Okay, lets really talk about the latest airliner to go down.

Still stuck on stupid are you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, stuck on stupid would be LLIdiot's constant reminders about "Pssstttt..... YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE" ...

LLIdiot's the poster child for "stuck on stupid."

While on the subject of "stuck on stupid," wasn't it "Pssstttt.... YOUR (LLIdiot's) MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE" who became "THE MOST UNPOPULAR (and incompetent) President in modern US History?


Apparently LLIdiot never learned the life lesson about throwing rocks while living in a glass house.

LL's an Idiot, just ask "Pssstttt.... HIS MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE" ....
LexusLover's Avatar
No, ...YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE" Originally Posted by bigtex

And do you remember this:


"Obama: 'Global War on Terror' Is Over"

"The "Global War on Terror" is over, President Barack Obama announced Thursday, saying the military and intelligence agencies will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group of networks determined to destroy the U.S.

This shift in rhetoric accompanies new or updated efforts to defeat al-Qaida and its affiliates, the president said in a speech at the National Defense University within Washington, DC's Fort McNair. Al-Qaida in Pakistan and Afghanistan is on a "path to defeat," he said, so the U.S. must focus instead on al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula -- "the most active" in plotting against the U.S. -- homegrown violent extremism and unrest in the Arab world that leads to attacks like the assault on the Benghazi diplomatic post.

Huuuuhhhhh .... aren't you proud BigTits?
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  • WTF
  • 01-10-2015, 08:34 AM

Apparently LLIdiot never learned the life lesson about throwing rocks while living in a glass house.

... Originally Posted by bigtex
He probably forgot to put that app on his phone!
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  • WTF
  • 01-10-2015, 08:40 AM

"The "Global War on Terror" is over, President Barack Obama announced Thursday, saying the military and intelligence agencies will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group of networks determined to destroy the U.S.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just exactly what is the problem with this? Do you think there is such a thing as a war on terror? Do you think Bush was waging a war so you would no longer be a scardy cat. Or was the war waged against actually terrorist groups? Think about it Einstein. Shall we wage a war on fear next?
what I dont get is doesnt anyone have an iphone?
cant we locate someones phone with satellites? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
so not even the plane can use satellites? they can't figure out where it was before it vanished?
You are suggesting I can't use a Iphone without cellular or Wifi signal? right?
1st off:I thought nowadays planes had WI-fi available? they do on southwest...so someone could have tracked them and seen where someone was before they "vanished" Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
I don't know what you are responding to, but I never said or implied what is in your second post.

Planes absolutely can and do communicate with satellites. That is how WiFi on the plane communicates with the ground. Your device uses only the WiFi link. The plane's satellite link then relays the WiFi data to/from the ground stations.

But your original question was "Why can't we locate iPhones with satellites?". You then repeated it (somewhat) by asking if I meant that you can't use your iPhone without cellular or WiFi.

The answer is you cannot use any conventional cell phone to communicate directly with a satellite.

When your iPhone is communicating, it is either communicating through the cellular link to terrestrial towers (range measured in at most low double digit miles) or by the WiFi link (range normally measured up to 150 feet or so) or by the Bluetooth link (range normally measured up to 10-15 feet).

If you want to communicate directly with a satellite, you have to use a satellite phone ($$$), not some Samsung or Apple phone you get at the Verizon store.

And if the plane has a satellite connection, the plane can be tracked directly. You don't need to track the phones of anyone in the plane - if that is even possible.

I doubt GPS in cell phones even works on planes.

First, most operate in assisted GPS mode where they get initial position information from cell towers. That is why cell phone GPS can find your position in ten seconds or so. That isn't available at 35,000 feet and at 600 MPH.

Also, the planes probably travel too fast for the GPS receivers in the cell phones to get accurate readings if they operate autonomously rather than in assisted mode.

So, the best way is to simply get the GPS information from the plane itself. The GPS in planes is far more powerful and accurate under adverse conditions than what is in your cell phone.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't know what you are responding to, ..

