It may be time to take your family out of New York City.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2015, 03:30 PM
Who the fuck said Audie Murphy was in the fucking Navy? . Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Jesus you retards are difficult to converse with. Some dipshit compared JD to Audie Murphy. It sure the fuck wasn't me.
LexusLover's Avatar
Jesus you retards are difficult to converse with. Originally Posted by WTF
Sometimes you remind me of a hearing impaired person complaining about everyone talking too quietly. "retards"?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Jesus you retards are difficult to converse with. Some dipshit compared JD to Audie Murphy. It sure the fuck wasn't me.

Audie fucking Murphy was a sailor? If you think JD has anything in common with Audie Murphy Israel should kick you over to the West Bank. Originally Posted by WTF
You did it, WTFagboy!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2015, 05:16 PM
QUOTEhLexusLover;1056240494]Sometimes you remind me of a hearing impaired person complaining about everyone talking too quietly. "retards"?[/QUOTE]
Sometimes you remind me of Bagdad Bob...
Yeah, kiddo. By your tone and aggressive assertions, it looks like you're itching for a fight.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nothing to do with our conversation, it is how the quotes are showing up on my screen.

Never looking for a fight, just voicing my opinion with a little assertion, not aggression. I don't play the name calling game. If I feel that way I will back away, it doesn't prove anything except maybe that someone has lost control.

Oh yes I guess you don't know that there is a difference between assertive and aggressive.

Assertive is not letting people walk all over your rights.
Agressive is walking all over the rights of other people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is no one on this board who blows more about what they did, where they have been, what they served in than you Judy. Most I have run into who bragged like that didn't do shit. Every time I see this I hear Springsteen singing "Glory Days". Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You know that they say it's not bragging when you can do it. Well, it's not bragging if I did it. You don't see me saying anything about any super secret military thingy, I didn't. You don't hear me talking saving some politician's life, I didn't. What you do hear is an accurate accounting my life which I sure is not nearly as interesting as your life. Why don't you tell us about yourself. Give us the real EVA.

But about me, I have lived in several different places and have held several different jobs plus I have been involved in politics so I have met people. Some of them before they became famous and others after they were famous. If I said that I've met two porn stars I am sure that I would be poopooed by the board idiots until you realize that some people here would say that they fucked a few porn stars but no one calls them liars. Ever shake hands with a Congressman? A lot of people have. Ever shake hands with a presidential candidate? A lot of people have. So why do you think my claims are "out there"?
You know that they say it's not bragging when you can do it. Well, it's not bragging if I did it. You don't see me saying anything about any super secret military thingy, I didn't. You don't hear me talking saving some politician's life, I didn't. What you do hear is an accurate accounting my life which I sure is not nearly as interesting as your life. Why don't you tell us about yourself. Give us the real EVA.

But about me, I have lived in several different places and have held several different jobs plus I have been involved in politics so I have met people. Some of them before they became famous and others after they were famous. If I said that I've met two porn stars I am sure that I would be poopooed by the board idiots until you realize that some people here would say that they fucked a few porn stars but no one calls them liars. Ever shake hands with a Congressman? A lot of people have. Ever shake hands with a presidential candidate? A lot of people have. So why do you think my claims are "out there"? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
First let me say, I for one, thank you for your service Sir. You owe no one an explanation of how and why you were in the service. There are many different departments and they are all needed to support the ones above them and the ones below them, kinda like building blocks, because without each one, there is no whole.
You know that they say it's not bragging when you can do it. Well, it's not bragging if I did it. You don't see me saying anything about any super secret military thingy, I didn't. You don't hear me talking saving some politician's life, I didn't. What you do hear is an accurate accounting my life which I sure is not nearly as interesting as your life. Why don't you tell us about yourself. Give us the real EVA.

But about me, I have lived in several different places and have held several different jobs plus I have been involved in politics so I have met people. Some of them before they became famous and others after they were famous. If I said that I've met two porn stars I am sure that I would be poopooed by the board idiots until you realize that some people here would say that they fucked a few porn stars but no one calls them liars. Ever shake hands with a Congressman? A lot of people have. Ever shake hands with a presidential candidate? A lot of people have. So why do you think my claims are "out there"? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Babbling your life on a hooker board does not impress idiot. You are a idiot judy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Shakespeare was correct.

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Henry V, scene 3
lustylad's Avatar
I knew subtle nuances would fly over your head.... Now the SOB is stating that I hire illegal immigrants. A utter and complete lie. Originally Posted by WTF

Counselor can you prove that the subcontractors that the General Contractor I contracted to build a house hired illegal immigrants? Originally Posted by WTF

Well, since subtle nuances like that fly over my head, it doesn't prove or disprove the lie.... Did you examine your contractor/subcontractor/tertiary contractor's I9 Forms? Is that being too subtle and nuanced? Why don't you just admit a lot of the workers on your projects are Hispanic and you don't want to know their INS status? Then you can recuse yourself whenever we talk about immigration.

