Multiple boats participating in a Trump Boat Parade are in distress on Lake Travis near Austin

Somehow, the thousands of black lives that are slaughtered in the ghetto every year do not matter to the DPST's running America's large cities. Originally Posted by friendly fred
the somehow is quite a simple thing

one sort of death can be used politically

to highlight and talk about another sort of death only reveals the dims neglect between elections

when you are always juggling the desires of competing constituencies those with little to no voice get forgotten quite easily

the dims are mired in unworkable solutions because they are beholden to the dollars and votes of more powerful groups, so they find themselves staying with the tried and untrue, only halfway hoping that somehow the booby trap they lay for inner city blacks will not explode too much
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm not surprised that you DPST's don't care about the people getting murdered. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Lets stop pretending that you care, either. The only time I ever hear about the murders in Chicago (or Dallas, or Kansas City, or anywhere else on this board) is when you're attempting to use it as a talking point.

Wanna know one of the reasons why people who live in bad neighborhoods continue to vote Democrat? Its not due to the social programs-- its because every time there is an outbreak of violence-- the community organizers that show up to work with the community afterward-- are Democrat. Hell, even our own Congressman here-(Republican) -- he shows up in person to the community meetings in white neighborhoods-- but sends his black secretary in whenever its in the hood. I'm not even saying that the Dems actually care more than the Reps.. I'm just saying-- they're the ones smart enough to show up after an incident. It gives the optics of caring.

Chicago has a lot of murders-- but they are not even in the top 10 per capita anymore.. and haven't been for a few years now. Right now-- the murder rate in Cincinnati is higher than in Chicago.
LexusLover's Avatar
The only time I ever hear about the murders in Chicago (or Dallas, or Kansas City, or anywhere else on this board) is when you're attempting to use it as a talking point. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
That's because the DimWits don't want to hear about it ...

... if they don't hear about it as far as they are concerned ...

... it's not happening!


So why is it that you don't "hear" about the Chicago killings?

Alleged Trumpers having boating issues is more important to you?

Or are you not concerned because they are only "Black people"!

Actually, "murder rate" is really not an important statistic to take into consideration ... "attempted murder rate" is more important. And before your knee jerks for a response you might want to ponder as to why that is.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I hear about it all the time. I'm speaking about those who love to post about it on forums as though they actually care. C'mon-- you don't care who gets murdered in Chicago.... or even why. But you'll damn sure bring it up as a talking point to score some internet clout.

Fair enough on the attempted murder rate-- however... our stats in Cincinnati are pretty shit for that this year as well. We don't go more than a day without one, it seems.

Trump boaters frankly don't matter to me either-- you'll notice... I seldom if ever start threads in here. Its not that serious.
  • oeb11
  • 09-08-2020, 02:19 PM
Grace - it is clear you - as the DPST party - care nothing of the enslaved peoples In DPST led shithole cities - enchained in fear of the violence and murder around them daily - and enabled and fomented by their DPST racist leaders to keep the minority peoples enchained to vote DPST.

it is a system long evolved - and you and many others are in denial of the reality of the racist , marxist DPST party.

be a Trump hater - it is your choice for this election
i am not a trump fan - but the choice of Trump or a marxist dictatorship makes my choice clear.

Vote Biden ( actually harris) - the last vote in a free election ever in America.

Socialism can be voted in - but only thrown off by force of Arms.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I hear about it all the time. I'm speaking about those who love to post about it on forums as though they actually care. C'mon-- you don't care who gets murdered in Chicago.... or even why. But you'll damn sure bring it up as a talking point to score some internet clout.

Fair enough on the attempted murder rate-- however... our stats in Cincinnati are pretty shit for that this year as well. We don't go more than a day without one, it seems.

Trump boaters frankly don't matter to me either-- you'll notice... I seldom if ever start threads in here. Its not that serious. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

no i don't care. don't care how many whites murder other whites either. but no one burns down cities over cops who arrest whites. it's only when some black guy resists arrest who was a criminal suspect to begin with that the radicals come out and start these stupid protests. does anyone even have a ball park number of the damage caused? my guess is it's over 1 billion already and climbing.

you know what they say ..

if you ain't white you ain't right!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I refuse to vote for either candidate. One can choose to simply undervote-- I didn't vote for either turd sandwich in 2016.. and I won't be this time around either. I'll spend my time and efforts on the down ballot races.

