Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

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  • 03-06-2012, 04:29 AM
. But if you don't get the fact that this is about a whole lot more than girls being able to slut around, then you got no right to sit there and whine about what the sandbox has turned into. Originally Posted by Doove
I think he has a right to, I just do not think he has much credibility when doing so!
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  • CJ7
  • 03-06-2012, 03:41 PM
defending Lush speaks volumes for so called right wing moral values
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Where is the outrage over Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a twat and cunt? Or David Letterman calling Palin's daughter names? Maher gave $1 million dollars to an Obama Superpac, shouldn't he give it back?

If you're not going to be outraged over Maher or Letterman, you need to STFU about Rush.
defending Lush speaks volumes for so called right wing moral values Originally Posted by CJ7

But then again some might say we aren't a very moral bunch..lmao
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  • CJ7
  • 03-06-2012, 04:01 PM
Where is the outrage over Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a twat and cunt? Or David Letterman calling Palin's daughter names? Maher gave $1 million dollars to an Obama Superpac, shouldn't he give it back?

If you're not going to be outraged over Maher or Letterman, you need to STFU about Rush. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

did letterman and maher lose sponsors?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't know. They should have, by the standards used by some on this thread.
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  • 03-06-2012, 04:12 PM
Where is the outrage over Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a twat and cunt? Or David Letterman calling Palin's daughter names? Maher gave $1 million dollars to an Obama Superpac, shouldn't he give it back?

If you're not going to be outraged over Maher or Letterman, you need to STFU about Rush. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I thought you did not watch Fox that was their exact same talking points lastthis morning. Were you on Fox this morning? Lol. You sound like an idiot when you start a thread in the morning about wtf happened to reasoned debate and then by afternoon are telling folks to STFU. Once again Sara Palin is a public figure. Her daughter wasn't. I think Letterman said sorry. Bill Maher lost a show on ABC for sayilllng things that were costing the network money. Rush lost a spot as a football commentator for saying something that was costing the network money. He is more insulated because local channels sel local ad time for his show but it all boils down to $
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  • CJ7
  • 03-06-2012, 04:13 PM
maybe the standards used on this thread are guaged by the number of sponsors who make exits
As documented by Kirsten, Tumley, and other female reports, the haters and mysognists are the kefties and Obama supporters -Taibi, Olberman, Matthews, Maher, Letterman, Shultz, etal.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't even have cable, so I can't watch Fox News, but I did see a report to that effect on Drudge, I think, and it has merit. As far as the STFU comment is concerned, it only applies to hypocrites who have one standard for their guys, and another standard for their opposition. Besides, nobody ever ShutsTFU anyway.
I B Hankering's Avatar
did letterman and maher lose sponsors? Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7, you and your ilk are just a collection of hypocrites. Letterman was cowed into apologizing for the remark about Palin's daughter, but Maher bragged about not having to worry about sponsors:

Maher laughed in his monologue and made a clear distinction between his show and Limbaugh’s: “I don’t have sponsors.”
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  • WTF
  • 03-06-2012, 06:11 PM
True Letterman caved and should have. IMHO

Bill Maher has been fired from a network gig lest we forget.

These are money problems, not moral ones. If Rush becomes to big a liability he will have to give it up. That will not happen from what I have read. The way he show is structured he is insulated from local advertisers. That should help him weather the storm.

Now if you asked me, none of those men give a fuc about women but then , that isn't their job to.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-06-2012, 06:12 PM
Where is the outrage over Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a twat and cunt? Or David Letterman calling Palin's daughter names? Maher gave $1 million dollars to an Obama Superpac, shouldn't he give it back?

If you're not going to be outraged over Maher or Letterman, you need to STFU about Rush. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sarah Palin has made plenty of public incendiary comments of her own. Bill Maher was only giving to her what she was dishing out to plenty of other people. Same goes for Ed Schultz and his insult of Laura Ingraham. Nevertheless, over the top choice of words on both their parts and shame on them.

What they didn't do, however, is deliver highly incendiary comments directed at someone who did little more than testify before Congress about female birth control. Nor did they pretty much refer to any and all females who use birth control as sluts.

So yeah, there is a difference.
Colbert and Stewart weigh in on Rush. Enjoy!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Sarah Palin has made plenty of public incendiary comments of her own. Bill Maher was only giving to her what she was dishing out to plenty of other people. Same goes for Ed Schultz and his insult of Laura Ingraham. Nevertheless, over the top choice of words on both their parts and shame on them.

What they didn't do, however, is deliver highly incendiary comments directed at someone who did little more than testify before Congress about female birth control. Nor did they pretty much refer to any and all females who use birth control as sluts.

So yeah, there is a difference. Originally Posted by Doove
link please?