Biden Family $$$$ Money

... The Impeachment Inquiry will be a good way for the
American people to see all the evidence gathered.

For Truth, Justice and the American way!

### Salty
Lol. They have no evidence. By the way, what fabricated, bogus reason are they attempting to impeach him for again?

We all know the real reason, but I'm interested in hearing what they're telling the Newsmax crowd. What "high crime or misdemeanor" are they lying about Joe committing this week?
... Hmmmm... So YOU believe that all the Biden Family $$$$ Money
evidence - things like shell companys, e-mail Aliases by Joe
to then be in contact with Hunter's business partners, and
of course Whistleblower sworn testimony is just "LIES"??

Thanks for clearing that up.

#### Salty
... The House Oversight Committee is having their 'oliday recess.

No doubt they will be back to work soon.

And Following the Money $$$$$...

Bank records and the Red Flags... And the TAXES!

#### Salty
Lol. They have no evidence. By the way, what fabricated, bogus reason are they attempting to impeach him for again?

We all know the real reason, but I'm interested in hearing what they're telling the Newsmax crowd. What "high crime or misdemeanor" are they lying about Joe committing this week? Originally Posted by tommy156
... "No evidence"?! ... Mate, maybe you didn't hear.

They got CONFIRMED EVIDENCE! ... Mr. Comer and Mr. Jordan
got banking records and tax documents. Not to mention
whistleblowers sworn testimony and Joe Biden e-mail
records with some of Hunter's business partners.

ALL THAT! ... When the NY Times surely considours
banking records alone are "Confirmed Evidence"...

... See? ... The standard is the standard! ...

#### Salty
... "No evidence"?! ... Mate, maybe you didn't hear.

They got CONFIRMED EVIDENCE! ... Mr. Comer and Mr. Jordan
got banking records and tax documents. Not to mention
whistleblowers sworn testimony and Joe Biden e-mail
records with some of Hunter's business partners.

ALL THAT! ... When the NY Times surely considours
banking records alone are "Confirmed Evidence"...

... See? ... The standard is the standard! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Saying they have 'confirmed evidence' without showing any evidence is like saying there is 'confirmed alien life' because it is possible, not because there is proof that it exists.

Why don't we do the right thing and withhold judgement until this 'evidence' is released, shall we? Don't want to jump the gun too early. Due process and all that jazz
eyecu2's Avatar
1. The committee of two Corn Pone hillbillies has gathered evidence that 1 plus 1, equals 2. And that means Hunter is a criminal.

2. There is not enough support in the house or senate to have an official impeachment, and no votes to impeach Biden.

3. They should continue to search through all the economic records and have depositions, cause it gives the GOP no message or reason to have anyone vote for them or their candidate.

4. Polls have been within 4 points on both Biden and Trump according to 538 polls, and that's within a margin too close to call. But if the two local yocals, think they can get enough to pin something on JOe- by all means keep on doing it.----it gives our boy Salty something to post about.
1. The committee of two Corn Pone hillbillies has gathered evidence that 1 plus 1, equals 2. And that means Hunter is a criminal.
Originally Posted by eyecu2
... ???? ... WHAT are "corn pone hillbillies"??

Racial slur?? ... Please explain.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Corn pone is a term for corn cakes made with corn flour and's a dish for poor and un-sophisiticated folks. Nothing to do with race...but it does impart the idea of poor stupid mofos. Although I will also state that I love cornbread and almost every southern dish I've ever eaten
..... including blondes brunettes and strawberry blondes
... So you're calling Southerners stupid??
Let's keep the insults to a minimum, shall we?

... Hunter is gonna be held in contempt of Congress.
Maybe THAT will bring him in to talk to the Oversight Committee.

To have a talk about Biden Family Money... $$$$

### Salty
... Crikey! ... So the Artwork dealer comes to testify, and
surely admits that Hunter KNEW who most of the art buyers were.

.... Which of course CONTRADICTS the previous claims of
Hunter Biden and the White House.

All they do is outright LIE about the Biden Family Money. $$$$

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Salty - did you hear the NYC art dealer and gallery owner, Georges Berges, admitted two things under oath:

1) he was completely unaware that the White House told everyone (except him lol) they would make sure the identities of the buyers of Hunter's art would remain confidential - and therefore we should harbor no concerns about the ethics of those transactions or the appearance of corruption.

2) he spoke on the phone and met with Senile Joe himself, even attending a WH wedding.

All I can say is - wow! This just keeps getting dirtier & dirtier. Please excuse me for moment while I jump in the shower!

“The Biden White House appears to have deceived the American people about facilitating an ethics agreement governing the sale of Hunter Biden’s art. Hunter Biden’s gallerist never had any communication with the White House about such an agreement to make sure there was any sort of ethics compliance at all, and he provided information to the committee revealing how Hunter Biden’s amateur art career is an ethics nightmare. The vast majority of Hunter Biden’s art has been purchased by Democrat donors, one of whom was appointed by President Biden to a prestigious commission after she purchased Hunter Biden’s art for tens of thousands of dollars shortly after Joe Biden’s inauguration.
lustylad's Avatar
Corn pone is a term for corn cakes made with corn flour and's a dish for poor and un-sophisiticated folks. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Nothing screams sophistication more than not knowing how to spell the word!!

eyecu2's Avatar
Nothing screams sophistication more than not knowing how to spell the word!!

Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm glad you appreciated it..
berryberry's Avatar
Hey Salty - did you hear the NYC art dealer and gallery owner, Georges Berges, admitted two things under oath:

1) he was completely unaware that the White House told everyone (except him lol) they would make sure the identities of the buyers of Hunter's art would remain confidential - and therefore we should harbor no concerns about the ethics of those transactions or the appearance of corruption.

2) he spoke on the phone and met with Senile Joe himself, even attending a WH wedding.

All I can say is - wow! This just keeps getting dirtier & dirtier. Please excuse me for moment while I jump in the shower!

“The Biden White House appears to have deceived the American people about facilitating an ethics agreement governing the sale of Hunter Biden’s art. Hunter Biden’s gallerist never had any communication with the White House about such an agreement to make sure there was any sort of ethics compliance at all, and he provided information to the committee revealing how Hunter Biden’s amateur art career is an ethics nightmare. The vast majority of Hunter Biden’s art has been purchased by Democrat donors, one of whom was appointed by President Biden to a prestigious commission after she purchased Hunter Biden’s art for tens of thousands of dollars shortly after Joe Biden’s inauguration. Originally Posted by lustylad
It does indeed. The Senile Biden Crime Family is the most despicable crime ridden piece of trash to occupy the White House

As Salty notes, all they do is outright LIE about the Senile Biden Crime Family Money and Corruption.