Clesed Thread Repository

Sorry OSD.

Cant have a whole thread dedicated to breaking rule #4
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Sorry OSD.

Cant have a whole thread dedicated to breaking rule #4 Originally Posted by armortib
who was name calling

but if you say so, no problem
btw are you ok with
Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Aw you guys are too kind.
great come back

Hay you all in Pittsburgh PA
want to trade local mods
Upset NY's armortib
for 2Dogs

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
just askin
there was no name calling

nothing earth shattering new eigher

that would have probably been a better reason to close

stating the obvious to the enth degree

so much so

to be too rediculous of common knowlege to most every adult to even continue..

adem dumb to rule 4 maybe
who was name calling

but if you say so, no problem
btw are you ok with

just askin Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I do like IC and Primanti Bros sandwiches but I could never be a Penguins fan as long as Crosby is playing.
You got your wish OSD. Please stay on topic and be sure to play nice.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
will try and thinks

btw seems they want to keep 2dogs
your stuck here in Upset NY
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-25-2014, 05:14 PM
stating the obvious to the enth degree Originally Posted by JONBALLS

I'm sorry, i just find that funny.

I'm sorry, i just find that funny. Originally Posted by Doove
no apologies why would you think i wouldnt want you to be entertained?
I don't like that this tread got clesed:

I guess the OP wanted the trhead closed.
Not a good idea in my book.
Mod starts a thread, another mod comes in and makes it a point party.
Then the original mod closes it with no explanation.
Please feel free to go play in the brand new:
No respect thread......

Carry on......................
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 05-10-2014, 03:11 PM
Respect?_None_necessary_here :
started by Paulwantsya

Closed by Armortib
Respect?_None_necessary_here :
started by Paulwantsya

Closed by Armortib Originally Posted by Tiger
Thanks for jumping in El Tigre.

Two respect threads clesed... right now two to go.....
But there will always be at least one to go no matter how many we need to start....
Where will it all end???
Fun watching the new mod play whack a mole though.....
Wonder if he figured out DD played him.....

Well.... DD's Respect thread is now on page two....
But it will be forever honored in the repository.

Laxxxy had a threAD closed because it was an ACTUAL ad.....
But I'm not posting that linck... I'm waiting to see if she'll post it here...
No one took credit for this one:

But there's another one just like it doing gangbusters.....

No respect I tell ya... no respect.....
The Repository is PROUD to announce the addition of:

Thanks CC (not Clam).
It is truly an honor to have an Admin clesure in the Repository.
I know how difficult they are to come by....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I rather a link that is the title,
example you're last one
Review: Dining at the Garden of Eden - or - alternatively: A Phoenix rises from the Ashes

Some William Blake paintings would gave been good in that review


a female phoenix