Enough is Enough

So you are a member on this private sight to "have fun, meet people and enjoy activities" yet you think you can lecture the majority on how they should act?

Thanks. Got it.

Old Dingus
Adabear's Avatar
Old Dingus

Maybe you should reread. I am asking that people show a little more respect to others, not flame people just for the fun of it, and in general try to be a little more respectful of others. I do not think that really counts as a lecture. See who you want, have a great time, and joke and carry on...I have no issue with enjoying the site or the people on it.

While I appreciate the sarcasm of your post, maybe you can enlighten me why anyone would fight for the right to hurt people for no reason? Why would you or anyone want to go out of your way to flame someone for a post that does not attack you? Do you personally want to go around ripping into people that have done you no harm?

If you are a person that enjoys doing these things above, just come out and say it. Tell us all that you believe you should be able to belittle people at your leisure. It might work better than grabbing for straws and taking sarcastic shots. (Though I have no issue as you did not resort to name calling)


So you are a member on this private sight to "have fun, meet people and enjoy activities" yet you think you can lecture the majority on how they should act?

Thanks. Got it.

Old Dingus Originally Posted by Old Dingus
I think you miss his point , the majority of the people tuning in are here to be entertained , not told how they should act . You are not entertaining , more like a crappy movie you just can't walk out on cause you want to know how it ends .
Adabear's Avatar

I think you are missing the point. Are you implying you can not be entertained without slamming people for no reason? Can you not have fun unless you flame on people? Maybe you have not noticed but, many people do not post at all for fear of being a target or because it just is not worth their time to get involved in the drama. Maybe this site would be more entertaining with them participating.

Of course I have my opinion and you have yours....I guess it will be up to the members to decide what they want. You and I will just be trying to convince them that our way is best.
Old Dingus

While I appreciate the sarcasm of your post, maybe you can enlighten me why anyone would fight for the right to hurt people for no reason? Why would you or anyone want to go out of your way to flame someone for a post that does not attack you? Do you personally want to go around ripping into people that have done you no harm?

If you are a person that enjoys doing these things above, just come out and say it. Tell us all that you believe you should be able to belittle people at your leisure. It might work better than grabbing for straws and taking sarcastic shots. (Though I have no issue as you did not resort to name calling)

Adabear Originally Posted by Adabear
The counter says this is my 715th post. Not much compared to the major contributers, but it is somewhat of a base line. Sort through them - you won't find me hurting people for no reason, flaming anyone, or ripping into people period. I believe you might find I generally try to avoid cussing and name calling.

My problem is that I just don't like unknowns showing up and presuming to lecture or preach to the rest of us. Maybe you were great on the Student Council, but this ain't that. I guess I figure my freedoms allow me to do what I want within the site rules and allow others to do what they want within the same rules.

The Owners have Admins and Mods. Most of us don't agree with everything they do, but by and large most of them work pretty hard at doing the right thing and there are safeguards to minimize abuse. I just figure we can let them run the show since that is their job and leave the amateurs to go help out at the High School, or Scout Troop, or whatever floats your boat.

Old Dingus
wildething's Avatar
Anyone need a midol?
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Adabair, most of these malicious posters are simply Trolls. Always best to just ignore them. They enjoy what they do simply for the "lulz" of it.. or to get a strong emotional reaction out of people. I still recommend putting them on your ignore list and that way you don't have to read their content.
LexusLover's Avatar
I still recommend putting them on your ignore list and that way you don't have to read their content. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
And then someone who is not on the ignore list posts with a quote from someone on the ignore list ... and cherry picks what they say ... even out of context .......

..one just cannot escape the storm .... it seems.
Why am I so misunderstood? Oh right, it's hookers who are talking... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I'll be the exception to that....I understand you quite well, a bit too well perhaps

I think you are missing the point. Are you implying you can not be entertained without slamming people for no reason? Can you not have fun unless you flame on people? Maybe you have not noticed but, many people do not post at all for fear of being a target or because it just is not worth their time to get involved in the drama. Maybe this site would be more entertaining with them participating.

