Laney1 is the best I've ever seen. Really!

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
so I don't know why you and your chihuahua are so bent out of shape over it. Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke
Name calling is such poor form. And very weak.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Like I said Leslie, it was a comment based on a review of you. You're right; it wasn't the full story and in all instances the review isn't the whole story as it is a one-sided narrative. The only way for me to truly see if you are telling the truth is to book a date with you. What do you say, luv? I'm free on the 13th of December? Wanna give this bulldog a run? I promise not to slobber all over you. You might even like me...

No...mean men scare me. lol (No offense)
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Hey, I heard you just did a two hour session with a guy and he loved it. But some crazy bulldog was complaining that you should have given him more time for the RIDICULOUS rate of yours!! Originally Posted by Leslie Lane 1
BULLSHIT! I have a no review policy. Where'd you hear that crap?

You're pretty feisty today...kinda turns me on.
My god will you insufferable sucks ups just fucking stop ? It is sooooo pathetic , unless you're paying 700 hr she doesn't care !
Oh yeah , I forgot she's gonna read this drivel and waive her fee and drop panties ! NOT !
Joel Goodson's Avatar
My god will you insufferable sucks ups just fucking stop ? It is sooooo pathetic , unless you're paying 700 hr she doesn't care !
Oh yeah , I forgot she's gonna read this drivel and waive her fee and drop panties ! NOT ! Originally Posted by rockerrick
That's exactly what I'm hoping for...Gonna wear her down one post at a time!

Stand back Rick, or pile on. Gotta make this happen!
Go nuts ! Of course if it works I'll be the first to say I was wrong . There maybe that will inspire her ? Come on Laney throw the poor guy a bone .........
Joel Goodson's Avatar
My god will you insufferable sucks ups just fucking stop ? It is sooooo pathetic , unless you're paying 700 hr she doesn't care !
Oh yeah , I forgot she's gonna read this drivel and waive her fee and drop panties ! NOT ! Originally Posted by rockerrick
Aaak! 700 bucks?!! Is this shit fo'real?

There must be some kinda way. How bout' a lottery?

The Leslie Lane Lottery! How does that name grab ya?

It's gonna have to work..........PowerBall is already taken.
See you gotta get her to donate an hr to the Christmas raffle . Think of all the raffle tickets that would sell for that one .
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
No...mean men scare me. lol (No offense)

That's it! I'm done Rockerrick! I promise.
Mr Blonde's Avatar

No...mean men scare me. lol (No offense) Originally Posted by Leslie Lane 1
I'm sorry I was ever mean...especially after meeting u. If I was as beautiful as u I would fuck with ppl just for fun too
Tatonka's Avatar
Go nuts ! Of course if it works I'll be the first to say I was wrong . There maybe that will inspire her ? Come on Laney throw the poor guy a bone ......... Originally Posted by rockerrick

Actually it sounds like its the poor guy that wants to throw her a bone!
Wait a minute, wait..just..a..minute!! You guys are taking a different aproach with me now aren't ya? I didn't think ya'll would ever sink this low. I mean, really?? This is just too much....

.....Killing me with kindness. My Kryptonite.
Mr Blonde's Avatar
Well with normal chicks all u have to do is be a little bit of an asshole and they fall in love. That didn't work with u... Gotta try something else
ozmosys's Avatar
this is why the human race is doomed
other creatures flock around
the highly sensitive ones
those who are most averse to risk
and follow their lead

grackles on a telephone line
happy as pigs in shit
until the moment
that the flighty one gets spooked
and flies away
then they all follow in masse
maybe there's a hawk nearby
that only the flighty one can sense

do we really need so much fucking with each other?
does it make us better people?
does more frequent exposure to risk
really enhance our lives?

maybe we should save our meager sheckels
for twice as long
or three or four times
and truly enjoy these moments that are shared
and savor them more completely

instead of whining about golden pussy syndrome
harping on someone who is different
triggering defensive reactions
for some perverted sense
of psychodrama entertainment

you are welcome to entertain yourselves this way
you are also welcome to suck my ass
as I will suck yours
if your thoughts are clean