Some Thoughts On Hunter Biden, “The Big Guy”, and Those that Dismissed This…..

You hit the nail on the head. I saw the Bobulinski interview on Tucker Carlson, and don't remember him saying anything damning about Joe Biden that didn't involve rank speculation. The thing though is that Bobulinski speaks with lots of gusto. And Carlson's right there to provide the earnest, incredulous, "in the know" commentary. So if you're persuaded by presentation instead of substance, maybe you fall for this.

Hunter Biden's a crack head. My limited experience with crack heads is they lie a lot. The 10% for the Big Guy doesn't mean anything. Originally Posted by Tiny
... You MISS the point. ... WHY did Joe Biden LIE?

And IF the Biden family did nothing wrong, then WHY
were the American people lied to and told the laptop
was fake and Russian Disinformation??

### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
?? Originally Posted by Jackie S
hes in denial.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Biden's banked millions and millions and millions. So what. THEY have executive privilege and pardon powers. So keep beating your meat cartel losers... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Wowzers! Look at the new fangled religiosity you're sporting these days. When did you get catechized in it? It seems you have grown so much in the past year. What changed? Visions from a guru on a mountain top? Seems like not so long ago you thought a Presidential pardon was the work of Satan himself.
Don't you know that trumpy can still pardon bannon again... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
...Trumpy can't even pardon his criminal children or his own criminal mushroom. Keep on believing in stupid shit though... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Trump should be more concerned about himself and all his indicted n convicted swamp buddies. What we he pardon Obama for?... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
...Trumpy has already started the felony\pardon party. That's a lot of his friends/appointees... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
...Trump had to pardon so many of his felony buddies.. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Was it geological in nature? A tectonic shift perhaps?
Was it based on physics? The religion of pendulum motions?
Was it something you picked up on the bargain rack at your local convenience store?

Now, I'm not saying it is the epitome of hypocrisy... But it sure seems like massive hypocrisy. Or is just something losers do these days?
bambino's Avatar
Now this is delicious!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm wondering why after 5+ years that all of a sudden the LambSCREAMMedia decided the laptop, just now became authentic. I realize the mid-terms are coming and Joe-mentia ain't getting any more wattage in his dim bulb.
Sacrifices have to be made?
Band-aid need to be yanked off?
Deck chairs need some shuffling?
New Manchurian candidate lurking in the wings?

... You MISS the point. ... WHY did Joe Biden LIE?

And IF the Biden family did nothing wrong, then WHY
were the American people lied to and told the laptop
was fake and Russian Disinformation??

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
bambino's Avatar
I'm wondering why after 5+ years that all of a sudden the LambSCREAMMedia decided the laptop, just now became authentic. I realize the mid-terms are coming and Joe-mentia ain't getting any more wattage in his dim bulb.
Sacrifices have to be made?
Band-aid need to be yanked off?
Deck chairs need some shuffling?
New Manchurian candidate lurking in the wings?

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
All of the above. Change of batter coming soon.
Conveying something to Joe? Where did that come from and what would it have to do with anything? That's your argument, that Joe sat there stone faced and said nothing, there fore everything else we know about the meeting through Hunter's e-mails is irrelevant? I don't think so.

Preponderance of evidence counselor, preponderance of evidence. And I'll say again, you may be right that all this would fail in a court of law but in an impeachment? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. I refuse to give you a lesson in trial practice and evidence. Particularly hearsay. It’s actually kinda funny though. Maybe you should show up to a trial or two and see how different it is from what you think would be testified to.
lustylad's Avatar
You have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
1blackman1 - You keep defending a LOSER with losing arguments. It doesn't matter whether Joe Biden did or didn't break the technical letter of the law. "Corruption" is like "fraud" - an elastic term that can encompass lots of activities. The SCOTUS ruling in McDonnell v. US (2016) made it harder to send politicians to jail for corruption. But it didn't make it harder for voters to revolt and throw them out of office. Influence-peddling fits everyone's textbook definition of corruption, even if it's not technically a crime in the absence of an explicit quid pro quo.

