Bashing Leslie Lane

I'm just here for the Leslie Lane avatars, which no one seems to be catching either... Originally Posted by Wayward one seems to care
Wayward's Avatar
Wayward Knight...i think i speak for many of us when i say... *yawn* Originally Posted by bubbaJay
Seriously you are calling me a WK, that is funny. You might want to do a little research there cowboy. I've been running SHMBs for over a decade and the title Just Plain Mean wasn't just for correcting idiots. But that is when I always get into trouble trying to help folks.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-20-2010, 11:11 PM
It's actually funnier than anything Jeff Dunham has ever come up with, which really isn't saying that much, but I digress.
i dont need...or care to research anything. all i have to do is look back in this thread a few posts.
so your creds = you couldnt possible be a WK???ever??? whiteknightever...
maybe YOU need to do year reseach and see what all the bs is about...
Wayward Knight...i think i speak for many of us when i say... *yawn* Originally Posted by bubbaJay
actually i think you're speaking only for've gone waaaaaay out of your way to talk smack about her, most likely since she decided not to book with you.

its like if anyone sides with LL you also feel the need to bash them as well. i think you need to separate "fans" of LL from your disdain from LL herself.

when providers decide not to book with me i laugh it off and book with another girl. in THIS market and this economy it is to your advantage to be happy with another girl. why exert time and effort on someone whom you'll never see?

not every girl will want to see every guy and vice versa. we all have choices. but it is painfully obvious that because LL opted not to see you, you decided that it is best to talk smack about her instead of just ignoring her.

i ignore plenty of girls on here who opted not to see me. as my hobbying budget seems to be more than that of the average ECCIE client i think it's their loss. i have consistently spent $500-750 a week on providers in the last 6 months, and i have comfort knowing that none of my hard earned money isn't paying their bills, or going to their pimp. i simply could care less, i just dont feel the need to take it personally. i do disagree with some girls who post on here but it isn't because they opted not to see me, or anything personal. i just dont think self promotion and "advertising" outside of the official ad threads here ethical, especially when the providers who follow the rules aren't rewarded and the ones who blatantly violate the rules go unsanctioned. just my personal observation but i dont go around badmouthing their services or looks, since i haven't seen them i couldn't possibly comment on what they look like or what their service level is.
Wayward's Avatar
i dont need...or care to research anything. all i have to do is look back in this thread a few posts.
so your creds = you couldnt possible be a WK???ever??? whiteknightever...
maybe YOU need to do year reseach and see what all the bs is about... Originally Posted by bubbaJay
I've seen the woman many times you have not. You need to get your head around that, for starters. I know way more about all of this than you do, which might seem like a broad statement but based on your posts in this thread it is SHMB gold.
blenderhead's Avatar
Thinck about it kids, she is a UTR with a killer rep, some of us are really laughing right now and some folks are going to be slapping themselves up side the head sooner or later. She has a fan club in this thread, figure it out. Originally Posted by Wayward
They will never know... And that's their loss.
actually i think you're speaking only for yourself...
wk's stick together

you've gone waaaaaay out of your way to talk smack about her, most likely since she decided not to book with you.
news flash, jack rabbit...i was talking much more shit...way before she declined a bubba ride

its like if anyone sides with LL you also feel the need to bash them as well. i think you need to separate "fans" of LL from your disdain from LL herself.
i have no disdain for LL
not to many actually side with her...btw...DID YOU FIGURE OUT OUR ECONOMICS QUESTION YET?

when providers decide not to book with me i laugh it off and book with another girl.
funny,,,, i havnt had this problem

in THIS market and this economy it is to your advantage to be happy with another girl. why exert time and effort on someone whom you'll never see?
i am more than happy with other girls.
i am not exerting time or effort on anyone. this is entertainment.

not every girl will want to see every guy and vice versa.
CFO....capt fucking obvious

we all have choices. but it is painfully obvious that because LL opted not to see you, you decided that it is best to talk smack about her instead of just ignoring her.
CFO...1...see the title and first post in this thread. 2...see statemtne that says 'I WAS TALKING WAY MORE SHIT BEFORE SHE SAID SHE WOULDNT SEE ME' i didnt expect her to see me. it was more of a joke anyway. hell, i cant even afford her.
talking smack has helped her business greatly.

