Multiple studies; conservatives are just dumb

LexusLover's Avatar
Still responding to my posts, I see. Keep responding. (In spite of the fact that you previously stated that it was "not worth the time.") Originally Posted by bigtex
Shhhhhhhh ... You can't learn when you keep making noise.
lustylad's Avatar
Hmmm you seem to have skated right over the fact that you deliberately misrepresented poll figures in order to support your point of view. Originally Posted by shanm
I misrepresented nothing, you lying cocksucker! You're the one who is skating over the facts. The Pew Research polls show US favorability ratings in the mideast have slumped to all-time lows under Obama. They also show both Bush and Obama were/are extremely unpopular. You want to make a big deal over the fact that in some countries Obama is slightly less unpopular than Bush was. Big. Fucking. Deal. The difference is not meaningful. You keep desperately trying to put lipstick on a pig and it ain't working. I will repeat one more time so you understand I am CORRECTLY REPRESENTING the poll figures YOU want to draw our attention to:

Let's see - 4 out of 5 Egyptians, 5 out of 6 Jordanians, 2 out of 3 Lebanese, and 13 out of 14 Pakistanis have no confidence in Odumbo and you're bragging about it?

Do you think Lebanon doesn't notice, when 47 dim witted U.S senators send a letter to Iran in a deliberate attempt to undermine their own president? Originally Posted by shanm
Hahahaha... you are such a complete dolt. Are you seriously suggesting the average Lebanese citizen gives a shit about the letter sent to Iran? Are they having street demonstrations over this severe provocation, lol? Do you know anything about the political and sectarian make-up of Lebanon? Who is upset about the letter – Hezbollah?

So your solution isn't war. What is it then? a diplomatic solution. Last I checked, that is exactly what Obama was trying to do but he was being impeded by your butt buddies trying to push a stick up his ass. Get fucking real. Originally Posted by shanm
There you go again. All you do is default to the Odumbo talking point that it's either appeasement or war. If you weren't so clueless about the dynamics of negotiations, you would understand that involving Congress can strengthen our hand and result in a deal that isn't dangerously weak and flawed. Go back and read post #151, you stupid fool. If you disagree, explain why. Don't revert to your mindless talking point and pretend it wasn't just shot full of holes.

See unlike you, I do not pretend to possess unlimited amounts of "skill" in "international diplomacy and foreign policy." If I did, I would probably be working in that field. Originally Posted by shanm
Ok then, if you lack expertise in this field, why are you defending Odumbo? You just admitted you are unqualified to opine on whether he is negotiating a good deal or a bad one.

lustylad's Avatar
This is why I put you on ignore. Argue like a girl? The other day you're mentioning what's funny in middle school locker rooms. What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like you're stuck in some time warp where you are a junior high idiot. That's probably about the time you stopped growing in any mental capacity. You have a lot of issues you need to deal with, not the least of which is your desire for cock. You're an absolute bore. Copying and pasting your way through the day, nary an original thought in sight. You want so badly to be important and taken seriously but nobody likes you. Especially the girls, they hate your pizza face. Buh-bye. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Tell the truth, you little girly-gay fucktard. The reason you put me on ignore is because you have the emotional flittiness of a 12-year-old girl. You know you can't debate on my level so you had to tune me out. My posts constantly remind you of how intellectually inadequate and inferior you are. You come on here and pollute the board with your gay-ass comments like “more dick for me” - then try to project your homo-obsessed “issues” on everyone else. Your rampant insecurities make you lash out at every perceived slight, especially since you know deep down most of the insults hurled back at you are spot-on. You took all of 7 minutes to reply to my post, which means you didn't bother to read the excellent Charles Krauthammer critique of the Odumbo lie that our only choices are appeasement or war. You're too much of a coward and an intellectual pygmy to deal with his critique. So you default to your familiar girly-gay insult mode. You are a seriously fucked up basket case. Get. Help. Now. Don't. Wait.

