More gun violence, Connecticut School Shooting

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
If you really want to stop a home invasion a good shorter barreled 12 gauge is your best stopper.The only law I want to see is the gun shows where anyone can buy a gun without a background check.Of course assault rifles should be kept for the military and law enforcement. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ok, I like my odds with a short barreled 12 guage, but I don't want to be limited to 5 or 8 rounds. I want a drum mag on it.

But if a person or group of people come with a home invasion and are wearing body armor and I have to make pinpoint shots to the neck, armpit , or any of the very small open areas, that shotgun won't cut it. My family and I would be goners. I want an AR with a red dot sight and a 50 rnd mag or 100 round drum.

Why should we force good people to be outgunned when they are fighting for their familys life. It isn't right. I'm the good guy defending my family in my house.

If we know law enforcement needs assault rifles to even up the odds with what the crimanals are carrying then why is it so hard to see good people need to be able to even up the odds as well?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If a loon is coming to rob, rape or harm anyone in my family I want as many bullets as I can get in my gun. I don't want to be limited to .22 , .32 , or a .38. I want to pack as big a punch as I can on that fucker. And I don't want to have to stop and reload after 6 rounds, what if its a home invasion and 5 or 6 guys are coming in at once? Do you think the bad guys are going to follow these laws of limitation that you suggest? Since when do the crimanals follow the laws? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
And exactly how many home invasions have there been in your neighborhood where bad guys have come into someone's home and committed a violent crime on the homeowners?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
And exactly how many home invasions have there been in your neighborhood where bad guys have come into someone's home and committed a violent crime on the homeowners? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Exactly how many elementry schools in Newtown, Ct had been stormed by a nut case killing 20 kids and 6 adults?

Just because it doesn't happen much doesn't mean its not going to. Don't you agree?

I want to be prepared in case it does.

And I wish they had been prepared in Newtown too.

Don't you wish there had been an armed person with a high capacity firearm there to stop that nut job?
Well do you want to stop the mass murders or not? If you lock up the people who commit mass murders, than there won't be anymore mass murders. That will be the only way to stop it. Anything else and you are just pissing up a rope. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
You set up an imaginary scenario. Contrary to what you are implying, you don't know who the mass murders are.

There are millions of people with a range of mental disorders from the truly violent psychopaths on one end of the spectrum (like Son of Sam) to the merely addled and slow-minded on the other end (like IB Hankering). The vast majority will never do anything wrong, let alone commit mass murder. What is the cutoff point in that range? Psychiatrists don't even know the cutoff point. How can you? Are you really advocating locking up hundreds of thousands who have never committed a crime, but who MIGHT commit a crime, just so gun owners can continue to have assault rifles and really big automatics?

And why is a person with mental disorders liberty more important than a responsible gun owners? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Isn't that obvious? One guy is confined to a mental institution for life or at least decades. The other guy just gets stuck with a smaller gun. Which harm to liberty do you think is more important?

You're essentially advocating sending a guy to jail "just in case". Why don't we just get rid of the Constitution altogether?
Pecker, did you notice what you wrote. Lock up all the people who commit mass murders and there won't be anymore mass murders. Most people who commit mass murders DIE with their victims and that won't stop anything. Don't you really mean to lock up anyone who might commit a mass murder? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm afraid he does. Pre-emptive arrests and institutionalization or imprisonment. All brought to you by government, which would never make a mistake or abuse that power, right?

To him, that is better than him being limited to a revolver instead of an automatic. I kid you not.

I guess we can just scrap that Constitution and centuries of common law.
Slappy Balls's Avatar
Every time a tragedy happens, the American public is driven into anti-Constitution hysteria. Does anyone remember 911? The headspace of people at the time, to some, it still is, that since 3000 people died, civil liberties and a right to privacy are obsolete in the age of terrorism.

And so it goes here again.... a tragedy comes upon America, the media spins it and politicizes it to suit the agenda of you know who, and the feeble minded American public is ready again to shred the Constitution in the name of personal safety. I would like to think of the American public as being a little bit more intelligent and level headed in times of crisis than this.

Yssup Rider..... go back to California. Or a place with gun laws that suit your fancy. I suggest south side Chicago, or maybe anywhere in New York City. Im sure their crime rate is far below gun toting Austin.
Exactly how many elementry schools in Newtown, Ct had been stormed by a nut case killing 20 kids and 6 adults?

