Sarah Palin "seriously interested" in 2016 bid

Everyone who doesn't have a snowball's chance should stay the fuck away from declaring their candidacy. That includes Romney, Palin and Huckabee. All 3 ran previously and couldn't get the job done. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The successor to the Patriarch of the Idiot Klan's, errrr Clan's throne is not going to like the above referenced remark.

I'm sure he will be speaking to you privately on the matter.
Sara Palin is a great sideline commentator for conservatives. In Iowa she put out this very excellent idea:

“If there is to be a department of energy, put it where the energy is created,” she said. “Pack up the U-Haul… what better place [for the] Department of Agriculture than in Ag country so they see how their policies affect the farmers and the ranchers who feed the country.”
“Why don’t we decentralize the federal government?”

Great idea!
Sara Palin is a great sideline commentator for conservatives. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And The Quitta from Wasilla had this to say about Bill O'Reilly blasting Sara and The Donald's Presidential aspirations.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Except Reagan and Nixon had also run previously before they won. I would add Johnson but he got in by other means before winning his election. I also know that some libs are looking at Hillary to win after she lost to an incompetent.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Except Reagan and Nixon had also run previously before they won. I would add Johnson but he got in by other means before winning his election. I also know that some libs are looking at Hillary to win after she lost to an incompetent. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You should add Johnson to the list, profadmiral.

Johnson ran for the Democratic Party nomination in 1960, along with a host of others, and was beaten by Kennedy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sara Palin is a great sideline commentator for conservatives. In Iowa she put out this very excellent idea: Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As our current Occupant of the White House demonstrates daily ....

... it's not the substance it's the delivery for most people in this country.

Palin's delivery is atrocious.
Except Reagan and Nixon had also run previously before they won. I would add Johnson but he got in by other means before winning his election. I also know that some libs are looking at Hillary to win after she lost to an incompetent. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
When Sara "winks" during speeches JD wonders how she knows he is watching.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-29-2015, 07:11 AM
As our current Occupant of the White House demonstrates daily ....

... it's not the substance it's the delivery for most people in this country.

Palin's delivery is atrocious. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Many on the right who formally backed her are now finally questioning her substance.

The critiques have been devastating — and those are the ones from her friends.
“Quite petty,” wrote Byron York in the Washington Examiner. “A long and incoherent speech,” in the view of Craig Robinson of the Iowa Republican blog. “The foreordained culmination of a slow and unseemly descent into farce,” added Charles C.W. Cooke of the National Review.

There is also a tone of soul-searching and even repentance in some of the commentary, as pundits on the right reconsider their own role in stoking the Palin phenomenon.
“In hindsight I regret contributing to the premature deification of Sarah Palin,” columnist Matt Lewis wrote Wednesday in the Daily Beast.
He added that “maybe her early critics saw some fundamental character flaw — some harbinger of things to come — that escaped me.”
Among those critics had been Washington Post op-ed columnist Kathleen Parker, who also weighed in after Palin’s speech contending that the Republicans had themselves to blame.
“In the end, the story of Palin’s rise and fall is a tragedy,” Parker wrote. “And the author wasn’t the media as accused but the Grand Old Party itself. Like worshipers of false gods throughout human history, Republicans handpicked the fair maiden Sarah and placed her on the altar of political expedience.”
LexusLover's Avatar
Many on the right who formally backed her are now finally questioning her substance. Originally Posted by WTF
Kinda like many "on the left" are questioning Obaminable's substance.

Except, of course, BigTits.

Since you "quoted" me ... I was critiquing her delivery: Shrill in tone.

Much the same as "Colonel Peters"!

But I would have thought you would prefer the high-pitched whine.
From CNN: "Interesting how the tables have turned."

The Republicans are now criticizing Governor Quitter.

What in the hell took 'em so long?

Governor Quitter's a freak in search of a freak show!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Once again Big Tampon is guilding the truth. The GOP is not attacking Palin, the establishment GOP is attacking Palin and has done so before. It really is a simple concept, like Christianity the GOP has broken into a few different denominations; social, establishment, fiscal, foriegn policy, and religious. I guess you could add traditional without defining what is meant by that (they don't know either, they just want the good ol days back).
Once again Big Tampon is guilding the truth. The GOP is not attacking Palin, the establishment GOP is attacking Palin and has done so before. It really is a simple concept, like Christianity the GOP has broken into a few different denominations; social, establishment, fiscal, foriegn policy, and religious. I guess you could add traditional without defining what is meant by that (they don't know either, they just want the good ol days back). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Further proof that JDIdiot lives in his own, secluded world that is shielded from conventional reality.

The Idiot Klan, errr Clan refers to their world as Paradise! Other's have called it Wasilla!

Dream on, Idiot's!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No cogent response? I didn't think so.
No cogent response? I didn't think so. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Try this "cogent response" on for size.

JD is a fuk'n Idiot!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Once again Big Tampon is guilding the truth. The GOP is not attacking Palin, the establishment GOP is attacking Palin and has done so before. It really is a simple concept, like Christianity the GOP has broken into a few different denominations; social, establishment, fiscal, foriegn policy, and religious. I guess you could add traditional without defining what is meant by that (they don't know either, they just want the good ol days back). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you're saying that because of the many opposing factions within the GOP, Sarah Palin is a viable spokesperson for the party?

Really? The GOP is like Christianity?

Maybe the Republican Party is so fractured because of national disasters like Palin.

Or would only a few denominations of GOPwipes say that?