~2018-2019 San Antonio Spurs Superthread ~

DG and Tex...It's NOT the players or lack thereof. Pop is just LOST without the big3. Clueless. Remember when Ginobili got hurt that one season? Pop was forced to dig into the bench only to find out what those guys could do but he reverts to the same the following season. Year-in/year out it's the same thing - get younger/more athletic BUT we STILL wanna play defense. The league has changed. The game has changed. We haven't adopted. Why?

You don't need to play defense for 4 quarters. Perhaps just the 4th. I mean a ROOKIE coach wins a title and takes down probably the best b-ball dynasty of the last 20 years. How is that possible? Especially if Pop "walks on water?"

What I saw in the finals was you defend the warriors PASSING LANES.

That's it.

I expect to be disappointed after the draft this thurs nite. It's time to pass the reigns on to someone else.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I'm not sure what you're expecting out of this group. Kawhi was our guy we built around. He threw a wrench in it and we are rebuilding. Toronto wasn't anything special. They proved you don't need a super team or a team like Golden State. Despite losing a top 3 player, we have made the playoffs twice and took a damn good Denver team to 7 games without a starting PG. I think you're a little harsh on them lol. We are two good players or maybe one away from actually being up there. Coaching isn't the issue, its the talent and that's on RC, Pop only coaches them. But alas, tonight starts a new season. I'll start a new thread. This one is done...
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-20-2019, 07:27 PM
Yep, agreed.

We are done here.