Trump hearings

Divert divert divert deny deny deny blame blame blame lol n omg

Dah...the only defense that fucking moron cult bots can use to defend a fucking moron

Why don't trumpy and his cartel just agree to testify and put these false accusations to bed. Everyone butt really stupid fucking morons can prove the election was fixed
The hearings have been excellent. Trump knew he lost. He continues to lie about losing. His subjects/sycophants/followers are mighty dumb to have not awakened to the scam he pulled on them.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Today was the best one yet. The evidence to keep him from holding elected office just keep growing and growing and . . . .

... No worrys, liberal lads.

The Republicans will have their say when this theatre is finished.

Then we'll let the American people decide things.

The same people who have Joe's poll numbers in the shithouse,
and TRUMP the odds-on FAVOURITE to Win in 2024. ...

### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
... No worrys, liberal lads.

The Republicans will have their say when this theatre is finished.

Then we'll let the American people decide things.

The same people who have Joe's poll numbers in the shithouse,
and TRUMP the odds-on FAVOURITE to Win in 2024. ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He won't be able to.

... No worrys, liberal lads.

The Republicans will have their say when this theatre is finished.

Then we'll let the American people decide things.

The same people who have Joe's poll numbers in the shithouse,
and TRUMP the odds-on FAVOURITE to Win in 2024. ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Stupidiot, the people testifying are republicans. They are having their say.
I must have missed it...NBC had golf on HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
HedonistForever's Avatar

American apathy: Weak ratings for Jan. 6 hearings reveal voter priorities

The Jan. 6 hearings enter their third week on Capitol Hill this week. Is the American public paying attention?
Looking at the numbers, the answer appears to be mostly no. Opening night in primetime did attract nearly 20 million viewers, which some in the media touted as a real indicator that these hearings were resonating with voters. But in context, nearly 20 million across a dozen networks isn’t all that great.

For example, the evening newscasts on ABC, NBC and CBS draw an average of 18-20 million viewers per night. So, when we hear that almost 20 million people watched the Jan. 6 hearings across ABC, NBC, CBS andCNN, MSNBC and Fox Business, along with six other networks, suddenly that viewership doesn’t look so hot.

More context: President Biden’s State of the Union address earlier this year was watched by nearly 40 million people, or about twice as many as watched the opening act of these
And more context: On CBS on June 9, an episode of a program called “Young Sheldon” was preempted by the hearings. The network drew 3.24 million viewers, or about 600,000 fewer viewers than a rerun of “Young Sheldon,” which was watched by 3.86 million the week before. And when compared to “Young Sheldon’s” last non-repeat on May 19, that drew 6.9 million viewers, or more than double the inaugural hearing on CBS.

When taken out of primetime, the 1/6 numbers almost completely cratered. Monday, June 13 saw an average of about 10 million viewers. By Day three on Thursday, the number of viewers dropped even further.

Consider also the perception of these hearings, which some in the media keep referring to as bipartisan when they are not, at least in spirit. Just 51 percent of voters approve of the House select committee, according to Morning Consult. Among independent voters, the number drops to 45 percent.

In other words, half the country respects the committee while half does not. If the goal is to change minds and make people care more than before, that doesn’t seem to be happening. Most importantly, none of the witnesses are facing anything resembling cross-examination because the minority party is not truly represented. (Staunch Trump critics Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) don’t count regardless of the letter next to their name.)

This doesn’t mean that Jan. 6, a horrible day for this country, should not be investigated. But a truly bipartisan commission like the 9/11 commission should have been the goal here. Instead, what we’re seeing is just more political theater at a time when Americans are concerned about more important things: 40-year-high inflation, record-high gas prices, skyrocketing crime, a porous border bringing in millions of illegal immigrants and record numbers dying of fentanyl. And a war in Ukraine that isn’t ending anytime soon.

There’s a “been there, done that” feel to all of this. Donald Trump was already impeached over his rhetoric that helped fuel the Capitol riot 17 months ago. More importantly, unlike President Nixon during the Watergate hearings nearly 50 years ago, which 71 percent of the country tuned in for, Trump is no longer in office. Somebody tell that to VM, WTF and YR

The goal appears to be to make Trump and his inner circle look bad. And the committee has certainly succeeded at that. But the chairman of the committee has already said it will not make any official criminal referrals to the Justice Department, and Trump has already been impeached over Jan. 6.
Audiences have largely tuned out the Jan. 6 hearings as it rolls to its conclusion. And it’s hard to see a scenario under which anyone is talking about it come July 6 let alone Nov. 8.
Stupidiot, the people testifying are republicans. They are having their say. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... And the American PEOPLE are surely having their-own!
Just as I mentioned - look at the polls.

But I won't call YOU any names.
I don't have to. ... The other mates know.

### Salty
Oh no. Not the polls.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...So, if it's a legitimate news site, why are they hiding the identity AND locations of the owners? < yes I put that there intentionally... Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Censorship and doxxing. Feel free to look 'em up. Or ask Mediabiasfactcheck what you should think. Beats me why you outsource your thinking. Eventually you have to make up your own damned mind if it's a honey pot, revenue generator or a loose nit bunch of Tea Party people dredging the internets for info to prove the Jan 6 sitcom, infomercial and Marxist show trial is a total sham and/or cover-up operation.

You think CNNLoL is actual news?!? ABC, NBC, MSN?!? What say your much ballyhooed outsourced thinkers of your thoughts? BTW: Sure is a lot of pan handling and pop-ups on that site grazing for donations and subscriptions.

Or do you think the Capitol Police want to go public, as in they leaked the emails? I highly doubt that to be the case. Because if that were true and they did not inform the Commander in Chief, they should be keelhauled, shot then tried. Not necessarily in that order.
... General Milley and some other blokes have actually
backed up President Trump's version of what happened on the
days before 6 January... Where they all expected a large crowd
at the Capitol and ALL wanted better security for crowd control.
National Guard and what-not.

Gonna be hard for them to win on conviction charges IF
the government pushes for them... The 6th Jan committee
is just posturing here.

And I'm sure a Republican Congress committee will then
reply in-kind next year - with Investigations of their-own.

Kinda like the Trump/Stormy lawsuit.
Trump called that "tit for tat"...

##### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are looking for payback, Saulty?

Trumpism caused this and unless kept in check by sensible conservative, this will happen again.

I don’t care which party is in power, a mob attack on the Capitol will not and should not be tolerated. A GOP Congress would investigate under the same circumstance. It ain’t right versus left. It’s America versus Trumpism.
You are looking for payback, Saulty?

Trumpism caused this and unless kept in check by sensible conservative, this will happen again.

I don’t care which party is in power, a mob attack on the Capitol will not and should not be tolerated. A GOP Congress would investigate under the same circumstance. It ain’t right versus left. It’s America versus Trumpism. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Is Mr Trump responsible for the uptick in crime across the nation? The high inflation rates?

For some reason the current President can only say two words Trump and Putin while he appears to discard his policies that caused this debacle .

We let illegal aliens who don’t have Covid shots flood our border but will not let a world renowned tennis player enter because he made a choice for his body?
he has now advanced his excuses from just trump to the whole of the republican party