You can try to shrug off Hunter's unseemly conduct as the actions of a third-rate grifter/con artist. You can keep yelling "who gives a shit?" until the cows come home. But the simple truth is these Hunter family shenanigans don't pass the smell test for the vast majority of Americans, who expect Presidential families to be above such corruption, petty or otherwise.

So why do you keep defending an obviously senile, tone-deaf LOSER?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
1blackman1...So why do you keep defending an obviously senile, tone-deaf LOSER? Originally Posted by lustylad
That's an obviously old, white, senile, tone-deaf LOSER to you...
  • Tiny
  • 04-05-2022, 11:46 AM
... You MISS the point. ... WHY did Joe Biden LIE?

And IF the Biden family did nothing wrong, then WHY
were the American people lied to and told the laptop
was fake and Russian Disinformation??

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty, Do you have a link to something, a video, transcript or article, that shows him lying about this? I'm not challenging you, just would honestly like to know what you and Hedonist and others are talking about.
  • Tiny
  • 04-05-2022, 11:57 AM

BOBULINSKI: They just -- it was -- there was 10 people running around
giving him something to drink and we were backstage in a cramped space and
he asked me to walk with him out to the car. And he just asked, you know,
how I did and what I thought of his speech. And I thought you did a great
job in the speech. And obviously, cancer is a very serious thing that we
should all be working together to solve. I just lost a sister in law within
the last two weeks, sadly to cancer, and then he just sort of asked me to
keep an eye on his son and his brother.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever

It's a slimy story. The WaPo finally got interested enough to investigate it. My understanding is Bobulinski was cut out of the Hudson West III deal. But Hunter and his Uncle James sucked at least $4.8 million out of a big Chinese energy firm named CEFC for supposed legal and consulting services that were never rendered. The venture collapsed, but not before all that money was transferred to bank accounts controlled by Hunter and Uncle James.

Bobulinski, who had genuine energy experience and credentials to bring to the table, was angered and offended when the Biden Crime Family scammers hijacked what could have been a legitimate operation. Originally Posted by lustylad
Hedonist, Why did Joe tell Bobulinski to keep an eye on his son and his brother. Because he knew they were crooks or incompetent or both? It looks like the "crook" part maybe is true, based on the $4.8 million they made off with.
1blackman1 - You keep defending a LOSER with losing arguments. It doesn't matter whether Joe Biden did or didn't break the technical letter of the law. "Corruption" is like "fraud" - an elastic term that can encompass lots of activities. The SCOTUS ruling in McDonnell v. US (2016) made it harder to send politicians to jail for corruption. But it didn't make it harder for voters to revolt and throw them out of office. Influence-peddling fits everyone's textbook definition of corruption, even if it's not technically a crime in the absence of an explicit quid pro quo.

You can try to shrug off Hunter's unseemly conduct as the actions of a third-rate grifter/con artist. You can keep yelling "who gives a shit?" until the cows come home. But the simple truth is these Hunter family shenanigans don't pass the smell test for the vast majority of Americans, who expect Presidential families to be above such corruption, petty or otherwise.

So why do you keep defending an obviously senile, tone-deaf LOSER? Originally Posted by lustylad
Hunter shenanigans. Exactly. Hunter ran a grift that worked like a charm.

You’re kidding yourself if you think people care at all about presidents or their families being corrupt. If they did, Trump would not be the leading Republican. That’s proof positive corruption is accepted and people don’t actually care.

It’s not a matter of defending Biden. If people are going to claim he has committed some crime, provide some actual proof. Not innuendo or “I just believe”. The likes of Bambi and Salty can’t put a single cogent argument together to show that Biden did anything. HF writes 1000s of lines parroting Tucker Carlson without any clue what “proof” looks like. He’s running around thinking that Bubbles is proof because Bubbles thought Joe was involved, which is asinine but he’s entitled to believe as he likes.

People run grifts all the time and it can easily be made to look like they are involved even when they aren’t. I’m just awaiting some actual proof that Biden was involved in some way, which we’ve not seen at all.

