Is this the Eccie board or?

Wayward's Avatar
Raphael will keep coming back for the free humiliation and to do his mistresses' bidding, pretty much what we have now.
Wayward's Avatar
I hate cat pictures !!! and TxGator'S Cyber GANGSTER'S.

The TGCG is running thru the board or ruining the board? Originally Posted by carkido45
So you've gone back to your main mancrush? This is most hurtful carkiddo, just sayin'
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 01-08-2011, 09:02 AM
Raphael will keep coming back for the free humiliation and to do his mistresses' bidding, pretty much what we have now. Originally Posted by Wayward
Raphael writes great reviews, especially AMPs and most Indies! I actually followed some of his recommendations and they were accurate. So, in the pure hobbying brotherhood, Raphael is quite valuable for boards like Eccie.

If Raphael will just quit trying to defend the weak lubed-up pussies and quit trying to chase away the wolfs, then we don't have to keep watching Kick Ass over and over again!

Unfortunately, once Raphael has an agenda, he seems to go take it to the...
Wayward's Avatar
I actually thinck Raphael is being mistreated and not by me and not in the way he likes, but I can't prove it yet Dad. Sooner or later, you never can tell.
carkido45's Avatar
Well it's sad but true the ECCIE HOUSTON BOARD has turned into the Lynch Mob's territory so long as Txgator has control as he did on ASPD using Hambone to bann whom ever did not meet his mark
Txgator has spoiled his friends with providers and socials but how good are his friends would they be as loyal if he didn't serve up so many treats to his
pavlovian dogs?
I do understand now why TxGator is frighten to write a review.