  • shanm
  • 03-27-2015, 12:06 PM
Blah Blah Blah Blah. Your obsession with having the last word will get you nowhere. Anyone on here can see right through your nonsense. It's just the incoherent rambling of an immature child who can't get over the fact that his ass was handed to him and will not apologize. Go run to the mods, maybe they will help.

"You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have been found wanting."
lustylad's Avatar
Now flash forward 2 years. We have ISIS beheading American citizens and putting the videos online, undercunt. Where is the Coddler-in-Chief's speech to the UN expressing outrage? Can you help me find it?

Question for you, undercunt - Which of the following do you think Americans were truly outraged at:

1) American James Foley having his head sliced off by Islamic terrorists.
2) American Stephen Sotloff having his head sliced off by Islamic miscreants.
3) American Peter Kassig having his head sliced off by Islamic extremists.
4) A youtube movie trailer for the Innocence of Muslims. Originally Posted by lustylad

Funny how undercunt and shammyturd squirm and sweat and run away and hide whenever you confront them with these uncomfortable questions!

Wow! Now we are getting angry and feeling the heat. Bring it on! I love to hear both sides of a story, in order to get a better picture of the facts.
  • shanm
  • 03-27-2015, 12:18 PM
lustylad's Avatar
Blah Blah Blah Blah. Your obsession with having the last word will get you nowhere. Originally Posted by shanm

You are a lying fucking bastard. You deliberately lied when you said I misrepresented the poll figures. I called out your lying bullshit and I will continue to do so - whether it is the first post or the last word. If you weren't such a lowlife prick you would apologize like a man.
This is why I put you on ignore. Argue like a girl? The other day you're mentioning what's funny in middle school locker rooms. What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like you're stuck in some time warp where you are a junior high idiot. That's probably about the time you stopped growing in any mental capacity. You have a lot of issues you need to deal with, not the least of which is your desire for cock. You're an absolute bore. Copying and pasting your way through the day, nary an original thought in sight. You want so badly to be important and taken seriously but nobody likes you. Especially the girls, they hate your pizza face. Buh-bye. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
i love men that "argue like a girl". . .don't you?

lustylad's Avatar
i love men that "argue like a girl". . .don't you? Originally Posted by SeekingTruth

Tell the truth, you little girly-gay fucktard. The reason you put me on ignore is because you have the emotional flittiness of a 12-year-old girl. You know you can't debate on my level so you had to tune me out. My posts constantly remind you of how intellectually inadequate and inferior you are. You come on here and pollute the board with your gay-ass comments like “more dick for me” - then try to project your homo-obsessed “issues” on everyone else. Your rampant insecurities make you lash out at every perceived slight, especially since you know deep down most of the insults hurled back at you are spot-on. You took all of 7 minutes to reply to my post, which means you didn't bother to read the excellent Charles Krauthammer critique of the Odumbo lie that our only choices are appeasement or war. You're too much of a coward and an intellectual pygmy to deal with his critique. So you default to your familiar girly-gay insult mode. You are a seriously fucked up basket case. Get. Help. Now. Don't. Wait.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Get on deez nuts
Funny how undercunt and shammyturd squirm and sweat and run away and hide whenever you confront them with these uncomfortable questions!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Americans didn't attack the embassy in benghazi. Muslims get outraged at cartoons. You don't think a movie would piss them off? I'm not hiding from shit. You ask stupid questions, you get no answer
Blah Blah Blah Blah. Your obsession with having the last word will get you nowhere. Anyone on here can see right through your nonsense. It's just the incoherent rambling of an immature child who can't get over the fact that his ass was handed to him and will not apologize. Go run to the mods, maybe they will help.

"You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have been found wanting." Originally Posted by shanm
He's an expert on everything, apparently. Especially at being king douche of the bags
LexusLover's Avatar
You don't think a movie would piss them off? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Do you think it was the movie that caused the assault on the U.S. properties?

And just who is this and what does she have to do with "Multiple Studies"?

Do you think it was the movie that caused the assault on the U.S. properties?

And just who is this and what does she have to do with "Multiple Studies"?

Originally Posted by LexusLover
a cartoon caused them to walk in an office and kill 12 people. I'm pretty sure they will find offense anywhere they can.