One punch. One sidewalk. One dead.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Welcome to Day 17 of Corpy's OKTOBERFEST MELTDOWN.

Happy Halloween.

Why not go bobbing for French Fries, Tranny fucker?
Other than toilets and shit you got nothing In Bred.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-31-2013, 03:41 PM
You have not yet finished the "quiz", Old-Twerp. According to Bradbury, what was Montag's profession? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He was a fireman, as was his father if I recall correctly.

But enough of your foolish games. I passed your stupid quizzes so you now owe me an apology--something I suspect I will not get from you.

But while we are at it, let's look at the symbolism and implications:

--Your avatar picture showed Montag in his protective long trench coat looking thing, complete with head covering, ear flaps, and goggles. He was quite completely covered for protection--given the dangerous nature of his activities. It surrounded him as a barrier to the external environment.
--Just as a condom is a protective coating completely covering the shaft (and as is a person, it is shaped roughly like a cylinder) given the dangerous nature of the activities. It surrounds the shaft as a barrier to the external environment.

The suit was a protective measure taken to fend off an unwanted consequence.

A preventive measure of that type is a prophylactic.

A prophylactic is a synonym for a condom.

And so is born Condom Man!

And thus, contrary to your lies and denials, as I rightly have claimed for months and months now,
Now you own it by your own words, you're just too stubborn to admit it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
are you actually responding to a "literature challenge" from IBIlliterate?

No need. He neither read nor understand your post.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-31-2013, 05:23 PM
But most sane folks reading this thread will, and will therefor mock him all the more.
This contemporary article in the New York times repudiates your ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass, you ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You didn't read it carefully did you, tranny fucker?

When giving the reasons for seceding, the Ordinance states as follows:

Whereas, in addition to the well-founded causes of complaint set forth by this Convention in resolutions adopted on the 11th of March, A.D. 1861, against the sectional party now in power at Washington City, headed by ABRAHAM LINCOLN, he has, ..."

So, the Ordinance is based on the "well founded causes of complaint" they had already voted on in the March meeting, plus the additional grounds stated in the Ordinance (i.e., Lincoln using force).

So, you may ask, "What were those other 'well founded causes of complaint' that caused Arkansas to secede"?

Well, I took the liberty of looking them up for you IBHankerwrong. Here is the link:

Here are the "fun" quotes regarding the earlier March session:

"Other orators pictured a South whose slavery realm would eventually take in the entire Caribbean.

Governor Rector thought the single issue was slavery—“They believe slavery is sin, and we do not, and there lies the trouble”

—and the records of the first session reflect this, with each of the listed “causes of complaint on the part of the people of the southern states” being concerned with the preservation of slavery.

Yup, Arkansas was trying to preserve slavery, too. They were even hoping to expand the operation into the Caribbean. Redneck fuckers.

But here is a quote that has particular resonance with you, tranny fucker:

"Finally secessionist orators harped on Southern honor and manhood, and had a fine time denouncing Unionists as “submissionists,” a sexually loaded term."

Submissionists was a sexually loaded term. Got that? That meant that the Arkansas secessionists thought Unionists like to take it in the ass.

So, they would view you as a Unionist, tranny fucker.

Oh, the sweet irony.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Welcome to Day 17 of Corpy's OKTOBERFEST MELTDOWN.

Happy Halloween.

Why not go bobbing for French Fries, Tranny fucker? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A quick review of your earlier posts in this thread show that you really have no idea what day it is, you dumb-fuck golem jackass.

Other than toilets and shit you got nothing In Bred. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Here's that "roll" you're looking for, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.

He was a fireman, as was his father if I recall correctly.

But enough of your foolish games. I passed your stupid quizzes so you now owe me an apology--something I suspect I will not get from you.

But while we are at it, let's look at the symbolism and implications:

--Your avatar picture showed Montag in his protective long trench coat looking thing, complete with head covering, ear flaps, and goggles. He was quite completely covered for protection--given the dangerous nature of his activities. It surrounded him as a barrier to the external environment.
--Just as a condom is a protective coating completely covering the shaft (and as is a person, it is shaped roughly like a cylinder) given the dangerous nature of the activities. It surrounds the shaft as a barrier to the external environment.

The suit was a protective measure taken to fend off an unwanted consequence.

A preventive measure of that type is a prophylactic.

A prophylactic is a synonym for a condom.

And so is born Condom Man!

