Mueller Report-Volume ll - Obstruction of justice.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Again, if it bothers you that trumpy fucked a porn star and a playmate then feel free to vote him out in 2020. Pushing the impeachment charade only makes it less likely that will happen. Originally Posted by lustylad
There’s no crime in banging a porn star but the manner in which he paid for her silence is the crime. So says the fat lying bastards personal attorney Cohen.
lustylad's Avatar
There’s no crime in banging a porn star but the manner in which he paid for her silence is the crime. So says the fat lying bastards personal attorney Cohen. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Nope. Trumpy used personal funds, not campaign money. John Edwards used money he solicited as a political candidate to pay for his mistress's silence - and he still was acquitted at trial!

Mueller's goons coerced a plea bargain out of Cohen. They had him on tax evasion - but they wanted him to plead guilty to another "crime", one implicating trump. Of course they knew it would never go to trial and if it did, they would lose.

If your name wasn't Forrest Gump you could see all that.
There’s no crime in banging a porn star but the manner in which he paid for her silence is the crime. So says the fat lying bastards personal attorney Cohen. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
What's the criminal statute for this so called crime Trump committed?
lustylad's Avatar
What's the criminal statute for this so called crime Trump committed? Originally Posted by Levianon17
They are claiming Trump violated campaign finance laws because the payments were not listed as campaign spending on the required filings. Same thing they charged John Edwards with and lost.

But don't expect Forrest to look up the statute, that's way beyond his ken. He can't even keep track of what's in his so-called Articles of Delusion, er I mean Impeachment.
Jaxson66's Avatar
So Krusty, who will get honor of impeaching the fat lying bastard. I’m thinking there’s a open committee hearings in the judiciary. Will the Ukraine inquiry be held by the house intelligence committee?

I’m guessing yes, once the house votes for impeachment inquiry.
bambino's Avatar
So Krusty, who will get honor of impeaching the fat lying bastard. I’m thinking there’s a open committee hearings in the judiciary. Will the Ukraine inquiry be held by the house intelligence committee?

I’m guessing yes, once the house votes for impeachment inquiry. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You’re always guessing. Wrong.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There’s no crime in banging a porn star but the manner in which he paid for her silence is the crime. So says the fat lying bastards personal attorney Cohen. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

you'll believe anything the press says that's negative about Trump. anything. as a currently bancationing poster might day ..


Jaxson66's Avatar
You’re always guessing. Wrong. Originally Posted by bambino
I’m also guessing we are going to learn if there’s any Republicans left in the GOP.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I’m always guessing Originally Posted by Jaxson66



rexdutchman's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
You’re always guessing. Wrong. Originally Posted by bambino
Well l was mistaken this time, rumors are a special committee will be formed to investigate the fat lying bastards extortion attempt of the Ukraine.
bambino's Avatar
Well l was mistaken this time, rumors are a special committee will be formed to investigate the fat lying bastards extortion attempt of the Ukraine. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Special committee? LMAO!!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well l was mistaken this time, rumors are a committee of dim-retards with "special needs" will be formed Originally Posted by Jaxson66
themystic's Avatar
FTFY Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Lol. Trump looks down on phony wannabe "military men: like you. You're just another government welfare case in Trumps eyes
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lol. Trump looks down on phony wannabe "military men: like you. You're just another government welfare case in Trumps eyes Originally Posted by themystic
Your dim-retard lollipops have you rambling delusionally again, Moscow Mystic. You're a born sucker, Moscow Mystic.