Barak Hussein Obama - A Predictable Failure

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rick Perry is now being touted as a serious would-be candidate. Thoughts? Originally Posted by Booth
'scuse me while I whip this out!

I don't think America is ready for a GAY president. Even if he is an Aggie!
I bet that whole mother fuckers campaign will be blaming Bush! He has been blaming Bush the whole time he has been in office... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
As I recall the Bush Administration blamed Clinton the whole time they were in office!

That my friend is the nature of the two party political system in America! It's always the other ones fault!
I bet that whole mother fuckers campaign will be blaming Bush! Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I am inclined to disagree. Whether you like Obama or not, he already has a clear foreign and domestic policy record to run on. I do not believe GW will be much of a factor in campaign 2012!

If GW is a determining factor, that does not bode well for the chances of the prospective Republican candidate!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
And, when you look at it, 8 of the last 9.5 years have belonged to a president (lower case p) with an "R" by his name.

I have a hard time listening to people bashing ANYBODY willing to deal with the gaping asshole of a country Bush left us with.

If it was gaping when Bush left office then it must be a black hole now.

This thread said, "A predictable failure." Well I, for one, admire anybody with the courage to take this country on at a time that history might remember as America's Darkest Hour.

I think the 2010 election proved that people were not happy with the current administration.

Pity that others can't see it that way.

It is a pity you are blinded by the dog and pony show that is what I call Politics WWE.

But I guess they get another two years of whining before the inevitable happens. And don't forget that the Republican majority in the House will continue to fight among themselves for the next two years. Look for the Tea Party to affect a total rift in the GOP (or is that FOP) and render the party null and void in 2012.

You liberals sure do fear the Tea Party. I hope that they shake up both sides. All these motherfuckers are corrupt and in bed together.

Americans cannot take the failed policies of the past.

Well Obama has taken failure to an all new level...

Change is good and change is happening. NO SHIT!

Change what change smells like the same old BS to me. Washington as usual lets spend all these fuckers money and then steal some more...
(Spare change anybody?) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I just hope that we get things turned around and we do not end up like Greece...

You will be asking for it when the shit hits the fan.....Spare change that is...
  • Booth
  • 05-18-2011, 11:10 PM
At one point in this thread you claim not to hate the President and now you call him a "mother fucker"?

Do any of you ever get the feeling you're trying to have a conversation with a cartoon character?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
As I recall the Bush Administration blamed Clinton the whole time they were in office!

That my friend is the nature of the two party political system in America! It's always the other ones fault! Originally Posted by bigtex
I do not think Bush did that great of a job either. He should have had a D next to his name half the time...
sixxbach's Avatar
Hmmmm never called Obama anything....

  • Booth
  • 05-18-2011, 11:13 PM
Wylde at an imaginary Town Hall meeting, "I don't hate you you mother fucker!"
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I am inclined to disagree. Whether you like Obama or not, he already has a clear foreign and domestic policy record to run on. I do not believe GW will be much of a factor in campaign 2012!
Originally Posted by bigtex
His foreign and domestic policy is to apologize to all these other countries for what we have done...
I do not think Bush did that great of a job either. He should have had a D next to his name half the time... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
That dog don't hunt! You might be convinced that Bush was a closet D but the rest of America is not on your wave length. There is no question, an overwhelming majority of those who vote in America do not consider GW as anything other than a solid R!

His foreign and domestic policy is to apologize to all these other countries for what we have done... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
That dog don't hunt either! There have been no apologies offered by the Administration as it relates to OBL, otherwise known as Americans public enemy #1. Once again, there is a clear and distinct record for Obama to run on as it relates to OBL and the President's handling of America's foreign policy!

You may not like the record but it is clearly Obama's!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Wylde at an imaginary Town Hall meeting, "I don't hate you you mother fucker!" Originally Posted by Booth
No way... I would ask how long he has been a socialist...
WyldemanATX's Avatar
That dog don't hunt! You might be convinced that Bush was a closet D but the rest of America is not on your wave length. There is no question, mainstream America does not consider GW as anything other than an R! Originally Posted by bigtex

He spent money like a D and that no child left behind thing was a disaster.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please enlighten us Wyldeman30. What do YOU think No Child Left Behind was?

How about the Bush Doctrine?

How about the bailouts of the financial institutions?

How about the signing of Jose Canseco?

Take your time, now, take a deep breath. Start with Canseco...

And try and substantiate some of your bloviations, please. You've already suckered more than one informed poster into this chit. Bring something substantial, please.

Your pal,

The motherfucker.
He spent money like a D and that no child left behind thing was a disaster. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
It really does not matter what you personally believe. The simple fact remains, an overwhelming majority of the American electorate views GW as a solid R, not as a D! As well they should!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
His foreign and domestic policy is to apologize to all these other countries for what we have done... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
What chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?

Bubba, I don't think GWB would apologize to his mamma for belching at the table. And I damned sure don't remember his apologies ever being part of our domestic policy.