So, the best way is to simply get the GPS information from the plane itself. The GPS in planes is far more powerful and accurate under adverse conditions than what is in your cell phone. Originally Posted by ExNYer
ExN ... the whole cell phone on airplane bullshit arose when WTF posted that I posted a cell phone could be used on the planes to track the planes. Aside from being pure bullshit (I did NOT post such a thing or even imply it), I realize that aircraft gps tracking is done (as I posted it is reported that about 90% of the U.S. fleet (U.S. carriers) are so equipped).

WTF was posting that it was too expensive for the U.S. government to do, and that is why it was not done. (Until he discovered in the postings it was.).

I think "licker" was being silly about the crash-survivor (him) using a cell to locate himself .... that's why I recommended the satellite phone .... and that started a whole 2nd round of WTF's et al bullshit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Same thing about me supposedly saying that a makeshift runway would be concealed by thousands of potted plants. I never said that. What I did say was that a makeshift runway can be made to look useable by a few obvious trees that would appear to make impossible to use that runway. All it takes are a few to fool detection from the air or by satellite. Just watch what WTF and his little dogs bark about.
LexusLover's Avatar
What I did say was that a makeshift runway can be made to look useable by a few obvious trees that would appear to make impossible to use that runway. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is done all over the world DAILY for smaller aircraft.

But that's all they have in a response, when they are ignorant.
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  • WTF
  • 01-11-2015, 08:25 AM
It is done all over the world DAILY for smaller aircraft.

But that's all they have in a response, when they are ignorant. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you agree with JD that the airliner was hijacked and is hidden on some super secret runway! God Damn LL , you really should have installed your phone app on all airliners. Talk about doubling down on stupid as fuck...
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  • WTF
  • 01-11-2015, 08:35 AM
Same thing about me supposedly saying that a makeshift runway would be concealed by thousands of potted plants. I never said that. What I did say was that a makeshift runway can be made to look useable by a few obvious trees that would appear to make impossible to use that runway. All it takes are a few to fool detection from the air or by satellite. Just watch what WTF and his little dogs bark about. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD I suppose you could say that you could fuck a supermodel...all we'd have to do is improve you bank account by a 100 million , raise your IQ 80 points and grow your dick 6 inches bigger. None of those scenarios are singularly plausible much less all coming together at once. Yet that has a better chance of happening then your hijacked plane, flown under radar then hidden near a potted plant runway theory. Jesus now you have LexusLiar in with you. Hopefully he will let you in on his Cell phone app that will revolutionize air tracking!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JD I suppose you could say that you could fuck a supermodel...all we'd have to do is improve you bank account by a 100 million , raise your IQ 80 points and grow your dick 6 inches bigger. None of those scenarios are singularly plausible much less all coming together at once. Yet that has a better chance of happening then your hijacked plane, flown under radar then hidden near a potted plant runway theory. Jesus now you have LexusLiar in with you. Hopefully he will let you in on his Cell phone app that will revolutionize air tracking!

Originally Posted by WTF
OK - so I agree it is unlikely the plane is intact anywhere and able to fly.
But where in the fuck is a single identifiable part off that airplane?
Absent that, you cannot exclude the hijacking, however hard to fathom.
It is done all over the world DAILY for smaller aircraft. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot has determined that a Boeing 777 is comparable to a Cessna.

Well ..... I suppose they both fly!

Don't 'cha just love it when one Idiot Klan, errrr Clan member tries to out Idiot the other Idiot Klan, errr Clan member?

The sky is the limit with these two Idiot's.
LexusLover's Avatar
LLIdiot has determined that a Boeing 777 is comparable to a Cessna. Originally Posted by bigtex
Do you still suck your thumb?

Apparently you do, based on your childish follow up post. Enjoy.
Do you still suck your thumb? Originally Posted by LexusLover

These 6 words of infinite wisdom were brought to us by the same Idiot who has trouble determining the difference between a Cessna and a Boeing 777.

Oh that's right, they both fly!

Ain't that right, LLIdiot?
LexusLover's Avatar
These words of infinite wisdom ... Originally Posted by bigtex
Just an excellent guess. It shows in your posting.

Is your thumb sucking easier now with dentures?