Trumps approval rises while the Democrat Convention tanks!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump by no means needs Pennsylvania to hit 270, he’s got many paths to get there. Biden has to flip several states which is VERY unlikely. Keep living in denial though.

If Biden tries to match Trump’s campaigning he’ll drop dead in 2 days. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

yep. he's physically unfit like Clinton before him

and does no one realize you can delete a post completely? in advanced edit mode. just do it within the one hour edit/DELETE window
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yep. he's physically unfit like Clinton before him

and does no one realize you can delete a post completely? in advanced edit mode. just do it within the one hour edit/DELETE window Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

it doesn't always show up.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the thing about polls.. it doesn't take in account of unknown unknowns. it doesn't tell you how many new voters will be voting for biden or trump. many of them are voting for the first time. others are former voters who haven't voted in years.

I think they are in the don't know category. if you know what the percentage is, you'll have an idea how close the election will be.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Neither candidate is taking it in a landslide. Period. I'm not about to attempt to call the clusterfuck-- but its not going to be a runaway victory for either one of em.
Little Monster's Avatar
there won't be a Biden victory let alone landslide sparky. Clinton faltered in the stretch run like the broken down nag she is while Trump charged down the stretch like like a stallion!

Biden won't be able to handle the stretch. he's ready for the glue factory. and if that isn't bad enough he's a gaffe reel highlight waiting to happen even with a teleprompter and pre-answered questions from his staff!

if Biden tries to match Trump's pace he'll just fuck up even more. there is a reason they've kept his ass in his basement all this time and it ain't the virus!

BAHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ok, are you trying to say Trump is in good shape (mentally or physically)???


Biden is in far better shape than the obese orangeman. Biden is more than capable of handling Trumps insults, lies, and negativity. The only reason Trump won was because of the Bernie supporters staying home. That won't happen this time. Trump is the weakest incumbent in history, Trump is the incumbent and yet he is the one on the ropes not Biden, Trump is the one on the defense not Biden. Enjoy these next two months cause they will go by quickly and Trump will lose.
Little Monster's Avatar
Trump by no means needs Pennsylvania to hit 270, he’s got many paths to get there. Biden has to flip several states which is VERY unlikely. Keep living in denial though.

If Biden tries to match Trump’s campaigning he’ll drop dead in 2 days. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If you think that Trump has "many paths" to 270 you sir are in serious denial. Trump's only chance of winning is to hang onto the swing states he won in 16 and guess what? He's Losing in all of them!!
Right now it is much better to be in Biden's position than it is Trumps. And Trump is the incumbent not Biden, but keep telling yourself otherwise if it makes you feel better. Ignorance is a bliss.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you think that Trump has "many paths" to 270 you sir are in serious denial. Trump's only chance of winning is to hang onto the swing states he won in 16 and guess what? He's Losing in all of them!!
Right now it is much better to be in Biden's position than it is Trumps. And Trump is the incumbent not Biden, but keep telling yourself otherwise if it makes you feel better. Ignorance is a bliss. Originally Posted by Little Monster

if you say so

bring on the debates! no teleprompters allowed

Little Monster's Avatar
if you say so

bring on the debates! no teleprompters allowed

BAHHAHAAAAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Can't wait, please let there be no teleprompter cause we all know what happens when Trump doesn't use a teleprompter.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Can't wait, please let there be no teleprompter cause we all know what happens when Trump doesn't use a teleprompter.


Biden can't hide in your momma's basement forever.

I said it in another thread and I'll say it again here ..... Trump will absolutely destroy Biden in any and all debates, the Dumbocrats should be doing EVERYTHING they can to prevent Biden from debating Trump ..... it would be about the same, if not worse, than the two clips Waco just put up in post #172 - now that's what we can expect from Biden when he tries to debate Trump .....
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Can't wait, please let there be no teleprompter cause we all know what happens when Trump doesn't use a teleprompter.
We do. He wins the election.
matchingmole's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How will Biden crowds ever rival those of Trump. Easy-peasy.

  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 08:51 AM
How much is the DNC paying per 'Vote" for Biden /harris????
will tiny munster be up front with 'hand-out' for a 'hand-out'??
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sadly this election is gonna be a custerfuck ,,,,,,,,, chaos fraud , anybody watchin can see it coming