i ignore plenty of girls on here who opted not to see me.
and im sure plenty dont want to see have fucking issues with common sense.
as my hobbying budget seems to be more than that of the average ECCIE client i think it's their loss.
most 'tools' do think it is the girls loss... this is where you fit in

i have consistently spent $500-750 a week on providers in the last 6 months,
still tryin to get booked with her huh...
and i have comfort knowing that none of my hard earned money isn't paying their bills, or going to their pimp.
huh?? 'none' of my hard earned money 'isnt' paying.... care to add another negative to this sentence and go for the trifecta...

i simply could care less, i just dont feel the need to take it personally.
i guess we agree on this i said, i wouldnt see me either if i was her. you...obviously have list of girls that wont see you.

i do disagree with some girls who post on here but it isn't because they opted not to see me, or anything personal. BS!i just dont think self promotion and "advertising" outside of the official ad threads here ethical,ethical??? we pay women for fun...and you want to bring ethics into it??? especially when the providers who follow the rules are you refereing to anyone specific???aren't rewarded and the ones who blatantly violate the rules go unsanctioned.then just fucking ignore them...that was your advice! just my personal observation but i dont go around badmouthing their services or looks, since i haven't seen them i couldn't possibly comment on what they look like or what their service level is. Originally Posted by John_TX
i didnt bad mouth anyones service... sounds like she rocks when she is

and i didnt bad mouth any looks. i actually stated i assumed she was DDG...but then the review said

i DID bad mouth....the way she started out.

the end???
They will never know... And that's their loss. Originally Posted by blenderhead
maybe it is...but you can bet i wont be 'slapping myself' over it.
Wayward's Avatar
I believe you won't ever admit it, even when you do.
i would have no problem admitting it... it is what made me want to have 'the drink' the 2nd the first place. i thought it would be an interesting addition to all of this bs. i would either come back and say 'damn, i wish i wasnt such an ass' or i would say...'she aint all that' either way i would be honest...but it does not matter anyway cuz she is skuurd.
maybe if she actually goes to one of the events i will get the drink she promised...but that does not sound very 'retired UTR' to me.

but i have also stated that i wouldnt be WANT to see a girl...that wouldnt see me...because of a little back and forth BS here.
Wayward's Avatar
Okay, I've seen her and she is all that and then some. If I was in your position I would be slapping myself. She is also one of the sweetest women I've know in 'this thing of ours'. Once upon a time she wasn't UTR now she is, I've been out with her and she is a hell of a fun time. She even got us thrown out of a gentlemen's club once for having a little too much fun.

Leslie Lane has a stellar rep, to my knowledge never got a bad review and has quite a fan club, I'm really trying to help you out here and you just aren't having it. You can call me whatever you like, no big deal but you might want to rethink that as your default setting. She doesn't have to jump though hoops to get folks to see her, it might be the other way around. If I'd known she was coming out of retirement I would have been first in line.

I haven't seen her once or twice or ten times, it's a lot more than that over years. I've seen a lot of women over time and Leslie Lane is one of the very best. Many take my opinion as golden, you should do as you will.
i can only imagine what she charged when she was in her 20's
Whispers's Avatar
You've met her, perhaps more than once. I used to see her weekly if not more often. She is one of the prettiest women that I have even seen in 'this thing of ours.'

With out looking it up, feel very safe in saying that you would or have agreed with me about her loveliness. If nothing else ever. LOL Originally Posted by Wayward
Oh hell.... As we get older we seem to agree on more and more.....

Im too busy for research......

Was she ever a Wildflower?

I remember Ghost and I sharing a Wildflower named Leslie......
Wayward's Avatar
You are slipping figured you would have gotten closer on the first guess. There are enough hints, hell we are both slipping, but that is also funny. Not a Wildflower, besides that was Glenda or Priscilla, we were just waxing nostalgic for those days.

bubbaJay now that last post was really funny, answering would not help Leslie stay UTR. But you are hitting the humor out of the park.