Why more Americans don't travel abroad

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  • 02-10-2011, 08:04 AM
I went to Yosemite Natl Park in August and was amazed at the lack of Americans there. . Originally Posted by gnadfly
I go to Lake Tahoe all the time and have been told to make the drive to Yosemite. Gotta go check it out with at least an overnight camping trip!
I go to Lake Tahoe all the time and have been told to make the drive to Yosemite. Gotta go check it out with at least an overnight camping trip! Originally Posted by WTF
Make sure you get a reservation. Use the NPS website. It's pretty good.
Another factor as to why Americans don't have a passport and travel abroad other than money is television/movies. If they want to see other people and lands they can just watch the Discovery Channel or go see a James Bond movie. I know this is a poor substitute and the equivalent to Europeans watching Baywatch but its much cheaper and convenient. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I don't know how prevalent it is now, but there used to be a pretty good business in "travelogues" in the country. Basically, someone who traveled to a foreign country & took a bunch of pictures made a presentation about the country and its culture. They tended to be pretty well attended, probably by people who couldn't afford to make the trip, or by people who didn't want to risk traveling abroad, but still wanted the feel of having been there.
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  • WTF
  • 02-10-2011, 08:18 AM
but still wanted the feel of having been there. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Sounds like a review board
Naomi4u's Avatar
Sounds like a review board Originally Posted by WTF
Well, I am very blessed to have been in all 50 states, and lived in many of them. Plus I have been on every continent but Antarctica (by choice LOL). I am very grateful that life gave me these opportunities, and that I spent quite a bit of time in many of those places, although I never actually had a residence abroad.

That being said, I don't travel outside North America much anymore, and only keep up my passport for professional reasons - many big yachts needing Captains are located abroad! I find there are so many interesting, educational and stimulating places to go and things to do here at home that I really don't need/want to go overseas anymore.

I do believe that almost everyone would benefit from spending time in other cultures, and wish there was an easier/cheaper way for most Americans to do so, but I definitely understand why we don't. It is too expensive for most folks to really consider it, and our culture makes it even less attractive. Plus those big oceans are psychologically intimidating for most people!

So, I'll shuttle between my homies in Dallas and my sailboat in SoCal, and be totally satisfied and happy; but thank my Higher Power for having "been there, done that"!
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I go to Lake Tahoe all the time and have been told to make the drive to Yosemite. Gotta go check it out with at least an overnight camping trip! Originally Posted by WTF
Yosemite is great, but don't forget Big Bend National Park. It is beautiful; even more so in the spring.
Why? Because I can't take my Harley Road King with me.
There are some spectacular places all over the USA. It comes down to how provincial someone is. I don't fault anyone for not travelling across a pond. But it is fun to share out of country experiences with others that have done so, too.
So I was reading this article on CNN, seems there's only 30% of Americans that have passports!!??...That is insane to me...Was just wondering how many of you all have passports and have traveled abroad, and for those of you who haven't, I'm interested to know why....

I know there are the obvious reasons why some don't travel abroad ( airfare, lodging too expensive)...But there was one bit of this article where someone said, "America has it all: "From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans, white with foam,".....To me, this statement just seems ignorant. This country is very young, there are so many things abroad that America doesn't have, I know I am a bit biased because of my love for history and travel in general, and I know not everyone enjoys that sort of thing, I just have a difficult time understanding why some people have absolutely no interest in ever leaving their country to explore other cultures? Learn more languages? There is so much beauty to be seen in the world, so I was just curious to know everyone's sentiments on this topic....

Btw-if you want to read the article here's the link http://www.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/02/04....html?hpt=Sbin Originally Posted by Valerie

I think there are many factors, one being marriage.
In the US, people tend to marry younger (see the graph on the left in the link below) http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/...marriage_N.htm

For some darn reason the link to marriage is Europe won't post...but the age is 30+ People tend to travel abroad at a much younger age In Europe..because they can afford to as single working people.

A higher number of Americans also go straight to college from school than they do in Europe. Many Europeans take a GAP year and travel. American college education is also much more expensive than in Europe. In England, it's very very common for familes to go abroad for their summer holidays during school breaks. Until recently, those same familes didn't have worry about saving for their kids college funds though...and even now, the costs are relatively low compared to the US.

Sooooo...I think the deck is stacked against Americans from a young age. They have parents saving for college funds (which probably inhibits their own ability to travel to some degree) the kids then get out of college with large debts and marry younger. Also, as someone else mentioned, y'all don't get a lot of holiday time off work here. Starting time off in the UK is 4 weeks and can rise to 6 over a 10 year period (and that has little to do with teh kind of job you have)...plus all bank holidays. Not using that holiday is a real faux pas...where as here it is rewarded. Give me my holidays any day lol...

C xx
y'all don't get a lot of holiday time off work here. C xx Originally Posted by Camille
"Y'all" from the Brit? Camille you've been on this side of the pond too long.
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"Y'all" from the Brit? Camille you've been on this side of the pond too long. Originally Posted by SR Only
I was talking to a Southerner (on the phone at the time) at the time lol.
Talking of the South, can't wait to get out of this bloody freeze here. Roll on Florida next week!

C xxx
I was talking to a Southerner (on the phone at the time) at the time lol.
Talking of the South, can't wait to get out of this bloody freeze here. Roll on Florida next week!

C xxx Originally Posted by Camille
Talk about multi-tasking. I can't walk and chew gum (or for the purposes of this board, screw with an acceptable rhythm).
I was talking to a Southerner (on the phone at the time) at the time lol. Talking of the South, can't wait to get out of this bloody freeze here. Roll on Florida next week!

C xxx Originally Posted by Camille
Forecast in NYC next week is for temps in the fifties! Woo hoo! Time to grab a six pack and head to the beach. Instead take me with you to Florida please? Going for Spring Break and your own version of a "six pack?"