Barr should be disbarred!

When Mueller does testify,( May 15th..maybe) and exposes Barr’s cover up..surely he can be disbarred. John Mitchell did some time in prison for the same crime.
Had the Russian sympathizers used there time supporting Barr instead of their usual deep state bullshit they could have asked Barr about meetings where records were kept. But they chose to once again go after Obama and Clinton. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
They chose to go after Obama and Clinton because that's where this road is actually leading too.
They chose to go after Obama and Clinton because that's where this road is actually leading too. Originally Posted by Levianon17
rexdutchman's Avatar
claiming Barr lied is a dim-retard lie, political Thuggery
Jaxson66's Avatar
claiming Barr lied is a dim-retard lie, political Thuggery Originally Posted by rexdutchman
No one needs to claim he lied all they have to do is reload the video. Barr lied about the obstruction exposed in volume two and lied about the Mueller letter. I’m sure he will begin his witch hunt soon because he has probably been instructed to do so by Mango Mussolini. The tyrant went after Sessions to unrecuse himself and stop the Mueller investigations and open up investigations on his political enemies. That’s third world despot behavior.
  • oeb11
  • 05-03-2019, 09:22 AM
When Mueller does testify,( May 15th..maybe) and exposes Barr’s cover up..surely he can be disbarred. John Mitchell did some time in prison for the same crime.
Had the Russian sympathizers used there time supporting Barr instead of their usual deep state bullshit they could have asked Barr about meetings where records were kept. But they chose to once again go after Obama and Clinton. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

What a DPST fairy tale - Barr has followed the Law - and DOJ procedures. You have no idea what disbarment is or how that is handled.

This is just - 'I disagree - so Barr should lose his law license."
Foolish, Foolish DPST
Barr has done nothing wrong. If the House wants - They can Impeach Barr
and forward for. Senate trial - with conviction requiring 2/3 majority - Good Luck with that - Foolishness.

No idea regarding the Constitution and Rule of Law.
Jaxson66's Avatar
What a DPST fairy tale - Barr has followed the Law - and DOJ procedures. You have no idea what disbarment is or how that is handled.

This is just - 'I disagree - so Barr should lose his law license."
Foolish, Foolish DPST
Barr has done nothing wrong. If the House wants - They can Impeach Barr
and forward for. Senate trial - with conviction requiring 2/3 majority - Good Luck with that - Foolishness.

No idea regarding the Constitution and Rule of Law. Originally Posted by oeb11
You seem to be under the impression that I believe the Russian sympathizers in the Senate will convict Barr or his daddy. I know they won’t. But it’s not going away and could last until a new attorney general and president are in office.

In 1975 Nixon’s AG John Mitchell was convicted of obstruction, perjury and conspiracy ( not collusion). He was sentenced to prison along with Nixon’s attorney. The same charges can be filed against Barr.
bambino's Avatar
You seem to be under the impression that I believe the Russian sympathizers in the Senate will convict Barr or his daddy. I know they won’t. But it’s not going away and could last until a new attorney general and president are in office.

In 1975 Nixon’s AG John Mitchell was convicted of obstruction, perjury and conspiracy ( not collusion). He was sentenced to prison along with Nixon’s attorney. The same charges can be filed against Barr. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Oh, indictments are coming. Soon after The Horowitz report.
No one needs to claim he lied all they have to do is reload the video. Barr lied about the obstruction exposed in volume two and lied about the Mueller letter. I’m sure he will begin his witch hunt soon because he has probably been instructed to do so by Mango Mussolini. The tyrant went after Sessions to unrecuse himself and stop the Mueller investigations and open up investigations on his political enemies. That’s third world despot behavior. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Warning! Snowflake melting!

And still no specific evidence from you. If they didn't find "collusion" there no reason for Mueller to continue his investigation. That was months ago. The collusion was with the DNC and the small group.

lustylad's Avatar
No one needs to claim he lied all they have to do is reload the video. Barr lied about the obstruction exposed in volume two and lied about the Mueller letter. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're a fireman, not a fucking lawyer. But go ahead - tell us what Barr said, verbatim, that was a lie and explain exactly how/why it was a lie.

