Obamacare Death Panels Arriving

LexusLover's Avatar
No what it means is that ignorant folks, such as you are failing to comprehend that the so called Death Panel is no different than what we currently have.

Having now confirmed that there exist "so called" .... "Death Panels" .... it's taken you 4 years ... admit Palin was correct in her assessment.....

Which is state insurance regulators and insurance companies that decide what will and will not be paid for. Wrong .... insurance regulators (at least in Texas) do not decide treatment and drug decisions on a patient by patient basis .. and "insurance companies" (who actually participate in the ACA) will do so under ACA guidelines set by THE SECRETARY with a referral to an IRO to call the decision WITHOUT existing judicial review other than what is prescribed by the governments, which has not yet been identified as existent.

Did you not argue that you can appeal state and insurance ''death panels''..that was your distinction, the appeal process! No. My complaint was .. an IRO calling the decision WITHOUT existing judicial review other than what is prescribed by the governments, which has not yet been identified as existent. Originally Posted by WTF
Your sleazy huffing and puffing reveals your stupidity and YOUR IGNORANCE!

My only advice .... ASSWIPE ... is be careful whose balls you kick. Palin might feed yours to you.
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  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 10:02 AM
Do you have "Cadillac" coverage ... .. SCHIP...... or Medicaid?

Sounds more like SCHIP ..... unless your parents are in a union or work for the government. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That would fall under the category of "None of you fucking business."

Sounds like yours is some government sponsored plan...one where this new bill will start taxing! But I do understand if you tell me it is none of my God damn business because that is true but it does sound like you are feeding off the government teet!
LexusLover's Avatar
That would fall under the category of "None of you fucking business." Originally Posted by WTF
Sounds like yours is some government sponsored plan...

... but in short order it will be available for all to review under the ACA!!!! Enjoy ASSWIPE.

Live by the sword ... etc., etc.

Just hoping that while you are strutting around kicking people in the balls ....

............. a "Cadillac" plan would be nice for you. You know: low copays and deductibles.

Unless BT will cover you.

Do you always get this pissed off when you lose a "discussion"...

... golf clubs flying all over the place, teas and golf balls strewn around, and bag in the pond?

Looks like "the rock" hit your "quick" .. got down to the nerve endings or something. You're out of control.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 10:08 AM
Your sleazy huffing and puffing reveals your stupidity and YOUR IGNORANCE!

My only advice .... ASSWIPE ... is be careful whose balls you kick. Palin might feed yours to you. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You might be scared of Sara Palin, I sure the fuck ain't.

Like I have said all along either they all are Death Panels or none of them are.

You ignorant fuckers that believe Sara Palin's BS will believe that Death Panels just sprank up.

We all die..."How much do you want others to pay for your own health care that you did not pay for?", is WTF we should call these panels.
LexusLover's Avatar
That would fall under the category of "None of you fucking business." Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, it is. I'm a taxpayer. And in the very near future... it will be Obama's business!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-18-2013, 10:42 AM
For every 40 votes we have to repeal Obamacare, we have 0 to make it better.

Meaning, Republicans don't give a rat's ass if it's good or not, they just want it gone.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 10:52 AM
Sounds like yours is some government sponsored plan...

... but in short order it will be available for all to review under the ACA!!!! Enjoy ASSWIPE.

Live by the sword ... etc., etc.

Just hoping that while you are strutting around kicking people in the balls ....

............. a "Cadillac" plan would be nice for you. You know: low copays and deductibles.

Unless BT will cover you.

Do you always get this pissed off when you lose a "discussion"...

... golf clubs flying all over the place, teas and golf balls strewn around, and bag in the pond?

Looks like "the rock" hit your "quick" .. got down to the nerve endings or something. You're out of control. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I said it was none of your fucking business, that does not constitute 'out of control'
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 10:56 AM
Yes, it is. I'm a taxpayer. And in the very near future... it will be Obama's business! Originally Posted by LexusLover
No it is not any of your fucking business. In the very near future it will be the governments business , still not any of yours.

And there still will be no Death Panels.

WOW another Libtard Dumbocrat!!!! You are a mindless drone who reiterates what your told to believe. Its apparent you don't read!

