Why are you all so angry?

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
i guess you still believe that "hearing that a person say that they are someEccieUser and then telling the managers of a strip club that jackass/asshole someEccieUser is in the crowd" is outing.

i don't. mainly cos it reads like that the person that apparently told on someEccieUser didnt apparently "out" them, just told mgrs "someEccieUser is in the crowd".
now if he apparently told the mgrs that "joePatron (real world name) is someEccieUser and is in the crowd", that would be outing.

btw, why does it matter to you what someEccieUserA apparently told someone else about someEccieUserB? are you A or B? Originally Posted by pmdelites
It matters not what you, me or anyone else thinks is outing.

As has been said by an admin, since it did not happen on the board, outing in a strip club, well, any type of outing off this board, regardless of the way it occured, it is not real outing, even if you brag or let others know on Eccie later about what you did to someone.

I will tell you that I have been outed several times, once it was with a manager at a club that I obviously denied, but mainly, it was the dancers who have come up to me and asked if I was a reviewer on Eccie. Just one example I will give you as I remember this vividly from years ago, there was a guy at BDFW who went up to the dancers and told them about me and talked shit about me as well. Little did he know that not only was I a great customer of those particular girls as they immediately came to me and told me who the old fat guy was, said who he claimed he was and what was said, but also to this day, a few of those girls I still go out on dates with from time to time.
I see. So according to you, when a member decides to out another member for spite by pointing out and telling others in the public RW who a member of this board is, and allowing others to be able to have the info to connect RW info with the persona online as a member here, there is nothing wrong with that? Then bragging how they believe they got a guy kicked from a club and dancers will not see him because now they know he is a reviewer on a review board. None of that is really outing?

I wonder what others, especially Eccie staff, think about that.

Again, in post #1 of this thread, the OP of it admitted outing guys (pics, real names, plate #s, ect., but says only the ones she deemed bad hobbyists in her opinion), even tho the outing occurred in a private area not accessible to all, does that not count for anything, does the person being outed have to report it for it to matter or is it just tough shit because the actual outing did not occur on this site? Since it has been 6 months since she posted it and no ban happened, I guess the answer is the latter. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Learn to read my dear.
I guess the trolls are bored today so I will reiterate from the very first post: there was a client who was stalking me and half a dozen other women. Using multiple phone numbers and screen names.
WE ARE ALLOWED to post real word information in the women’s only access, for our safety. I did make the mistake of posting the several phone numbers(all text numbers or Google Voice) And different pictures he used for screening, in a public area. It was promptly corrected by the moderators. No I do not “choose to out whoever I want with license plate numbers.”
What the hell are you talking about.

So for everyone who is not aware, there are apps and websites for us ladies to review clients. Just like you review us. I have never “outed somebody. That would be contacting their job, their wife, posting an address etc.

(and in response to your post below NTXGUY the “trolls “ I referenced contacted me privately. But I guess I can add you to the troll list as well. Yawn)
ntxguy's Avatar
Learn to read my dear.
I guess the trolls are bored today so I will reiterate from the very first post: there was a client who was stalking me and half a dozen other women. Using multiple phone numbers and screen names.
WE ARE ALLOWED to post real word information in the women’s only access, for our safety. I did make the mistake of posting the several phone numbers(all text numbers or Google Voice) And different pictures he used for screening, in a public area. It was promptly corrected by the moderators. No I do not “choose to out whoever I want with license plate numbers.”
What the hell are you talking about. Originally Posted by DallasBella
As you said, learn to read my dear! It doesn't look like your so called trolls are busy today. You just responded to a post made 31 days ago. The last post on this thread, that you started, was 29 days ago. So exactly who are the bored trolls you are speaking about?
ntxguy's Avatar
Learn to read my dear.
I guess the trolls are bored today so I will reiterate from the very first post: there was a client who was stalking me and half a dozen other women. Using multiple phone numbers and screen names.
WE ARE ALLOWED to post real word information in the women’s only access, for our safety. I did make the mistake of posting the several phone numbers(all text numbers or Google Voice) And different pictures he used for screening, in a public area. It was promptly corrected by the moderators. No I do not “choose to out whoever I want with license plate numbers.”
What the hell are you talking about.

So for everyone who is not aware, there are apps and websites for us ladies to review clients. Just like you review us. I have never “outed somebody. That would be contacting their job, their wife, posting an address etc.

(and in response to your post below NTXGUY the “trolls “ I referenced contacted me privately. But I guess I can add you to the troll list as well. Yawn) Originally Posted by DallasBella
Then report them to the mods by RTM and not dredge up an old tired thread my dear. Care to explain to me how my response makes me a troll? I for sure have never contacted you. Are you saying WEC contacted you today via pm?
Are you saying WEC contacted you today via pm? Originally Posted by ntxguy
WEC won't be contacting anyone from this site while he is banned.