
malwoody's Avatar
I am not bullying anyone, I am just not going to kiss their ass or listen to you or anyone else smart ass comments. I am acting like a baddass. If you want to suck their dicks and kiss their asses then go right ahead. I am not going to. Oh and I hope they do hang around because I enjoy the hell out of this. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Wow..I guess I got it wrong..you didn't seem happy at all, so it's good to hear you're having fun..

Oh and btw, I ain't suckin no...
Like i said before ill say what i want and when i want.......YES.im a big girl and you are a big boy...So if you want to stop people from saying stuf on here you need to stop talking..I see you runing your mouth..i mean damn...SO dont blame me for this its all you... You have more posts on here then anyone...its funny..But keep going....oh yeah let me tell you.... you lost long time ago... Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
These are interesting comments when considering it was one of your posts that caused the entire scenario to unfold, got at least two of your 'white knights' in hot water, brought in visitors to help us resolve two serious problems, and made you look worse than you ever have previously, if that's possible. But hey, please keep trying to deflect the blame onto me if it makes you feel better.

Wait....you did move....to Topeka! Congrats! Hope you enjoy your stay; I'm guessing it is temporary!
boardman's Avatar
I am not bullying anyone, this is something we can agree on.
I am just not going to kiss their ass or listen to you or anyone else smart ass comments. But you have been for days and playing right into my hands, you are way too predictable. I am not acting like a baddass, lameass would be more like it although the Imaginary Lat Syndrom is pretty funny if you want to suck their dicks and kiss their asses then go right ahead, I am not going to. Oh and I hope they do hang around because I enjoy the hell out of this. Originally Posted by dirty dog
So you say you're enjoying it huh...

Oh Jesus man just fucking go already. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Whatever dushebag, the fact is this was started by a certain female who felt the need to mention this in the spiderhole, where she riled up you drones to do the work for her. You bill board is up with lights. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I displayed fear huh, well, sunshine sugar booty, big Bird Dog is gone and I am still here. You know there has been nothing worth a fuck to ever come out of Texas so how would I expect you to be any different. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I am here everyday Chico, far from hiding, but who is "your mods" who is my mod, you dont make any sense chief. 6000 posts, you sure have a lot of time on your hands, obviously not getting laid often, doesnt mommy make you come out of the basement once in a while. How does one post so much, I mean in between dungeons and dragons, magic and playing with your star wars figures how do you find the time. I am going to talk to you mommy about this later, right now she;s licking my balls. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Naw I am starting to take particular interest in some of you and I may soon decide to make you a project of mine. As I said to Wake up, I am flying your way Sat and I would love to meet and discuss this. What do you say. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You know what I have found out about the guys who always cry out "nternet tough guy"when ever someone stands up to their bullshit. Generally they are pussy's who would never meet to insult and disrespect the other person to their face. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Something about the way you walk and the smell of shit in the air tells me you already knew that. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Now Boardman, the reason I dont like you is not because your gay. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Fuck off Originally Posted by dirty dog
IDK, It just seemed like you were getting pretty pissed. So much so that your cognitive functions were reduced to the point of hurling grade school "Your mama" insults, "Fuck Off" retorts and threats to meet in a dark alley(which you retracted quickly enough when you realized you were dealing with the coalition of the willing.) Pretty weak for someone who is having fun if you ask me.

If getting your chain yanked and being played like a cheap fiddle is your idea of enjoyment who am I to question. Thing is, even the people in your own town, in this tight knit group of friends that despise outsiders, are seeing it and I thinck they are past the point of feeling sorry for you anymore and now would like to see you stop embarrassing them. I mean at some point it does become uncomfortable watching one of your own melt down. Even if he brings it on himself.

BTW, I was kinda looking forward to meeting you, buying a few rounds and having a good laugh. Alas, one thing thing that I've learned over the years on SHMB's, No one is who they appear to be except for the people that take this shit way too seriously.

Look, Muffin Pants, I have learned that it's not exactly kosher around here to suggest someone get professional help(even if they desperately need it) but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and tell you I thinck you may have some issues you need to take ownership of and that you might want to get some help dealing with. Get control of that anger before it controls you...Ooops, might be too late!
malwoody's Avatar
You can say that again..
Why u care?My post had nothing to do with you at all...So just drop it man...You the one that keeps on and on...why is that?Just stop runing your mouth....
These are interesting comments when considering it was one of your posts that caused the entire scenario to unfold, got at least two of your 'white knights' in hot water, brought in visitors to help us resolve two serious problems, and made you look worse than you ever have previously, if that's possible. But hey, please keep trying to deflect the blame onto me if it makes you feel better.

Wait....you did move....to Topeka! Congrats! Hope you enjoy your stay; I'm guessing it is temporary! Originally Posted by scorpio31
malwoody's Avatar
Why u care?My post had nothing to do with you at all...So just drop it man...You the one that keeps on and on...why is that?Just stop runing your mouth.... Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
He needs to quit running his mouth...and there are many of us who have tried to stop him but alas it is impossible..

I'm sorry he is being so obstinate..maybe you can round up some of your favorite bitchtards, form a posse and take his sorry ass down once and for all and do us all a favor..I hear you have important connections in this regard..
boardman's Avatar
Kaylen, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...Why don't you try using one like this to get your point across?:

offshoredrilling's Avatar
fuck, I sure did miss a lot of fun. going to take time to get up to speed again.
malwoody's Avatar
None of this crap would be ongoing if we still had Sheriff Donkey around but those damm "Widows" had to go and grab him by those short ones just when he and Miss Kay...I mean Miss Kitty were getting ready to clean up this town... Of course at that point those pesky out of town visitors were called in to restore order and as far as I'm concerned they ain't gettin it done...

Fuck it, I'm comming down to Houston for a sit down and there better be a Mafia table at the back of that gay juice bar or whatever y'all call that place..

boardman's Avatar
None of this crap would be ongoing if we still had Sheriff Donkey around but those damm "Widows" had to go and grab him by those short ones just when he and Miss Kay...I mean Miss Kitty were getting ready to clean up this town... Of course at that point those pesky out of town visitors were called in to restore order and as far as I'm concerned they ain't gettin it done...

Fuck it, I'm comming down to Houston for a sit down and there better be a Mafia table at the back of that gay juice bar or whatever y'all call that place..

DON'T MESS WITH KANSAS..... Originally Posted by malwoody
We've already got a seat picked out for you.
malwoody's Avatar
We've already got a seat picked out for you. Originally Posted by boardman

Just let me round up DD and we'll grab his Lac and head your way...I'll LUK once we are on the backside of the big D..
Now now, get it right Malwoody, I was dubbed the title BlackWidow Queen.

I wonder if the next guy I bang will keel over? Better yet, will he leave his money to me?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
can someone tell me where I am. thanks

btw. I'm trying to find my way to Kansas
growler's Avatar
All this from one simple post. Who knew there is actully a right or wrong way to grieve. This past week brings to mind this line...."All lies and jest still, a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest"
bp6570's Avatar
can someone tell me where I am. thanks

btw. I'm trying to find my way to Kansas Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Somewhere near Lake Ontario??