just when you think you've seen it all on eccie

The group of people you guys are always complaining about not only know the rules better than alot of the mods, they also actively shaped how those rules are interpreted. The people who complain are too lazy to even ASK, what does this rule mean and how it is enforced? (Among other pertinent questions) Chop that up in your head a bit...
Thanks for picture... Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Girl no problem.. I even had the exact look on my face. He's a nice guy but damn! I could've had a V8. I'm sure every woman on earth can relate.
chicagoboy's Avatar
cb, you're not the chick he is talking about who tried to pay someone for Wakeup's info.. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
I presume HV meant CB (not to be confused with cb, CD, CDB or LD's BBC).

He's a nice guy but damn! I could've had a V8. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
How about a Straight-Six?
I presume HV meant CB (not to be confused with cb, CD, CDB or LD's BBC).

How about a Straight-Six? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Yes, I meant CB.. sorry Sultan of Search. I had to Google what the hell a Straight Six was thinking it was a kind of drink LOL. Well played cb, well played. You, unlike him, NEVER disappoint.
Wakeup's Avatar
Here's one a guy told me.

You two at it again? Why don't you just fuck that w---- boy senseless so he will chill out before he has his a-- handed to him with a blowtorch..."Word for Word" Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Me bring you up? Never!, Actually that was a text, I copied and paste. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
So now you're posting private communications between you and another member on the board...and a conversation you're having about me, no less...

Standard behavior for a potty mouth outing whore...

P.S.-That sounds exactly like we all expect your typical client to sound. You can take the girl out of the ghetto, but can't take the ghetto out of the girl...
Wakeup's Avatar
When is enough well, enough? That's not for me to decide.. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
It's enough when I decide it's enough...simple...
It's enough when I decide it's enough...simple... Originally Posted by Wakeup
And what has to happen/ how long before that is?
Wakeup's Avatar
When it's no longer fun for me...again, simple...

She put herself in this situation. The board has decided that once she puts herself here, that it's my decision on when she can leave. That's what happens to people who out others...
So.. never. Fair enough.. I tried to find the emoji with the spinning eyes and couldn't LOL
LOL I just did this to a fucker the other day..

Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
hv, you normally use up my weekly word pool in just one post, but this shit is funny.
WU, take it somewhere else. Your point was made a long time ago. HV, thank you for your posts. You are correct and your response was why I started this thread. Thank you
Good, and you're welcome. Now that we've reestablished that for this week, this thread..

Champagne Brown's Avatar
So now you're posting private communications between you and another member on the board...and a conversation you're having about me, no less...

Standard behavior for a potty mouth outing whore...

P.S.-That sounds exactly like we all expect your typical client to sound. You can take the girl out of the ghetto, but can't take the ghetto out of the girl... Originally Posted by Wakeup

Just for the record never lived in "Ghetto" that you say.

And 97% of my clients are Caucasian, and don't have a racist bone in their body...

You share stuff all the time, but you add a little fairy tell to it, and thats the difference!

Back at you potty mouth outing "Whore" !

Guy's just call it like they see it.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
When it's no longer fun for me...again, simple...

She put herself in this situation. The board has decided that once she puts herself here, that it's my decision on when she can leave. That's what happens to people who out others... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Right what a crock of bulls----

Hey wipe you mouth, you got bulls___ running down your face..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Apparently, those terms includes me reminding her that she's a potty mouth outing whore who will plaster hobbyists info all over the board and through PM/email whenever she feels like it...

I like these terms... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Oh you talking about those pm's almost a yr ago, I supposedly sent out to 10 or 13 folks my 1st day back?(Was gone 2yrs)

We just had this convo last week in another thread, then you retracted your statements..

But im still waiting on that "Life time" banned though..(A year later)

See you can't even keep your story straight!!

Where's that ban? Still waiting!

Feel free to retract your statement and make it work for you, you're good at that. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
And what happened with this?

You never answered!

Still waiting for you to retract again and again and again.