Oh Fani - get ready for your mugshot

... Crikey! ... Fani spends MORE time on defence in a
Georgia Court room than Trump has! ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Fani is fucked in more ways than one Salty

It's hilarious that ill informed leftists Held up this idiot Fani as their latest hero
eyecu2's Avatar
Fani is fucked in more ways than one Salty

It's hilarious that ill informed leftists Held up this idiot Fani as their latest hero Originally Posted by berryberry
Well well well, This didn't age particularly well.

Apparently not only will Fani not be fucked,..or mugshot, but she gets to keep the case, and her job, and her everything...minus Wade.....her boy toy. Oh well. Hired guns come and go, and this one is no different. What is interesting is how invested the PGH crew was at trying to insinuate that she was gonna go to jail, and be kicked off the case, and disbarred...LOL.

Too funny indeed.

Are you lads laughing now???

I know those of us who said, getting a piece of ass isnt' criminal, and that buying a trip wasn't a big deal....but you all rolled with it being felonious and a reason to be disbarred.

Swing and a miss.
... You do understand that Fani and her office are
under investigation, yes?

... And the novice Judge ruled that Fani's office can
proceed with the case - but Nathan has to go?

... So this decision affects Fani's office - not so much - her?

.... Just don't want you to forget that she may have
ethics charges coming for her soon. ...

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Doesn’t matter, the case is toast on appeal because of this if they rule against Trump.
eyecu2's Avatar
... You do understand that Fani and her office are
under investigation, yes?

... And the novice Judge ruled that Fani's office can
proceed with the case - but Nathan has to go?

... So this decision affects Fani's office - not so much - her?

.... Just don't want you to forget that she may have
ethics charges coming for her soon. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
OMG. Ethics charges!?!

LOL. Good one Salty. Good one!

That will surely cost her at least a 100 dollars, and note in her permanent record! What Fani lied about had ZERO to do with Trump. I understand the idea of staining her as a liar, is a way for TRUMP to wiggle out of his felonious phone call, but in reality- the entirety of the case is about how a team of Trumpsters, decided they would try to strong arm Rathensberger and all into throwing the election to Trump. ALL those guilty pleas and findings are going to come home to roost at some point. It may be this year or next...but if Trump doesn't win in NOV, he'll be in jail till the end of time.....his time at least. It's literally a do or die moment for him and the GOP knows it.

You and I know it.

Trump's as guilty as a dog in a milkbone factory, and as useless as a "g" in the word Lasagna.
trump people worried about someone else's "ethics charges" now? LMAO!! Such rich, delicious hypocrisy.

Doesn’t matter, the case is toast on appeal because of this if they rule against Trump. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Fani Willis' perceived impropriety has nothing to do with the felonious phone call that trump made attempting to steal the election. The case will not be affected by this at all - especially since the judge ruled Fani can stay on board.
bambino's Avatar
JUST IN - Judge rules DA Fani Willis must either fire special prosecutor Nathan Wade or step aside herself in the Georgia "racketeering" case against Trump.

The judge cites appearance of "impropriety" in their relationship that could affect the case.


bambino's Avatar
UPDATE: Fani Case

Judge McAfee rules that only one potential liar can prosecute the case – but not both potential liars.

Instead of curing the "appearance of impropriety", it allows it to continue.

If Nathan Wade goes, why can Fani Willis stay? McAfee doesn't give an answer.

*In a nutshell, Fani can stay and continue her prosecution of Trump.

Only one liar!!!!! LMAO
eyecu2's Avatar
UPDATE: Fani Case

Instead of curing the "appearance of impropriety", it allows it to continue.

*In a nutshell, Fani can stay and continue her prosecution of Trump.

Only one liar!!!!! LMAO Originally Posted by bambino
BAM- The Liar is Trump. Fani's story may not hold a lot of water with receipts, but that is the burden of the complainant. You or others on this board have paid for lots of things without receipts; including hookers or whatever. She never denied trips or money or anything. It was strictly the dates of when a relationship started and ended. Nobody knows that for certain cept the two ppl in the relationship.

The whole prosecute the prosecutor is a sham and obfuscation by the GOP. It may have an impact on the jury, but the facts of the case and testimony will be damning when it come to presenting to a jury. The fact that Fani- dipped the company pen into her ink well, is hardly a factual challenge, nor is it germane to the facts of the case of GA v Trump. If that was the best defense towards this case- smearing Fani or Wade, well they are at the bottom of a very steep hill to climb.

Getting a jury to un-hear trumps call, or for them to unknow that 3 attorneys pled guilty to fraud, and the other salient facts, will be an almost impossibility. But they are free to try.

Trump will attempt to delay, delay, delay-...and there are more fun things for trump to do in the meanwhile. He's got a case in NY, and a case in Florida to look for, and the DC courts ....he's got a full dance card.

It would be in everyone's interest if the cardiac gods of arterial sclerosis were to visit DJT in the middle of the night. Melania would then be rid of the dick-stain loser with the rest of us.
If trump was innocent, he wouldn't keep trying to delay trial after trial. Duh. This is 3rd grade logic he's using.

Anyone who's innocent would want to have their name cleared as soon as possible. He's OBVIOUSLY guilty. It's insulting to America's collective intelligence to insinuate that trump is somehow being unfairly persecuted.
bambino's Avatar
Fani Willis Boo Boo, Nathan Wade, has officially resigned from the Georgia case

Fani Willis marches on… to continue her shameful persecution of Donald Trump.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-15-2024, 02:43 PM
This case seperates true partisans, because if you are a Democrat, and don't see the potential for what's happening to Trump, to come back and bite YOU in the ass, then you have zero respect for our justice systems, which MUST remaing free from use as a political entity.

In other words, IF this happened to Joe Biden, say he had lost in 2020, and the Justice Department prosecuted him, but NOT Trump for having removed records, It would be concerning to ME, but, then again, I am a Libertarian, and I see the wrongs of both parties, if TRUMP weaponized local prosecutors to go after Joe on bullshit charges, I would state clearly, that he was wrong.

As it is, the only thing preventing Republican prosecutors going after Joe for Immigration law violations on the day he leaves office, is the fact Joe is so senile, there would be no chance of a conviction, though, I can see someone somewhere, charging him regardless, ESPECIALLY if the SCOTUS somehow finds a President has no immunity, even as President.
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  • Devo
  • 03-15-2024, 02:48 PM
Further, as to Willis, the well is tainted, everything her man hoe did, during the course of the investigation, and everything he found and claimed is tainted as well, and thus, useless to prosecute the case further.

A new prosecutor is going to have start over on day one, build his/her own case against Trump, and do so IN THE LIGHT OF DAY, which has been cast onto her office, and SHE remains tainted as well, bluntly, NEITHER of them should have been allowed to remain.

However, the GOP controls the offices who are going to investigate her, and, I predict eventually she'll do a giant face plant of her own making.