Cruz to Run

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, but he WON'T end the fed, repeal the income tax, ......

Immigration is something that a president can do without Congress (as Obama as demonstrated). A sane immigration policy is easy = just enforce out existing laws ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If someone like Ron Paul or Gary Johnson actually broke through the moneyed interests that control this country, ending the Fed and IRS would be a piece of cake. The fact that something like that will very likely NOT happen is not enough to convince me to vote for anyone who will continue this country's descent into tyranny, even if that candidate will lead us more slowly to destruction.

Ted Cruz did not even announce in Texas. He announced at Jerry Falwell University. The last thing we need is a fire-breathing Evangelical Dispensational Christian as President. Those people are only a few brain cells away from Jihadis.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why such lukewarm support for Hillary? Originally Posted by DSK
Ask the Service Agents initially assigned to her in the beginning days of Bill's administration. They requested reassignment, and may be ready for a book. So you won't have to wait long.
  • DSK
  • 03-26-2015, 06:57 AM
Ask the Service Agents initially assigned to her in the beginning days of Bill's administration. They requested reassignment, and may be ready for a book. So you won't have to wait long. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That might be an interesting book. Let's hope they write it!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That might be an interesting book. Let's hope they write it! Originally Posted by DSK
Will it be written in Hebrew?
Ok. I read Rand Paul's position on immigration = IT IS HORRIBLE..................

Last thing we need is more massive immigration flooding our country. And that is what we will get with Paul.

If someone like Ron Paul or Gary Johnson actually broke through the moneyed interests that control this country, ending the Fed and IRS would be a piece of cake. The fact that something like that will very likely NOT happen is not enough to convince me to vote for anyone who will continue this country's descent into tyranny, even if that candidate will lead us more slowly to destruction.

Ted Cruz did not even announce in Texas. He announced at Jerry Falwell University. The last thing we need is a fire-breathing Evangelical Dispensational Christian as President. Those people are only a few brain cells away from Jihadis. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK, so does this mean we can put you in the Canadian Cupcake's Cupboard, Whir-LIE-turd?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok. I read Rand Paul's position on immigration = IT IS HORRIBLE..................

Last thing we need is more massive immigration flooding our country. And that is what we will get with Paul. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'm not a Rand Paul supporter.
LexusLover's Avatar
That might be an interesting book. Let's hope they write it! Originally Posted by DSK
Let's put it this way .... there won't be a child's version, because after the "editing" there won't be many pages of type left. Which means most of those on here who have supported her in the past or who will support her in the future will be excluded from purchasing or checking out the book.
LexusLover's Avatar
Will it be written in Hebrew? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

No .. in SheBro ... a version just for you.
Is he a "secure the border first" guy; or does he want the status quo and amnesty?

Is he willing to deport (thru attrition) and shutting off employment people here illegally?

Does he favor getting rid of the "anchor baby" rule and repeal of the "birthright citizenship" of the 14th Amendment?

And what is his stance on H1B visas? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You live in an alternate universe. Literally nothing that you believe needs to be done is doable in a practical sense.

How do you propose to "secure" the border?

Do you truly believe that we should round up and deport 11,000,000 men, women, kids, babies, grandparents, etc? Truly?

And, now you want to amend/revise the Constitution? Yeah, that's gonna happen.

And, so, morons like you will continue to whip this horse to death....the only thing any thinking person can conclude from the absurdity of your arguments is that you don't want the issue to go away. It rallies your idiotic base and gives you a place to funnel all that racist intolerant energy that you TP types thrive on.
  • shanm
  • 03-26-2015, 09:38 AM
We can alter the constitution regarding birthright citizenship but we can't touch the part where it says keep your guns, right?
Yeah, fuuuuuuuuccck yooooou
LexusLover's Avatar
You live in an alternate universe. Literally nothing that you believe needs to be done is doable in a practical sense.

How do you propose to "secure" the border?

Do you truly believe that we should round up and deport 11,000,000 men, women, kids, babies, grandparents, etc? Truly?

And, now you want to amend/revise the Constitution? Yeah, that's gonna happen.

And, so, morons like you will continue to whip this horse to death....the only thing any thinking person can conclude from the absurdity of your arguments is that you don't want the issue to go away. It rallies your idiotic base and gives you a place to funnel all that racist intolerant energy that you TP types thrive on. Originally Posted by timpage
When you make statements or ask questions with extremes it does make your "position" seem legitimate, but the extremes of either side are "not practical."

For instance, are you proposing "open borders" on the North and South, as well as at our airports and ports? If you do, then you are easily the worse MORON on here.

But just because something is "painful" or "inconvenient" or even "dangerous" doesn't mean it should not be attempted with as much effort and determination as is necessary to reach a realistic goal. To throw up your hands and "resign" to defeat without making any effort is an unfortunate attitude with regard to any task that is important to progress.

The majority the voters of this country need to first decide if they want restricted access to this country or open access. Once that decision is made then we can look for methods of accomplishing the restriction or DEALING with the results of "open access."

In my opinion the decision should be made initially as to what is in the best interests of this country in the long run with an examination of the consequences of making the necessary changes to accomplish the policy.

And frankly, my dear, I could give a rats ass what a sorry good for nothing loser of a "community organizer" fresh out of the bowels of Chicago thinks is best for the country. I will go with a majority of the voters who have to deal with the reality daily.
When you make statements or ask questions with extremes it does make your "position" seem legitimate, but the extremes of either side are "not practical."

For instance, are you proposing "open borders" on the North and South, as well as at our airports and ports? If you do, then you are easily the worse MORON on here.

But just because something is "painful" or "inconvenient" or even "dangerous" doesn't mean it should not be attempted with as much effort and determination as is necessary to reach a realistic goal. To throw up your hands and "resign" to defeat without making any effort is an unfortunate attitude with regard to any task that is important to progress.

The majority the voters of this country need to first decide if they want restricted access to this country or open access. Once that decision is made then we can look for methods of accomplishing the restriction or DEALING with the results of "open access."

In my opinion the decision should be made initially as to what is in the best interests of this country in the long run with an examination of the consequences of making the necessary changes to accomplish the policy.

And frankly, my dear, I could give a rats ass what a sorry good for nothing loser of a "community organizer" fresh out of the bowels of Chicago thinks is best for the country. I will go with a majority of the voters who have to deal with the reality daily. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Blah blah blah. Same as whirlytard. Post up and advocate a position while providing nothing in terms of implementation or recognition of reality.

Here, let me do it for you: Enforce the immigration laws by aggressively and effectively policing the businesses that hire undocumented workers. Oh wait....the republicans won't do that.....end of discussion and let's get back to the prospect of rounding up 11,000,000 people, some of whom have been living in the United States virtually their entire lives, and deport them. Absurd.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I will go with a majority of the voters who have to deal with the reality daily. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like you did in 2008 and 2012, right?

  • DSK
  • 03-26-2015, 10:49 AM
Blah blah blah. Same as whirlytard. Post up and advocate a position while providing nothing in terms of implementation or recognition of reality.

Here, let me do it for you: Enforce the immigration laws by aggressively and effectively policing the businesses that hire undocumented workers. Oh wait....the republicans won't do that.....end of discussion and let's get back to the prospect of rounding up 11,000,000 people, some of whom have been living in the United States virtually their entire lives, and deport them. Absurd. Originally Posted by timpage
Good point..