Calling a person a "liar" because you don't like the truth and substance of his words tells us a lot more about your insecurities and your inability to carry on an intelligent debate than it reveals about the target of your reckless and irresponsible slandering.

Barr is light-years smarter than you and extremely careful with his words, whether under oath or not.

In 1975 Nixon’s AG John Mitchell was convicted of obstruction, perjury and conspiracy (not collusion). He was sentenced to prison... The same charges can be filed against Barr. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Brilliant! Something happened 45 years ago, so that means it should happen today! What a persuasive debater you are, jaxson!

Here's a better argument... Arkansas disbarred Slick Willy the Perjuring Sexual Predator 20 years ago! So that means AG William Barr should be stripped of his law license too!

Does everyone follow the logic here?

Go back to playing checkers at the fire station, jaxson.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Warning! Snowflake melting!

And still no specific evidence from you. If they didn't find "collusion" there no reason for Mueller to continue his investigation. That was months ago. The collusion was with the DNC and the small group.

TICK TOCK! Originally Posted by gnadfly
How would I know what Annie McDonald’s notes or Mcgahn’s notes have to say about the ten separate incidents of possible obstruction they witnessed. I’m not allowed to see them and obviously neither is Congress. But there gonna leak.

Now, once again collusion is not a crime. The crime is conspiracy.
LexusLover's Avatar
You seem to be under the impression that I believe the Russian sympathizers in the Senate .... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You mean the Senators who have approved our co-op space program with the Russians so that the Russians will continue assisting us with transporting U.S. astronauts to the international space station? Those Senators? Or did you mean this guy VVVVVVV

(Do you know why he's squeezing the Russian's thigh?)
Jaxson66's Avatar
You're a fireman, not a fucking lawyer. But go ahead - tell us what Barr said, verbatim, that was a lie and explain exactly how/why it was a lie.

Calling a person a "liar" because you don't like the truth and substance of his words tells us a lot more about your insecurities and your inability to carry on an intelligent debate than it reveals about the target of your reckless and irresponsible slandering.

Barr is light-years smarter than you and extremely careful with his words, whether under oath or not.

Brilliant! Something happened 45 years ago, so that means it should happen today! What a persuasive debater you are, jaxson!

Here's a better argument... Arkansas disbarred Slick Willy the Perjuring Sexual Predator 20 years ago! So that means AG William Barr should be stripped of his law license too!

Does everyone follow the logic here?

Go back to playing checkers at the fire station, jaxson. Originally Posted by lustylad
Simmer down now, Barr is obstructing justice like Mitchell did with Nixon’s tapes. Except tapes have been replaced with personal notes by Annie McDonald and Don Mcgahn. Barr claims Congress has no right to view the evidence of the Russian investigation just like Mitchell claimed no one had the right to listen to Nixon’s tapes, see how that turned out for Nixon and Mitchell.
LexusLover's Avatar
Simmer down now, Barr is obstructing justice like Mitchell did with Nixon’s tapes. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Where you even born then?

If you are making a lie into a "treasonous" offense, you should probably step back for a moment and consider the consequences of doing so. Once you go down that path there will not be any coming back, and some of the conspirators who have been trying to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States of America may feel the pain of your overzealousness and enthusiasm to rewrite 2016. Welcome to the shoe is on the other foot soon enough game:

Jaxson66's Avatar
They chose to go after Obama and Clinton because that's where this road is actually leading too. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That road is leading to failure. But there’s a third of the population who can’t see that because the Fox carnival barkers won’t allow that. Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith are stepping up with facts, but the rest, not so much.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That road is leading to failure. But there’s a third of the population who can’t see that because the Fox carnival barkers won’t allow that. Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith are stepping up with facts, but the rest, not so much. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

if you think Sheptard Smith and Mike's punk son Chris are gonna lead some media driven movement that will show the nation Trump is guilty then you'll be very disappointed.

how many pages of the Mueller report have you read? point to one page of the public report that proves all the left wing bloviating about .. anything. Trump being guilty? Barr is lying about the report?

As they say in Missouri .. "Show me!"