And thus, contrary to your lies and denials, as I rightly have claimed for months and months now,
Now you own it by your own words, you're just too stubborn to admit it. Originally Posted by Old-T
You've finally admitted that you knew that the picture was of one of Bradbury's 'firemen', and that you knew that the 'fireman' was wearing protective clothing, and not a 'condom', Old-Twerp. The 'condom' was wholly a fabrication of your devise, and your attempt to project your devise as an avatar has been a lie since the beginning, Old-Twerp.

are you actually responding to a "literature challenge" from IBIlliterate?

No need. He neither read nor understand your post. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Says the dumb-fuck golem jackass which imagines that the "Urban Dictionary" is an authoritative source on English words and definitions.

But most sane folks reading this thread will, and will therefor mock him all the more. Originally Posted by Old-T
You will be the miscreant who is mocked, Old-Twerp, because now you've admitted you've been lying about this matter for months.

You didn't read it carefully did you, tranny fucker?

When giving the reasons for seceding, the Ordinance states as follows:

"Whereas, in addition to the well-founded causes of complaint set forth by this Convention in resolutions adopted on the 11th of March, A.D. 1861, against the sectional party now in power at Washington City, headed by ABRAHAM LINCOLN, he has, ..."

So, the Ordinance is based on the "well founded causes of complaint" they had already voted on in the March meeting, plus the additional grounds stated in the Ordinance (i.e., Lincoln using force).

So, you may ask, "What were those other 'well founded causes of complaint' that caused Arkansas to secede"?

Well, I took the liberty of looking them up for you IBHankerwrong. Here is the link:

Here are the "fun" quotes regarding the earlier March session:

"Other orators pictured a South whose slavery realm would eventually take in the entire Caribbean.

Governor Rector thought the single issue was slavery—“They believe slavery is sin, and we do not, and there lies the trouble”

—and the records of the first session reflect this, with each of the listed “causes of complaint on the part of the people of the southern states” being concerned with the preservation of slavery.

Yup, Arkansas was trying to preserve slavery, too. They were even hoping to expand the operation into the Caribbean. Redneck fuckers.

But here is a quote that has particular resonance with you, tranny fucker:

"Finally secessionist orators harped on Southern honor and manhood, and had a fine time denouncing Unionists as “submissionists,” a sexually loaded term."

Submissionists was a sexually loaded term. Got that? That meant that the Arkansas secessionists thought Unionists like to take it in the ass.

So, they would view you as a Unionist, tranny fucker.

Oh, the sweet irony.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Nary a word about the Missouri Ordinance, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and you only stipulated that there need be one such document to prove you wrong. Hence, you've been demonstrably proved wrong again, you ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and everything else you posted above is repudiated in the other thread, you ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Day 18... This is going the way of the Iran hostage crisis.

Let's face it, Corpy, you're a (Insert insulting name here).

Did anybody post something you forgot to shit on?

Poor In Bred must be constipated due to his constant toilet comments.Or he has shit for brains.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-01-2013, 07:12 AM
You've finally admitted that you knew that the picture was of one of Bradbury's 'firemen', and that you knew that the 'fireman' was wearing protective clothing, and not a 'condom', Old-Twerp. The 'condom' was wholly a fabrication of your devise, and your attempt to project your devise as an avatar has been a lie since the beginning, Old-Twerp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ahhh! Buffoon Boy will never really get it, no matter what "it" is or how simply it is stated.

Somehow you think you have made a rapier like thrust at my argument. So sorry, not so. Go back to your original stupid defense of your Condom Man avatar long, long ago.

--I acknowledged back then (months ago) that it was a book cover. I also said it reminded me of a person (you, obviously, since it was your avatar) in a giant condom. It did then, it does now. How dare you try to tell me it doesn't remind me of you inside a giant condom--just like I won't try to tell you what you see in Rorschach ink blots (personally, I think the world is better NOT knowing what you think when you see them). Now WHY you are in a giant condom, and WHERE you and your condom wrapper are headed (or have been) I refuse to ponder. After all, it was YOUR avatar, not mine. It's YOUR wet dream, not mine. That is the figurative, allegorical Condom Man.

--Additionally, as I pointed out a few posts ago:
Protective Covering Man=====>>> Prophylactic Man=====>>> Condom Man.
So it is Condom Man in a literal sense as well, which you refuse to accept. I am disappointed in you; I would expect a lit major like you would have a better grasp of the meaning of words. Guess I was wrong. That is the literal Condom Man.