I remember when I was a younger lawyer in Maryland/DC. There was this guy that ran a great scam for about 2 years. He was an older lawyer that was known to have been friends with several judges in DC, Mint Co and B’more. From time to time he was offer an attorney at the beginning of a trial or a particularly important hearing “help” by having a talk with the judge and getting them a favorable ruling. He’d charge 5K and would go back into the judges chambers. He’d then sit through the trial and hearing giving a nod or signal to the judge from time to time. If the judge ruled positively he’d keep the money because he needed to pay the judge 2500. If they lost he’d return 4000 and give an explanation that the judge didn’t think he could maintain a favorable decision on review but he had to give the judge 1000 to keep the line of communication open.

The Baltimore State’s Attorney ran an investigation and even got taps of the judges chambers and ran a sting over the course of 4 months. They found that the guy was in fact going back to the judges chambers. However, he never spoke once about the cases. It was just casual convo. There was never any exchange of money to judges or anything even close.

He was running a pretty savvy grift. When things went the attys way it looked like he got the guys help and it was worth the 5K and made them chance it again when needed or tell friends.

Guy made a killing. But even though they thought the judges were involved none were.
  • Tiny
  • 04-05-2022, 12:04 PM
Why the hell not

Clinton FBI interview: 39 times she didn't recall

But sure, let's add that to the list of what Biden doesn't remember. That should worry many Independents.

Since you didn't address the central point of my remarks to you, let me ask you again. Will who the Big Guy is matter if through e-mails/ documentation and testimony, we find out Joe Biden is the big guy? Not so much in a court of law but come Feb. of 2023?

Sorry about the "smarter than that remark. I actually just came back to edit that out but you beat me to it. My apologies. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Gotta say Tiny, I thought you were smarter than that. It means something if it can be demonstrated through testimony of parties involved, that they knew the Big Guy was Joe. What if Devin Archer is given a deal on his conviction if he will come clean on who the big guy is. Think that might mean something? You guys don't seem to want to play this to it's inevitable end when somebody will have to answer that question. At least I would think any decent prosecutor would force that out in a trial. EVERYBODY wants to know who the big guy is and NOBODY is going to be satisfied until somebody answers that question.

So here's the question Tiny. Will it mean something if it can be proven by e-mails/ documentation and testimony that Biden is the big guy? Will it mean something then?

So tell us again how the Big guy means nothing? It means nothing with no proof of course but everybody in that room, in that e-mail, knows who the big guy is and it will only take one to corroborate what Bobulinski said.

Thing is, as much as I enjoy debating this, Joe Biden can't be indicted FOR ANYTHING but he sure as hell can be impeached, can't he, and that is where all this evidence and hearsay if the counselor is correct, won't matter one single bit whether it is legal or not. What will matter is whether 218 Republicans in the House want him impeached. My money is on YES.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
OK Hedonist, I don't know much about this topic. I spent a little time reading the New York Post's coverage on Bobulinski this morning. I see that, as a poster pointed out here already, Hunter was paying Joe's $190 per month phone bill and paid around $10,000 towards Joe's home renovations. This was back when Joe was Vice President. I also see where Joe may have inadvertently paid for hookers and cocaine for Hunter. So there were some back and forth payments.

As to the 10% deal, so what? I see this whole Bobulinski thing happened after Biden had left office, in 2017. Joe Biden was a private citizen. This looks like a deal with a Chinese company that fell apart, so Joe Biden got nothing out of it, while Joe's son and brother pocketed payola, that perhaps was meant to butter up Joe, probably at a time when nobody knew whether the old man would ever run for office again. I don't see how this is a bigger deal than Trump's many connections with companies connected to the Chinese and other foreign governments. See

The Forbes article describes $5.4 million in rent that the Trump organization pocketed from a bank 70% owned by the Chinese government, DURING THE TIME HE WAS PRESIDENT.

There's a long list of reasons why I'd never vote for Biden. The Bobulinski thing though is not on the list.
I read through the Biden impeachment. You'd think Hunter was president after reading through it. So stupid.