No, Chicken Little-- I'm not in denial of anything. Aside, of course, from the over the top fear mongering.
  • oeb11
  • 09-08-2020, 02:23 PM
non-voters - don't bitch about the result

Non-participants - why not move to Venezuela - you will like the politics there
maduro is a marxist criminal - which is what the DPST's will put in under harris.
Grace Preston's Avatar
no i don't care. don't care how many whites murder other whites either. but no one burns down cities over cops who arrest whites. it's only when some black guy resists arrest who was a criminal suspect to begin with that the radicals come out and start these stupid protests. does anyone even have a ball park number of the damage caused? my guess is it's over 1 billion already and climbing.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I agree with you to a point. The groups doing the protesting.. choose the WORST fucking martyrs. There was a black man who was a therapist for an autistic client. He complied with the officers... was laying down on the ground with his hands in the air. Was unarmed. Was murdered. The officer--- was acquitted. But... the outrage, has been non-existent. Guess he wasn't poor enough to qualify.

There are decent examples of people who absolutely should not have died by hands of the police (technically nobody should-- they are not judge, jury and executioner but...). Why the BLMers and media doesn't swarm around them is beyond me.
I think people care more than you give them credit

theres two tracks of caring

one is the human suffering one sees

the pain of the parents, the innocent kids getting shot, the tragedy of the gang members searching for validation and life and only getting a pale semblance build upon the pain of others, the oppression of life the gangs force on others living in those neighborhoods

and then theres the caring for the country as a whole

its not good for the nation, these things

the funny thing about life however is that the old saying life goes on is true
life does go on, it goes on when your parents pass away or any loved one, there's not one thing you can do for that, but it does hurt, but somehow you just put it behind you and life goes on, so in order to function we become inured to things and, while its not uncaring, its the way that life makes or allows us to go on
Grace Preston's Avatar
non-voters - don't bitch about the result

Non-participants - why not move to Venezuela - you will like the politics there
maduro is a marxist criminal - which is what the DPST's will put in under harris. Originally Posted by oeb11

That's just it. I DO participate. I vote in all elections, even the minor midterm and bond elections. I campaign for local candidates that I believe in. I worry about the races and the issues that actually affect the day to day lives of citizens. Believe it or not-- aside from how we are perceived on the world stage-- the Presidential elections aren't the end all be all. Asking me to choose between Trump or Biden is like asking me to choose between a cow shit sandwich and a horse shit sandwich.

If more people would get involved in the minor elections and even the primaries-- we could effect meaningful change. But voter turnout to every election other than POTUS is always abysmal.
LexusLover's Avatar
.....asking me to choose between a cow shit sandwich and a horse shit sandwich. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
When was the last time there was a ham sandwich on the menu?

(In your opinion of course!)
Grace Preston's Avatar

Obama looked good on paper the first time he ran-- but I didn't vote for him for a 2nd term. I'd call him a shit pita pocket-- looked great on the outside... but....

Bush 2 was mediocre looking-- but did a good job of surrounding himself with people who were strong-- and was willing to take advice. I voted for him both times.

Clinton was an absolute whoremonger-- but did a decent job, although some of his financial decisions that looked great at the time-- led us into the housing crash in 2008.

Reagan had his plusses and minuses-- great foreign policy-- but completely ignored the AIDS crisis thinking it was just a "sinners disease"

Carter and Bush 1 were dumpster fires in my opinion. Both of em decent men-- but shit sammiches as Presidents.

If you look at the races from about 2000 onward.. you can see the decline. We've been building up to this for a long while.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You're the king of egotistical arrogant narcist.
Will the debates matter...just depends on "how the wind blows" to you. When I called you out on your 2016 flip flop you said you didn't say that and then I showed you your post from then and you said that it was different than...I guess that wasn't a LIE?? bitten it losing support every day. You think the independents love and support the marxist anarchy?? They will decide the election. You can't answer that your stupidity or ignorance?? I guess lawlessness and violence is now a winner with the American voters?? Who from the left has condoned any of the marxist criminal anarchy...NO ONE!!
Are you going to ignore that?? As your man bitten says... reading the teleprompter "end of quote"!! Originally Posted by bb1961
This is a discussion on the boat rally held last Saturday by Trump supporters. Please stay on subject.

If you are responding to my request as when I have lied on this forum, you will have to be more explicit than a "2016 flip flop".
sportfisherman's Avatar
The Lawlessness and Violence which is rampant under the Trump presidency is not a Winner with American voters.He will be fired.

The protests come about because blacks are tired of having a chokehold,knee on the neck,shot in the back 7 times going down.

They need to outlaw chokeholds,revoke the extended immunity,and set up a federal police review board for excessive force and deaths in police custody cases.They can keep the local reviews for disciplinary cases.

This is Trump's administration for 4 years.This is what his Mis Leadership has brought.

You realize we have the worst results on our lack of a cohesive virus response of Any advanced and developed country.The worst.More cases and worse morbidity and mortality.

Those sinking boats are indicative of Trump's re-election chances.