Trump news today

Clit Eastwood's Avatar
[QUOTE=VitaMan;1062796353]Trump news March 29
before it gets distorted

The only one who's gonna get this distorted, is Trump himself
Chung Tran's Avatar
what about the asian hate crime rampage? not to pick on you per se but who is behind all those attacks in NYC and San Fransisco?

ain't whites guys. it's all blacks. all of it.

wait .. i hear something ... somewhere in Austin YR is screeching "WWE is a RACIST!"

BAAHHHAAHHAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It was a lone White Guy responsible for the Asian Spas shooting rampage in Georgia... That was forgotten within 10 days, after the Press played its Violin of false sorrow, as far as it could stretch.

The other attacks are ongoing, yet barely mentioned anymore. I think there was ONE Puerto Rican in New York, the rest Black Thugs. The one where the Animal sucker-punched and killed the elderly Thai Man, makes me more pro death penalty than I already am. Hang that POS on 7th and Broadway, then dump his corpse in the Hudson River.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
everyone was wrong about Ritttenhouse except Carlson and Hannity

you could see the far left press foaming at the mouth like a rabid raccoon (sorry WD lol) to slander/libel this kid. same as Nick Sandmann.

to the far left radical press anything to do with a white person must be "racist white supremacy". hogwash!

what about the asian hate crime rampage? not to pick on you per se but who is behind all those attacks in NYC and San Fransisco?

ain't whites guys. it's all blacks. all of it.

wait .. i hear something ... somewhere in Austin YR is screeching "WWE is a RACIST!"

BAAHHHAAHHAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

VitaMan's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It was a lone White Guy responsible for the Asian Spas shooting rampage in Georgia... That was forgotten within 10 days, after the Press played its Violin of false sorrow, as far as it could stretch.

The other attacks are ongoing, yet barely mentioned anymore. I think there was ONE Puerto Rican in New York, the rest Black Thugs. The one where the Animal sucker-punched and killed the elderly Thai Man, makes me more pro death penalty than I already am. Hang that POS on 7th and Broadway, then dump his corpse in the Hudson River. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

i knew you'd bring that up so i omitted it on purpose. butt now that you did .. this guy is a religious nutcase. white supremacy had nothing to do with it.

it's also why i'm anti religion. at least those who take it to fanatical proportions. look what happens when people do.

interesting that you who deride all things republican and by extension conservative are such an adherent of the death penalty. so am i.

i'm also all for use of modern techniques to overturn wrongful convictions.

like this

Texas Prepares to Execute a Mother, Despite Evidence She Did Not Kill Her Child
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by VitaMan

dog pile on the suspected criminal .. dog pile on the suspected criminal ..

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dog pile on the suspected criminal .. dog pile on the suspected criminal ..

bahahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
all i got is this in firefox, edge and opera. IE reports 404.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.
bambino's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
New York judge holds Donald Trump in contempt for failing to comply with subpoena for business documents

Trump will have to pay $10,000 per day for as long as he fails to comply with the subpoena.
... So?

... Trump has barristers also. ... "Yawn" ...

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Put a bag over your head when you post these links
Chung Tran's Avatar

interesting that you who deride all things republican and by extension conservative are such an adherent of the death penalty. so am i.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I voted for Trump in 2016, Romney before him. Romney is a Conservative. Trump is a Jackass, of whom most REAL Conservatives are repulsed. Did he fool me in 2016? Sort of. I held my breath, didn't like Hillary.. Took a chance. Year 4 was the deal breaker. Worse year of any President in history. If the Party would admit it, and move on, they would take over 300 House seats in November. Maybe 325.

I bet your death penalty views differ from mine.

Me: your offense must be witnessed by at least 2 outsiders, or video evidence, and you must ADMIT to the offense.

If that hurdle is reached, the death penalty should be applied at least 7 times more often, than currently.

And all deaths need to be delivered within 3 years of the Offense. It's stupid to wait 10-15 years. No deterrence. It needs at least a sense of immediacy.

Obviously a lot of overhaul in the system needs to occur.
VitaMan's Avatar
Now Trump is putting out statements saying he is smart because he passed a dementia test.