Just because it doesn't happen much doesn't mean its not going to. Don't you agree?

I want to be prepared in case it does.

And I wish they had been prepared in Newtown too.

Don't you wish there had been an armed person with a high capacity firearm there to stop that nut job? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
A trained guard with a revolver could have ended it with one shot. Why does everybody think you have to have an automatic all the time?

The flip side of your wanting to be "prepared" is that high capacity automatics flood the market. So they are easy for psychopaths and ordinary criminals to get their hands on as well. Which increases the likelihood of mass murders. So what did you gain?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Pecker, did you notice what you wrote. Lock up all the people who commit mass murders and there won't be anymore mass murders. Most people who commit mass murders DIE with their victims and that won't stop anything. Don't you really mean to lock up anyone who might commit a mass murder? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm saying that if people REALLY want to stop mass murders, instead of just limiting the amount of people that a crazy fuck can kill from 27 to 20 or 18 or whatever than we have to get people with mental disorders off the street BEFORE he goes in and kills people. Not hope he doesn't kill himself so we can lock him up afterwards.

If you let these crazy fucks around people, they are going to kil people. And we will be sitting around here next month having the same conversation. And people around the country asking "how can this happen". And the only answer is we didnt do anything to keep them away from innocent people.

The VA tech, the CO movie theater, and the school in CT, were all done by guys that should have been locked up. People knew they were sick in the head and let them stay out on the street.
Slappy Balls's Avatar
Oh man........... If we lock up everyone suspected of being a weirdo or acting weird...... where am I going with this?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
A trained guard with a revolver could have ended it with one shot. Why does everybody think you have to have an automatic all the time?

The flip side of your wanting to be "prepared" is that high capacity automatics flood the market. So they are easy for psychopaths and ordinary criminals to get their hands on as well. Which increases the likelihood of mass murders. So what did you gain? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I never said an automatic?

Show me where I did.
Slappy Balls's Avatar
And where are we gonna get the money to treat all the people with these mental disorders? I know. Our Lord and Savior, Our God Obama, can borrow more money from China.
I never said an automatic? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Are there high capacity revolvers?

You spoke lovingly of 50 round mag and a 100 round drum. You don't get that in a revolver.

Or are you going to split hairs and say that I omitted "semi" (as opposed to full auto) when I was wrote about 45 automatics with 15 round magazines?

Either way, semi or full auto, BOTH are problems if they have big magazines.
And where are we gonna get the money to treat all the people with these mental disorders? I know. Our Lord and Savior, Our God Obama, can borrow more money from China. Originally Posted by Slappy Balls
I don't think he wants to treat them. Just lock them up and throw away the key. That way he gets to keep his street sweeper with the 12 round mag.

Frankly, we can't afford to look up that many potential killers even if we don't treat them.

We already have millions in prison at huge cost. He wants to add millions more.
The only Gun Control that is worthwhile is keeping someone else from getting yours.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Exactly how many elementry schools in Newtown, Ct had been stormed by a nut case killing 20 kids and 6 adults?

Just because it doesn't happen much doesn't mean its not going to. Don't you agree?

I want to be prepared in case it does.

And I wish they had been prepared in Newtown too.

Don't you wish there had been an armed person with a high capacity firearm there to stop that nut job? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
That's exactly the attitude of gun owners that I strongly disagree with. Random home break-ins where the people breaking in are intent on committing violent crimes are so rare that it isn't even worthwhile talking about. The odds are much higher that I will be killed in an auto accident, yet I drive. The odds are that anyone of us will die from being overweight and from lack of exercise yet we do little to protect ourselves from that. We smoke and drink, which kill far more people each year than are killed by handguns.

So, no, I do not worry AT ALL about home break-ins. I don't worry about my car being car-jacked while I'm in it. I don't worry about being shot during a hold-up on the street.

If you choose to protect yourself against things that are not likely to happen, that is certainly your choice, and please do so. That is the type of paranoia that the NRA feeds off of. "It can happen to you." "Even if you live in a safe neighborhood, crime is mobile." "You owe it to your family to own a gun to protect them." It goes on and on.
I just don't buy into it.

There is very little any of us can do to stop something like the murders in Newtown. Or Virginia Tech. Or Columbine. Or in Oregon. I fully support gun laws that allow you to have a gun in your home and in your car and on your person (with a CHL). But I think that there is too much firepower available to the average citizen, much more than would ever be necessary to stop any crime from being committed.