Trump legal going ons

I heard this’ll be the new campaign slogan

Biden Harris 2024:

Because you secretly bleed blue Originally Posted by Presj22
She's off the ticket.....
He's runnin with this....

offshoredrilling's Avatar
"We Got HIM Now" yet ????
LOL DEM's loved HIM till...
mmmmm maybe if HIM wants ta build something. And so gives them some money to get the ok. They'd lone HIM a short time
Zollner's Avatar

Amazing how the poorly educated brainwashed still defend their criminal.....
Yes biden's BRAIN has been washed out for years. CANT U SEE THE BLANK STARE HE HAS ?
rooster's Avatar
Ain't no more sure sign o' cognitive decline than fuckin up basic punctuation and showin how passionate ya are with ALL CAPS....

Ain't no more sure sign o' cognitive decline than fuckin up basic punctuation and showin how passionate ya are with ALL CAPS....

. Originally Posted by rooster
I'm sure there are rules on here that prohibit criticizing a member's punctuation.

Also, you may be subject to censure (if not multiple points) for misspelling "of," "fucking," "showing" and "you." Such crimes against civilization are, of course, never tolerated on the app.
Presj22's Avatar
The wow part is how far a reporter will spin a simple comment.

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

There's the comment, from the article, which if you continue to read is in reference to twitter blocking post about the Hunter Biden laptop news. Twitter blocking those post is an infringement on free speech which is a constitutional right.

His other quote listed - “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!” he continued.

Could've been anywhere else in the interview / post and in regards to the fact that it's true. Do you think our for founding fathers would have stood for false elections.

It's also how amazing the dems seem to forget how when Trump won it must've been because of the Russians.
By the way, how long have all these witch hunts been going on now 6years, what do they have to show for it other than millions of dollars being spent?
buffalomw10's Avatar
Jan 6 investigation is a witch hunt? Well just piss on me and tell me it’s raining.
Jan 6th was a huge black eye on our country. Probably the worst in my lifetime.

Still the Dems were proud to support "rioting is the voice of the unheard" while small and large businesses burned and there were riots in the streets. Until something of this magnitude happened. Leave anything negative unchecked and it will always get to a level too big to except. Not saying it's ok, again just saying something like this was going to eventually happen.

In terms of the Jan 6th investigation, yes, it's a witch hunt. They've been trying to persecute him for 2 years and they've found what, that you can talk about it in forums and on the news all you want, but that in a court of law they can't convict.

Trump himself is a narcissist, he probably looks at it as "look at all the people who support me". But as for inciting it? Just the Dems keeping him in the negative news.
buffalomw10's Avatar
When you have power and big money,the judicial process can be adjourned,delayed or appealed but justice matters so his day in court err courts will come to fruition.
When you have power and big money,the judicial process can be adjourned,delayed or appealed but justice matters so his day in court err courts will come to fruition. Originally Posted by buffalomw10
Quite so. Delay and deflect has worked for him his entire career. He is still trying to use that same corrupt approach. Hopefully justice will (eventually) prevail.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Quite so. Delay and deflect has worked for him his entire career. He is still trying to use that same corrupt approach. Hopefully justice will (eventually) prevail. Originally Posted by brasil
he was a DEM'er. problems started 2016 when switched
Presj22's Avatar
Quite so. Delay and deflect has worked for him his entire career. He is still trying to use that same corrupt approach. Hopefully justice will (eventually) prevail. Originally Posted by brasil
It’ll come, hopefully soon