There is not only a different way to deliver health care, there is a better way to achieve better outcomes. Americans want less government in their health care decisions, not more. They seek the kinds of reforms that wrench the system away from government control and toward free markets, flexibility for states to address their particular concerns, choice for patients, competition among providers and toward structures that put decision making in the hands of those closest to the condition—doctors and patients. And, they want effective ways to control costs.

A ‘defined contribution’ model is a key building block for free market plans - There are structural elements common to virtually all market-oriented health reform proposals to give consumers in both public and private plans more control and ownership over health care arrangements.

How to save Medicare - Exclusive Q&A with House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Florida’s pro-taxpayer cure for Medicaid - States seeking to improve patient health and save taxpayer dollars should look at Florida’s Medicaid Cure program.

Exchange expanded coverage to small businesses in Utah - The Utah Health Exchange is not a regulatory entity, did not result in the establishment of a new state agency, and did not require any new mandates or taxes.

‘Account-based’ plans are bending the health care cost curve down by Roy Ramthun - These insurance plans come with higher deductibles than most traditional plans and are paired with tax-preferred accounts, such as a health savings account or a health reimbursement account.

High risk pools are workable alternative to costly pre-existing condition mandate - High risk pools, which charge a higher premium to those with pre-existing conditions, keep private health insurance pools large and more affordable.

DAMN - Libtards just make it to easy.

Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is! Woop there it is!

For every 40 votes we have to repeal Obamacare, we have 0 to make it better.

Meaning, Republicans don't give a rat's ass if it's good or not, they just want it gone. Originally Posted by Doove
LexusLover's Avatar
And there still will be no Death Panels.

Originally Posted by WTF
Was that before or after you acknowledged there were "Death Panels"?

WTF: "the so called Death Panel is no different than what we currently have."

You are not "out of control" for telling me "none of your business" ... you are out of control when you start huffing and puffing about kicking people in the balls ..

..that's the kind of shit that gets in the government's medical file on you and can impact on the decision making by the "Death Panel" you say doesn't exist (and won't) as well as the ATF file to determine whether you can purchase, own, carry, and/or possess a weapon in the future, and by the FAA and DHS to determine if you can board an airplane ....

... as part of this Obaminable Big Brother you love so much.

I recommend you either take a seat on the bench and chill out, or got knock the shit out of some of those golf balls you've been cleaning up recently!!!

Because you are getting delusional.....and I wouldn't want that to get in your medical file.
LexusLover's Avatar
... Americans want less government in their health care decisions, not more. Originally Posted by therock18
I think they dismiss the majority as being incompetent to make choices for themselves ... but mentally challenged folks are also of a mind that those around them are conspiring against them and "ganging up" on them ...

.. 22 Democrats have joined the Republicans, because they want to get re-elected in 2014!

And all they (the loyal Liberals) have is Obaminable ... Who's good at that!
LexusLover's Avatar
You might be scared of Sara Palin, I sure the fuck ain't. Originally Posted by WTF
Not at all. Just not fond of her shrill voice.

But it does seem you are coming around to recognizing the existence of the "Death Panels" .. that shows some growth and maturity.

Gonna go hit some golf balls...... need an extra job cleaning some?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 11:56 AM
Not at all. Just not fond of her shrill voice.

But it does seem you are coming around to recognizing the existence of the "Death Panels" .. that shows some growth and maturity.

Gonna go hit some golf balls...... need an extra job cleaning some? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLiar the only thing I have come around to is that they are all death panels or there were none. You to stupid to understand that point?
LexusLover's Avatar
You to stupid to understand that point? Originally Posted by WTF
When the point is stupid, meaningless, or irrelevant, wasting energy on it is stupid.

But I'm glad you are coming around to realize that there are "death panels" in function, at least, if not in label ... and I know that is bothersome to you as a flaming liberal to be unable to put a label on something ... or someone .... but there is therapy for that ...

.... unfortunately, I think it is not covered under the ACA.

Ask your local IRO for a ruling. I think you can find the forms on line, but not sure if they have a "Dumb, Stupid, Meaningless, or Irrelevant" tab for forms on the website.

I hit some balls and I'm back. You kicked any yet?
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  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 05:15 PM
82 at memorial park. I wonder if that is covered under Obamacare or will they refer me to a death panel?