So either literally OR figuratively it was--and always will be--Condom Man.

The only good thing to come out of this ranting of yours is no--after denying your old avatar time and time again--you finally acknowledge ownership of Condom Man, you finally admit Condom Man WAS your avatar. Good for you, that's the first step towards recovery.

Now we need to start working on getting you to own Gay Devil Man as well.
Poor In Bred must be constipated due to his constant toilet comments.Or he has shit for brains. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I see, Ekim the Inbreed Chimp is sling SHIT again... I hope he doesn't bite his finger nails.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Ahhh! Buffoon Boy will never really get it, no matter what "it" is or how simply it is stated.

Somehow you think you have made a rapier like thrust at my argument. So sorry, not so. Go back to your original stupid defense of your Condom Man avatar long, long ago.

--I acknowledged back then (months ago) that it was a book cover. I also said it reminded me of a person (you, obviously, since it was your avatar) in a giant condom. It did then, it does now. How dare you try to tell me it doesn't remind me of you inside a giant condom--just like I won't try to tell you what you see in Rorschach ink blots (personally, I think the world is better NOT knowing what you think when you see them). Now WHY you are in a giant condom, and WHERE you and your condom wrapper are headed (or have been) I refuse to ponder. After all, it was YOUR avatar, not mine. It's YOUR wet dream, not mine. That is the figurative, allegorical Condom Man.

--Additionally, as I pointed out a few posts ago:
Protective Covering Man=====>>> Prophylactic Man=====>>> Condom Man.
So it is Condom Man in a literal sense as well, which you refuse to accept. I am disappointed in you; I would expect a lit major like you would have a better grasp of the meaning of words. Guess I was wrong. That is the literal Condom Man.

So either literally OR figuratively it was--and always will be--Condom Man.

The only good thing to come out of this ranting of yours is no--after denying your old avatar time and time again--you finally acknowledge ownership of Condom Man, you finally admit Condom Man WAS your avatar. Good for you, that's the first step towards recovery.

Now we need to start working on getting you to own Gay Devil Man as well. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a liar, Old-Twerp, and you admitted it! How you overtly and continuously contrive to transform a "fireman's outfit" into a "condom" serves as proof that you are a liar and that you continue to wallow in one of your perverted, delusional fantasies, Old-Twerp.

He was a fireman, as was his father if I recall correctly.

--Your avatar picture showed Montag in his protective long trench coat looking thing, complete with head covering, ear flaps, and goggles. He was quite completely covered for protection--given the dangerous nature of his activities. It surrounded him as a barrier to the external environment.
--Just as a condom is a protective coating completely covering the shaft (and as is a person, it is shaped roughly like a cylinder) given the dangerous nature of the activities. It surrounds the shaft as a barrier to the external environment.

The suit was a protective measure taken to fend off an unwanted consequence.

A preventive measure of that type is a prophylactic.

A prophylactic is a synonym for a condom.

And so is born Condom Man!

And thus, contrary to your lies and denials, as I rightly have claimed for months and months now,
YOU HAD A CONDOM MAN AVATAR!! Originally Posted by Old-T

Day 18... This is going the way of the Iran hostage crisis.

Let's face it, Corpy, you're a (Insert insulting name here).

Did anybody post something you forgot to shit on? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So you trusted your nurse when he told you it was 'day 18', you dumb-fuck golem jackass?

Poor In Bred must be constipated due to his constant toilet comments.Or he has shit for brains. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If you think that, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, then it seems you should be more worried about your more numerous use of 'fudge' euphemisms, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
You are in luck in bred looks like whiffy wants to play in the shit with you. Maybe he can pack your fudge for you and then be your ATF.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-02-2013, 02:35 PM
How you overtly and continuously contrive to transform a "fireman's outfit" into a "condom" serves as proof that you are a liar Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No lies on my part. It's simple logic:

The suit was a protective measure taken to fend off an unwanted consequence.

A preventive measure of that type is a prophylactic.

A prophylactic is a synonym for a condom.

Exactly what part of this don't you follow? I'm sorry you were foolish enough to select an avatar without thinking it through, but your sloppy thought does not make me a liar.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's now DAY 19 and the post Halloween gay bar fallout is all over Corpy. I think I saw a few people dressed as turds... We're you in town this weekend, Corpy, or were you just handing out ExLax at the door?