Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB?

True LD did not use it in the negative, but to some ladies it's a negative no matter which way it's used, like the word Bitch, some women wear it like a badge, other will cut your balls off if you call them that, as far as the calender would you prefer it be called a courtesan calender or a whore calender. which one gives the more positive image.
LD question was a more of a individual feeling to the use of the term, not should the group as a whole should be called that by being on this type of board.
Some women like calling themselves Sluts on these types of boards, should we refer to all ladies how use these board as sluts also. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
I'm a slut and a whore, thanks for noticing.
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I'm a slut and a whore, thanks for noticing. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
And as long as you're ok with it i'm ok with it, but if you were not I wouldn't not out of generality call you that. that's why I feel it should be used on a individual basis, not to paint the entire canvas.
However, I stand by my original point that Luxury Daphne did not mean her original comment as an insult. In its context, it was purely factual and accurate. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
It was not purely factual. First off one of the ladies says in her showcase she is based out of Houston and San Antonio. Secondly, whore is a social term. The ACTUAL term is prostitute. So, no it wasn't "purely factual and accurate" Further, I believe she did mean it to be insulting. She's not retarted. She has to know the word would evoke a strong backlash. That's why she fucking used it. But let's assume she didn't. When VJ said she was offended that should have been the end of the discussion. Three weeks of LD defending her poor behavior later......................... ....Here we still are.............STILL listening to your marketing and her envious and poor behavior.

And as long as you're ok with it i'm ok with it, but if you were not I wouldn't not out of generality call you that. that's why I feel it should be used on a individual basis, not to paint the entire canvas. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
And that's just the point isn't it. I think the more sane assumption is that most women consider the term offensive. I would think that anyone civilized or concerned in the very least would refrain from use of the word. That is unless they, and I'm not referring to you, are intending to be offensive under the guise of being faux proactive like Pimp-Daddy and his alleged love for the tempest tossed masses and those marketing their sexual favors. Though to be honest I've not seen LilMynx calling other women whores.

In its context, referring to 12 prostitutes appearing on a "calendar" as "whores" really should have been a non-issue, IMHO. A little snarky, perhaps, intentionally pejorative, not really. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
When it's a word that is used to socially limit and discriminate against large demographics like the n****r, then a little snarky is all it really needs to be. I get why Pimp-Daddy likes to use the word whore, I do. But I don't get why you do. LD's just settling, but you don't seem to be that kind of gal. Market yourself any way you want. It's working, but defending the use of the word whore is like defending the use of n****r or any other racial slur. It just is, and they both are blatantly wrong.
Old whores... Gotta luv em.
Old whores... Gotta luv em. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
She never multiquotes the nice things I say to or about her...sigh

Though I appreciate the acknowledgement that I usually only call myself a whore, not random women...
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  • 01-12-2014, 06:43 PM
My god man are you that incredibly obtuse, you don't have a clue what i'm talking about do you. just because the rappers are using the word in a concert doesn't mean every and anyone can use the word.
let me ask you a question, are you willing to bet your safety by putting it to a test.
Also I didn't say it was always offensive, just better know who you're talking to before you use it or you'll find out the hard way.
Maybe you need to reread my post I think you're having one of those selected comprehension moments. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
The question was...Was the use of the word whore offensive on a whore board? You are the one having trouble understanding situational use of a term. How about this...if you talked to me in person like you just talked to me over the Internet, I would have beat your ass. So you do understant situational usage of words. So if you go to a rap concert and get offended by the n word you are a fool just like you are a fool for coming onto a whore board and being offended by the word whore. If your dumbass is white and you want to go to a rap concert and call everyone there a n'd be a fool there to. Go to a abortion clinic and you can become offended by abortions. Go to prison and be offended with how those folk's talk about police officers. This is WTF you and Olivia can't seem to two fuckers do not understand situational usage of words. Some times they are proper and some times they ain't.
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The question was...Was the use of the word whore offensive on a whore board? You are the one having trouble understanding situational use of a term. How about this...if you talked to me in person like you just talked to me over the Internet, I would have beat your ass. So you do understant situational usage of words. So if you go to a rap concert and get offended by the n word you are a fool just like you are a fool for coming onto a whore board and being offended by the word whore. If your dumbass is white and you want to go to a rap concert and call everyone there a n'd be a fool there to. Go to a abortion clinic and you can become offended by abortions. Go to prison and be offended with how those folk's talk about police officers. This is WTF you and Olivia can't seem to two fuckers do not understand situational usage of words. Some times they are proper and some times they ain't. Originally Posted by WTF
When is it proper to call someone limp dick?
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  • 01-12-2014, 07:38 PM
When one is in your mouth...
She never multiquotes the nice things I say to or about her...sigh

Though I appreciate the acknowledgement that I usually only call myself a whore, not random women... Originally Posted by LilMynx69
People think I'm vain enough so I normally don't reiterate know what I mean? LOL, but I do notice, and thank you.
No, you wouldn't beat my ass. One, I don't think you'd hit a woman. And two, you have to know I give as good as I get. All that aside, you're still a pimp, and since this is a board about whores it's the appropriate context verdad? So do you mind being called a pimp on a whore board?
When is it proper to call someone limp dick? Originally Posted by bambino
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LOL! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Perhaps noodle dick is less offensive. Let me know.
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  • 01-13-2014, 08:51 AM
LOL! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Have you had a limp dick in your mouth you could not get hard? I don't mind going there. Certain women can not get my dick hard no matter how hard they try. It is not their fault for not being my type....
Let me repeat...if Olivia Howard were at a family gathering of mine and called my mother a whore, my sisters would beat her ass. That is an appropriate venue to be offended and OliviaHoward would be an ignorant ass for doing so. Were my mother to log on to say eccie and got called a whore, I would tell her to log off a whore board if she were offended by such talk. See situational uusage. Something LD question addressed and something Olivia Howard has trouble understanding.
Have you had a limp dick in your mouth you could not get hard? I don't mind going there. Certain women can not get my dick hard no matter how hard they try. It is not their fault for not being my type....
Let me repeat...if Olivia Howard were at a family gathering of mine and called my mother a whore, my sisters would beat her ass. That is an appropriate venue to be offended and OliviaHoward would be an ignorant ass for doing so. Were my mother to log on to say eccie and got called a whore, I would tell her to log off a whore board if she were offended by such talk. See situational uusage. Something LD question addressed and something Olivia Howard has trouble understanding. Originally Posted by WTF
A, I happen to know just the mention of your mama makes you meltdown - I've done it to you.

B, You'd be amazed at how many of your sisters it would take to beat my ass, although, I'm sure you have about a million of them.

And C, with all that classy shit said, if you want to use the contextual use of the word whore in this instance Pimp-Daddy, the issue ALLLLLLL started with LD's issue with Still Looking and her inability to get to him so she turned her green eyes to the ladies. Contextually, she decided say nasty things to women that were "collateral damage" - her word not mine - to get to SL - who, BTW is NOT a pimp. There's your fucking context..................Baby.