LexusLover's Avatar
Why don't you just admit a lot of the workers on your projects are Hispanic and you don't want to know their INS status? Then you can recuse yourself whenever we talk about immigration.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Because, he prefers "deniability" .... Reader's Digest Law.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2015, 07:37 AM
First let me say, I for one, thank you for your service Sir. You owe no one an explanation of how and why you were in the service. There are many different departments and they are all needed to support the ones above them and the ones below them, kinda like building blocks, because without each one, there is no whole. Originally Posted by Cherie
Does that include the people that actually pay the taxes who pays the military bills? If so then we are all equals. I mean if everyone was in the military how would we pay for those Generals and their 200k a year retirements.

I love how some of you put the military above reproach as if they can do no wrong.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2015, 08:04 AM
Well, since subtle nuances like that fly over my head, it doesn't prove or disprove the lie.... Did you examine your contractor/subcontractor/tertiary contractor's I9 Forms? Is that being too subtle and nuanced? Why don't you just admit a lot of the workers on your projects are Hispanic and you don't want to know their INS status? Then you can recuse yourself whenever we talk about immigration.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Why don't you just admit that allot of service workers at say high end eateries are
Hispanic , do you demand to see their I9 Forms? Why of course you do not. Do you demand to see I9 Forms before buying a house? Do ya? No , nobody does. Folks everywhere are just like you , they demand low price and quality goods , then turn around and bitch about immigration.

God Damn , hypocrite much.

Bob Perry the biggest donor to the GOP, the man who funded the Swift Boaters .... I did not hear you hypocrites accusing him of this. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

So wtf the public is getting is exactly wtf their ignorant ass is asking for. They want cheap , quality clothes. Manufactures shift their shops overseas , then people bitch about losing jobs it was the same with steel, strawberries or lettuce same with anything really.

Look hypo's, if you want to understand human nature ask COGay about Adam Smith's invisible hand , not the one JD has buried up COGay ass but Adam Smiths.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2015, 08:21 AM
I'm going to open up a bit to show how stupid people like WTF are. I signed up for the military when I as 17 years old with my parents permission. I already had two scholarships to NWMSU but chose the military instead. After two years I realized that the Army was not for me so I moved over to the Navy and their advanced technology program (which one is my secret). I served a career in the Navy and ended up being medically discharged for service connected injuries. After the Navy I ended up at one point in New Orleans working in a shipyard. I was putting in 84 hours a week (7 times 12 hours, understand?) and was making over $100,000 a year which I earned in 110 degree heat, bright sunlight, and 100% humidity. I banked the money to pay for my education later on. Yep, I had the GI bill but that would only go so far. I earned that money, it was not given to me for being so damned nice. I went to school while working in Florida, CT, Missouri, and Kansas. I got two degrees (you don't need to know in what), worked for my MA, and am still in school from time to time working on my PhD. I actually work two jobs, education is only one of them. Neither one gets me a government check like the one that WTF waits for at the end of every month at the corner.

Working in the shipyard and as an electrician means that I have the muscle to deal with you typical shit for brains and I don't have to put up with you in person.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wow, nothing you said dispels a fucking thing I said about you. You got a socialized education growing up. You pussied out of the Army. You yanked of a few dicks in the Navy . Never in combat , not bullets shot at you. On the safety of a ship. Alaskan fishermen had a more dangerous jpb than you. You don't see them having the government paying for their college. So fuck off Mr. Insecure. As usual you (and other insecure folks who did not serve in the military ) missed my point.

You , a Tea Wacker , who has benefited greatly from government kindness has the nerve to say cut government (but not any programs that are benefitting me or will benefit me).

Oh, WTF, only you hinted that Audie Murphy was in the navy, you stupid piece of shit. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I flat out stated that you benefited from government largeness, just like a welfare mom has. Some whiney bitch cried about comparing your ass to a welfare mom. Then I think it was IsraelshouldbeashamedofJewishL awyer tried to compare you with Audie Murphy. My reply was "Audie Murphy was in the Navy?" Of course he wasn't in the Navy playing it safe looking for benefits from the GI Bill. JewishLawyer should be kicked over to the Muslims in the West Bank for even trying to compare you to Audie Murphy. Those are the type of soldiers I take my hat off to. Not the God Damn Ronald Reagan type like you, you JD who did not stick out your neck but then come home and thump your chest like you were Audie Murphy's equal. You trying to ride the coattail of real soldiers.
Does that include the people that actually pay the taxes who pays the military bills? If so then we are all equals. I mean if everyone was in the military how would we pay for those Generals and their 200k a year retirements.

I love how some of you put the military above reproach as if they can do no wrong. Originally Posted by WTF
"Everyone" has the capacity to do wrong and be wrong, but I certainly don't understand the reason why you are demeaning a "gentleman" who has put in his time, for whatever the reason, (hey your friends at Walmart put in their time and they sure don't like it, you going to condemn them, no you want to give more money, so spend most of their time on their phone) and served his country and if he got his schooling and his education for it, oh yes and legally, I say, good for him, at least he is a "go getter". I don't understand what your problem is, other than maybe satisfying your own perception of what perfect is.