Sonya
  • 07-10-2014, 02:52 PM
I wanna grow my hair into the double c symbol. So before anyone touches it, I can say...careful, its chanel.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Pubes were meant to rub together! I'm pretty sure that's why we have them!

Thanks for the compliments on our photo! It was a fun photoshoot. We actually have a series of twenty photos from the shoot but I'm not sure where to post them on ECCIE since I don't want to remove all of my individual photos from my showcase. Maybe in an ad once Tori and I plan our next visit to the south together... Originally Posted by spicyzoey
You two ladies look ridiculously HOT together. Please make me aware if and when you plan to come to TX and I'd love to be your picnic lunch that afternoon.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
You two ladies look ridiculously HOT together. Please make me aware if and when you plan to come to TX and I'd love to be your picnic lunch that afternoon. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Thank you!! I just posted the entire series on my website if anyone wants to enjoy the whole thing!
gptxman's Avatar
NO! NO! HELL NO!!! I can't.

I am only speaking for myself but this is not Europe or pre 90's. I personally take the time to keep my junk shaved because I personally want to be clean for the ladies I see. There is no way in hell I could have sex with you with all the hair. If fact just looking at the pictures with the arm pit hair showing gives me that rising feeling in the back of my throat you get just before you throw up.

Don't get me wrong other than the hair you are a very good looking young lady and if you was clean of hair I would do you with a smile on my face. It is your body and you have every right to do with it as you like and respect that but it is just not my thing.
I don't think there is anything specifically European or pre 1990s about not shaving one's body hair. And hairy doesn't necessarily mean unclean.

But if body hair elicits the feeling of wanting to throw up, then you definitely should not schedule a session with someone with body hair. It would be awkward for everyone involved.

Good thing there is an abundance of providers who do shave.

To each his own!
I dated a girl back in college that didn't shave anything, and I found it to be a HUGE turn-on. Still drives me crazy to this day (in a good way!). I think a hairy bush looks much more womanly than a cue-ball crotch. Sorry, but I prefer not to think I'm banging a prepubescent little girl. Plus, if a girl shaves, then there will usually be bumps and stubble downstairs, which ain't good. I say bring back the bush!
Kinsey Pink's Avatar
I say bring back the bush! Originally Posted by ralphmalph
Honey, Zoey is bringing her bush to Texas next month.

And I'm bringing something more akin to peach fuzz.

Of course we both leave our armpits natural, too.

Consider indulging! xoxox

Kinsey Pink's Avatar
  • Blaze
  • 08-20-2014, 10:53 AM
I like to let it grow out in the fall, then keep it though winter and early spring. Summer gets hot and its itchy so I shave to a landing strip. I do shave the lower part of the labs year round because I don't like if it pulls *ouch*. As to my armpits, I could grow it out and it would light colored, but it would itch. I say do whats right for you and be great in it!
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Hmm my armpit hair is never itchy... But then again, I do moisturize it, just like I moisturize the hair on my head!
Why would you assume guys in the South would like it? Give me a shaved bush or give me death.
Bushlvr45's Avatar
You've got my blessing! I love a nice bush and would take it over shaved almost every time. Call me old fashioned.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I assume nothing! Which is why this thread was phrased as a question. And a plethora of opinions have been shared, which is great! It just goes to show that there is variety in taste everywhere.

I was actually afraid to grow out my bush when I lived in the south (in Tennessee), and it took moving to NYC to make me feel confident enough that there would be guys around who were into body hair. I mean, as a teenager with body hair I had no problem getting laid, but I wasn't sure how it would go over in the hobby since I never saw any ladies who were hairy like I am when I don't shave (which is pretty hairy at least in a few places lol). So when I moved to NYC I tried it and it's worked out really well!

I guess the purpose of this thread was trying to debunk my own myth (maybe a popular one), that a provider with body hair could only be a popular option in places like NYC or San Francisco. I guess for a while I thought more liberal places or places with more steady exchange with Europe (where body hair is common on women) would be the most open to it. Which might still be true, but I've learned a lot from this thread about people's interest in body hair and the different places it stems from. It is a totally natural phenomenon, so I shouldn't be surprised at all!

Thanks for all the responses!!
  • txjr3
  • 08-22-2014, 12:05 PM
I love 'em both - hairy pussy, and hairy 'pits. Sexy as hell!