250,000 illegal votes found in Arizona!!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’s clear that some in this forum swallow up the propaganda like baby sparrows waiting for their mom to bring them a worm. Originally Posted by bambino
True! More than just some, bambino!

(I read that in the epoch times!)

I think bambino has egg on his face regarding this claim... Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

Jacuzzme's Avatar
You always say the source is bad, but without even attempting to dispute the story. Is it ok, in your opinion, that CNN runs a story in 2017 that makes the exact opposite claims as the ones they do in 2021? Were they lying then or are they lying now, or, as seems patently obvious to me, does truth not matter as long as it fits the agenda they’re pushing?

Edit: Saw a commercial just now with every living president, except the one responsible for developing the covid vaccine, pushing people to get vaccinated.

George Orwell = Nostradamus
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Everyone does realize that the three vaccines only have intermediate approval because of an emergency. They are not what you would call FDA approved.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
As I wrote earlier, 48% of democrats think that it was...so it was for them. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
And 60% of Republicans believe Trump won the 2020 election due to widespread fraud.

Stupidity exists on both sides.
bambino's Avatar
And 60% of Republicans believe Trump won the 2020 election due to widespread fraud.

Stupidity exists on both sides. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
According to who? You? There’s more than enough people in this country that think the election was rigged. Why are the Dems so against FORENSIC audits? It will come out. Then you will look “ stupid”.
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
If your enemy is destroying himself stand aside and let him. If the election was on the up and up then get out of the way and let the GOP look like fools...unless...
The Republican party are the jokes of the nation with their ridiculous recounts looking for bamboo in the voting documents and their leaders who make a strong stand on a subject one day and completely reverse it a few days later. They are a lost party with no principles and no vision for anything other than their own pocketbooks.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Republican party are the jokes of the nation with their ridiculous recounts looking for bamboo in the voting documents and their leaders who make a strong stand on a subject one day and completely reverse it a few days later. They are a lost party with no principles and no vision for anything other than their own pocketbooks. Originally Posted by Jackal2

if you say so
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The Republican party are the jokes of the nation with their ridiculous recounts looking for bamboo in the voting documents and their leaders who make a strong stand on a subject one day and completely reverse it a few days later. They are a lost party with no principles and no vision for anything other than their own pocketbooks. Originally Posted by Jackal2
Its easy to say something so ridiculous but just answer the question, if the dems are right who not let the GOP look bad in the end? If the dems are right...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The burden of proof lies with the...

Answer that question correctly and you’ll understand why every challenge has been rejected.

Unless of course, the truth doesn’t matter to you. (He says rhetorically).

And the irony of calling anybody’s comment on this subject “ridiculous” is, well, ironic.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Its easy to say something so ridiculous but just answer the question, if the dems are right who not let the GOP look bad in the end? If the dems are right... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The recount continues in Arizona. Has anyone blocked recounts in Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota. or Pa.?

Right now the GOP. especially Trump, has lost quite a bit of credibility since the election. Trump's approval rating continues to drop, hitting all-time lows.

Trump approval rating drops 10 points in Gallup poll

The new numbers, which show Trump's approval at 39 percent and disapproval at 57 percent, is one of the largest dips in a single-month period for the president in Gallup's tracking. In May, Gallup showed Trump's approval and disapproval ratings nearly even at 49 and 48 percent respectively.


And 538 which is a summation of all polls, Trump stands at -19.3%. 57.9% disapproval rating. But it was -58.1% recently so he has improved.

So I say continue this charade of vote counting.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The recount continues in Arizona. Has anyone blocked recounts in Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota. or Pa.?

Right now the GOP. especially Trump, has lost quite a bit of credibility since the election. Trump's approval rating continues to drop, hitting all-time lows.

Trump approval rating drops 10 points in Gallup poll

The new numbers, which show Trump's approval at 39 percent and disapproval at 57 percent, is one of the largest dips in a single-month period for the president in Gallup's tracking. In May, Gallup showed Trump's approval and disapproval ratings nearly even at 49 and 48 percent respectively.


And 538 which is a summation of all polls, Trump stands at -19.3%. 57.9% disapproval rating. But it was -58.1% recently so he has improved.

So I say continue this charade of vote counting.

https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com...roval-ratings/ Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Speedy, if you want any credibility going forward then you need to acknowledge that this is an AUDIT and not a recount. I shouldn't have to go into the difference by now but lets get it correct. Arizona is having an audit which is much more stringent than any recount. Unlike the democrat party you're in favor of the AUDIT going forward. Why? I suppose you're saying that there is insufficient fraud to endanger the outcome of the election. If only the democrat party seemed that secure.

Questions to be answered;
Why were expectations of the election so different from the outcome?
Why did Fox News call the Arizona election hours before any other network?
Why is the Maricopa County Election Commission (MCEC) stonewalling the Arizona senate even after a judge said that the Senate is responsible for a fair election?
Why is the MCEC avoiding giving up passwords that should have been part and parcel of the court judgement?
Why did the Arizona Secretary of State (Democrat Katie Hobbs) try to sneak in a member of her office disguised as part of the press pool?
Why have private organizations outside the state of Arizona filed motions to stop the audit?

Will the audit uncover "fraud"? I don't know but I expect something stinks or why would they try so hard to cover it up.
Will the audit uncover "irregularities"? Yes, what election doesn't have irregularities.
Will it be greater than or equal to the margin of difference between Trump and Biden (11,000 votes out of 3.2 million votes)? I don't know but I would like to know.
If the audit finds sufficient problems in sufficient numbers to cast doubt on the reported outcome of the election will Biden supporters accept that something nefarious happened? Probably not. It is a cult you know.
If the audit confirms that the election night results are legitimate will the Trump supporters accept those findings? Since it won't change anything...probably but a lot of noses will have to be held.
Should the actions of the MCEC be investigated? Hell, yes.

What happens if there is proven fraud, irregularities, or enough invalid ballots are thrown out to change the election outcome? It is not a given that a judge would take it upon him or herself to order a new election or change the results. That's a completely different thing in itself.

So what happens if no judge will order a new election even if it is obviously needed? What happens if a judge does order a new election? We know that the Biden Justice Department will file injunctions and writs to stop such a thing.

If Arizona becomes Trump country again, what happens in Nevada, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin since everyone of them has similar problems with their election process?
matchingmole's Avatar
Why were expectations of the election so different from the outcome?

They Weren't

Why did Fox News call the Arizona election hours before any other network?

They make stuff up...this time they were accidently correct

Why is the Maricopa County Election Commission (MCEC) stonewalling the Arizona senate even after a judge said that the Senate is responsible for a fair election?
Who knows

Why is the MCEC avoiding giving up passwords that should have been part and parcel of the court judgement?

Why should they?

Why did the Arizona Secretary of State (Democrat Katie Hobbs) try to sneak in a member of her office disguised as part of the press pool?

Who cares

Why have private organizations outside the state of Arizona filed motions to stop the audit?

Because it is a stupid audit run by idiots