The Hottest 5 latinas in Houston - who are they?

Yeezus mothafuckin Kanye.... I just can't with this goofy trick

GirlieGirl, (I ain't even calling you "man" no more)
You sit on your TV and watch the couch, don't you??
I mean I can just see your goofy ass pulling on doors that say "push"

Now tell me, why in the fuck would I need to read any "ROS" anywhere, to know that your drama queen ass, started some *drama* with the "NO" recommendation (which is visible to public) review you wrote.

And there's PUBLIC comments like this: (and guess by who??.... Wait for it.......... Oh yea YOUR goofy ass!)


Not to mention how you went and stalk her reviews after yours with your pissy and bashing comments....wait for it........
In another fucking city!!!

You just don't get over things easily do you?
Can your selective blind ass see and find where you went to cause drama or you want me to spoon feed you more quotes and links, and make you look dumber than what I already did??

Like I already told you, I don't run out of material, and I always have more just waiting to be released
Originally Posted by Natalia Mori

Well that shows how good at reading you are. The other reviewer posted in the Houston section by mistake and admitted to it.

Yep, she got a NO and deserved it. So do you.
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1. Alondra
2. April
3. Yvonne
4. Venus
5. Mia
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7. Elly/Gia
8. Zafiro
9. Sussan
10. Jade
I enjoy watching you take comments so personal and letting you destroy other people's threads. your punches are weak, but I am amused by you spending so much time on me. :-) lol

I just hate you so it brings me additional pleasure to get you all worked up.B
These comments tho!!! LOLZ!
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  • N.M.
  • 07-25-2016, 09:03 PM
Well that shows how good at reading you are. The other reviewer posted in the Houston section by mistake and admitted to it.

Yep, she got a NO and deserved it. So do you. Originally Posted by gtoman
Oh that's all your goofy ass has to say now?

What happened to the dumb ass accusations of me reading "ROS" and how you "couldn't find where your review didn't cause any drama"?? huh?
See how easy it is to ubicate your lost self?

Listen fool, you can say all the butthurt lies you want about our session *now*
But you know damn well how it really went down.

I can't be that bad and a "No" when you couldn't even take this pussy for full 2 mins. Only reason why you even lasted to minute 2 was becuase your ass kept on begging to take it slow, and me being the good hearted hooker that I am, I did try my best to "take it slow" on you and yet you still couldn't take it
I didn't accuse you, I asked you how you read it. You just won't tell us.

If I was that fast it is because I wanted to get off and leave. You probably disgusted me as you do now. At least now I don't have to see you to get so much of your time. It is almost like getting my money back in a way.
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  • N.M.
  • 07-25-2016, 09:13 PM
I enjoy watching you take comments so personal and letting you destroy other people's threads. your punches are weak, but I am amused by you spending so much time on me. :-) lol

Pfffttt GirlieGirl please. That one who is obviously hung up on me and has taken shit beyond personal it's you...
See the rest of your comment:

I just hate you so it brings me additional pleasure to get you all worked up.B Originally Posted by gtoman
Awwww GirlieScoutGirl hates me
How am I going to live now??
Wtf is this? Third grade??

Once a goofy ass, always a goofy ass.
You are still a NO for all the reasons I ace mentioned in this thread. I just wish you had better stuff to toss at me because your old stuff is, well, old. Like you I guess. Take your time. Don't think too hard. I don't want you to hurt yourself.
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  • N.M.
  • 07-25-2016, 09:18 PM
I didn't accuse you, I asked you how you read it. You just won't tell us.

If I was that fast it is because I wanted to get off and leave. You probably disgusted me as you do now. At least now I don't have to see you to get so much of your time. It is almost like getting my money back in a way. Originally Posted by gtoman
Poor sad thing
Trying wayyy too fucking hard honey bunny... That version could almost work for you if it wasn't for the fact that you had already seen me, came to my room, got your scary paranoid ass kicked out by me, and YOU CAME BACK THE NEXT FUCKING DAY.

The fact that you are clueless as to how stupid you make yourself look when you try to come for me and end up making a complete fool of yourself, it's fucking Priceless...

Carry on
This is Houston shouldn't be hard to find a hot latina
Yeah, you probably annoyed me after disrobing. Probably something dumb you said. I can't recall.

Anyways, I still vote to remove you from the original list of this thread. You are not near the caliber of the others listed.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 07-25-2016, 09:30 PM
You are still a NO for all the reasons I ace mentioned in this thread. I just wish you had better stuff to toss at me because your old stuff is, well, old. Like you I guess. Take your time. Don't think too hard. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Originally Posted by gtoman
Listen clueless fucktard, I have been done with our "conversation" lonnnggg time ago and several threads ago. But your goofy, needy ass can't get over me and my awesomeness and has to come suck on my titties and get breast fed every fucking thread.
I'm feeling generous enough to give you crumbs of my attention today, and look at how fucking amused I have you...

You always give my comments your attention. Don't lie to yourself. I bet you wish you were half as talented as the other ladies listed. SC has his head up his ass for putting you on the list at all and leaving quality providers like Max Maddison off.
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  • N.M.
  • 07-25-2016, 09:59 PM
Lol. Bored because you don't measure up and have no way to refute it.