Of course I have my opinion and you have yours....I guess it will be up to the members to decide what they want. You and I will just be trying to convince them that our way is best. Originally Posted by Adabear
B Bear. Let Humpty break it down for you Bro

Nobody give a Flying Fuck what you think people should act like on this Board. Everybody can be as they be.

Fool trying to control the uncontrollable
chicagoboy's Avatar
Build-A-Bear, have you read Raphael's epic thread from January 2011 (seven months before you joined)?

On the abuse in the Houston board and Eccie's reluctance to deal with it

As the French might observe, "Il n'y à rien de nouveau sous le soleil."
wildething's Avatar
Build-A-Bear, have you read Raphael's epic thread from January 2011 (seven months before you joined)?

On the abuse in the Houston board and Eccie's reluctance to deal with it

As the French might observe, "Il n'y à rien de nouveau sous le soleil." Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Jesus, has Raphael gone anywhere where he wasn't eventually banned??

Sorry all, I just saw that Raphael had been banned & needed to comment....I am done hijacking this thread now...
gearslut's Avatar
Wouldn't it be great if Adabear was just throwing this out there to see how many people would jump all over it and just keep flogging that obviously dead horse that this has become? Any chance of that being true there Mr. Bear? Is this really keeping you up at nights with so many other things that could warrant attention in this world that girls and the men who rent them don't play nice enough together? Your point is taken and nothing will change on here and if you don't like it then go to another board. And when you get right down to it unless it's threatening physical harm even the worst forms of completely insane hate speech are protected. You may not like it but it's a cold cruel world out there and it's even worse in here. For better or worse it's entertainment so change the channel and see what else is on.
dearhunter's Avatar
If the Mutant Ninja Turtle were here, he would put a good ass wuppin on Wakeup right about now..........sigh.........how I long for the good old days.
Adabear's Avatar
OD - If I am understanding you correctly, you say that you already show respect and are nice to people. If that is the case (I have not scanned your post) then it seems we can agree on basic respect for all. I do understand your point about taking freedom from people. Again, I asking for people to be nicer. They still have a choice not to. If people choose to be rude, that is their prerogative. At the same time, if we, as a community, make it know that we do not want that kind of behavior and call it out when it happens, we can then make a difference. We will still get a few people who insist on doing things the way they want but, if they are held to the rules of the board, and people RTM the posts, they will not be around long.

Humpty - For the record, uncontrollable is a poor choice of words. All of us are subject to the rules of the board. If people held others accountable to the rules that we have, then a lot of the problems would clear up rather quickly. The mods do the best they can with this but, I am sure it is helpful to them if we RTM the post. This site can be a lot to watch, no reason why we can not help point things out to them when we see something wrong and then tell the person posting that what they said is inappropriate.

B Bear. Let Humpty break it down for you Bro

Nobody give a Flying Fuck what you think people should act like on this Board. Everybody can be as they be.

Fool trying to control the uncontrollable Originally Posted by HumptyHumper
chicagoboy - Thanks for the link. I had not read that previously. I am hoping this is different than that one. I have not read it all but, that thread seemed a little over the top with accusations, supposition, and felt almost violent in the way the OP presented his issues. I am trying to keep it simple. I am still in awe of how hard people fight for the right to trash others.

LexusLover - Agreed, even ignore is not perfect.

gearslut - I am not just throwing anything out there. Sorry, I actually believe you should be nice when possible and avoid unnecessary attacks on people. While I am not kept up at night, I feel it is a valid point and thread. Based on the comments (Some agree, some disagree) then it looks like it is something we could change. We just need critical mass to help pull it off.

Just because it is a cold cruel world (still fixable) and worse in here (not sure if worse but...ok) does not mean I have to accept either as is. There is nothing wrong with trying to make things better for more of our members. I can not speak for you but, if I do not like they way something is, I work hard to change it. Things are only impossible until they are done for the first time.

Thank you for everyone who has commented. I am getting some very good viewpoints and I thank you all for participating.