SPEED senile Joe gets AL Bore's endorement...WTF does Ol'Joe say to him?? Please decipher for us!!

HoeHummer's Avatar
I’m not coming to the farcical land that couldn’t beat the fakes virus and now doesn’t lead the world in infections and deaths anytime soon.

Trying to protects the people with bullshit and science denials is about as effective as trying to solve immigrations isotherm a wall.

Stay classy, US of Eh!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Isotherm a wall? Kinda early to have a fifth of gin back, isn’t it?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Not ginski good buddy.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It is a "hidden" tax. No one knows unless they know the price of the good before the tariff tax took affect and after it took affect.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you don't know the price of the widget, then how can you claim the widget costs more or less now? Did the price of the cheap Chinese toy go up or not to the "consumer"? These are not hard questions.

It's a simple enough matter of supply chain mechanics to understand how "costs" pass through the chain. What happens if China "reduces" the price of the widget to the importer? Or do you believe that China is a Capitalist country and cannot reduce their costs? What is their biggest cost and how would they reduce it? (Hint; labor)

Meanwhile, the importer could pass along the reduction plus tariff or not. Same for the "customer" of the importer. Ah, the wonders of Capitalism. But at the end of the day, the "consumer" makes the choice if the widget is worth what is being asked for it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If you don't know the price of the widget, then how can you claim the widget costs more or less now? Did the price of the cheap Chinese toy go up or not to the "consumer"? These are not hard questions.

It's a simple enough matter of supply chain mechanics to understand how "costs" pass through the chain. What happens if China "reduces" the price of the widget to the importer? Or do you believe that China is a Capitalist country and cannot reduce their costs? What is their biggest cost and how would they reduce it? (Hint; labor)

Meanwhile, the importer could pass along the reduction plus tariff or not. Same for the "customer" of the importer. Ah, the wonders of Capitalism. But at the end of the day, the "consumer" makes the choice if the widget is worth what is being asked for it. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That is why I call tariffs a "hidden" tax. Most people do not follow costs of products closely enough to realize that they are being screwed by the imposed tariffs. But some do track them and I showed the estimates as to how much the tariffs are costing us.

After Trump imposed a tax on washing machines manufactured in China, i Found it necessary to purchase one. My previous was a Samsung and I was very happy with its performance for many years and wanted the same brand. Unfortunately the Samsung, which had been competitively priced, was now quite a bit more expensive than other brands not manufactured in China. Coincidence? I hardly think so.

Tariffs add costs to the imported product. That is the purpose of tariffs. As both you and I stated, the importer can either eat the cost or pass it on to the consumer. This is not capitalism in my opinion:

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

The private owner has no control over costs imposed by tariffs. They lose profit or they pass on the cost.
adav8s28's Avatar

Since you've been following my posts you know I am not discounting Trump at all as to his ability to win again in November. Biden must win 3 states Clinton lost in 2016, or win Florida and one other. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Spot on Speed Racer. If you are for Biden, you must love how things are looking in (Penn, Mich, North Carolina). Here is the three that if Biden flips, he will get the 270 electoral college votes. Texas and Georgia being close is just icing on the cake.

Spot on Speed Racer. If you are for Biden, you must love how things are looking in (Penn, Mich, North Carolina). Here is the three that if Biden flips, he will get the 270 electoral college votes. Texas and Georgia being close is just icing on the cake.

https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com...ident-general/ Originally Posted by adav8s28
Same as the Dems and Hillary in her ineptness probably loved her leads in those same states before October 2016.

But obviously by election day, not so much...

It's only May guys. I'm laughing at anyone putting their predictions in place now.

adav8s28's Avatar
It's only May guys. I'm laughing........
Originally Posted by eccielover
Yet in a different thread, you predicted the popular vote for Biden with Calif being the difference.

Do you laugh at Trump for getting upset with his Campaign team in April, because of his position in the polls? Seems like the Donald is watching the polls in April.

Like Speed Racer wrote, Biden MUST flip 3 states or two if he carries Florida. I think Trump will carry Florida, so Biden will have to flip three states. Right now Mich, Penn and North Carolina are looking very good for Biden to flip.
bambino's Avatar
Yet in a different thread, you predicted the popular vote for Biden with Calif being the difference.

Do you laugh at Trump for getting upset with his Campaign team in April, because of his position in the polls? Seems like the Donald is watching the polls in April.

Like Speed Racer wrote, Biden MUST flip 3 states or two if he carries Florida. I think Trump will carry Florida, so Biden will have to flip three states. Right now Mich, Penn and North Carolina are looking very good for Biden to flip. Originally Posted by adav8s28
They were looking good for Hillary too!!!!

Yet in a different thread, you predicted the popular vote for Biden with Calif being the difference.

Do you laugh at Trump for getting upset with his Campaign team in April, because of his position in the polls? Seems like the Donald is watching the polls in April.

Like Speed Racer wrote, Biden MUST flip 3 states or two if he carries Florida. I think Trump will carry Florida, so Biden will have to flip three states. Right now Mich, Penn and North Carolina are looking very good for Biden to flip. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I have also said it absolutely makes sense for a politician to be tracking polls and your version of "upset" in regards to Trump may differ from mine.

You have also alluded to him saying to dispense disinfectant directly to people, which we all know he never said, so you representation of Trump is obviously skewed and inaccurate from the outset. This gives your opinion a much lower value in my eyes.

And I've also said it's likely to be a tight race with a few states in the mix.

Hoever, to proclaim it's particularly looking good for Biden to flip is somewhat laughable at this point in time.

But keep on with your too early to determine prognostication.

Those of us in reality will see what it looks like come late October.
adav8s28's Avatar
I have also said it absolutely makes sense for a politician to be tracking polls and your version of "upset" in regards to Trump may differ from mine.

And I've also said it's likely to be a tight race with a few states in the mix.
Originally Posted by eccielover
Regarding those few states. In prior posts, I have called it a five state race (Penn,Mich,Wisc,Ariz,Florida). Biden must flip three of the five. Biden is polling well in Florida. However, I think Trump will carry Florida (based on past voting history). You don't knock my opinion on Florida, but you do when I call other states for Biden. I was surprised by the 538 poll posted by Waco kid, that Biden was doing that well in North Carolina. When Obama beat the late Senator McCain and Airhead Palin in 2008, that was the first time that North Carolina had voted for a democrat in 50 years. The the electoral college math becomes real easy for Biden if Biden FLIPS North Carolina. He would not even need Wisconsin to get to the prize 270.
adav8s28's Avatar

You have also alluded to him saying to dispense disinfectant directly to people, which we all know he never said, so you representation of Trump is obviously skewed and inaccurate from the outset. This gives your opinion a much lower value in my eyes.
Originally Posted by eccielover
Yes, Trump did suggest to the doctors about the possibility that a disinfectant could be given to CV19 patients to clear the Virus. Did you not see the republican governor of Maryland last week on face the nation?


From the link:

During a news briefing last week, Trump speculated whether treating patients with an ultraviolet light or injecting them with disinfectant was a viable treatment to rid people of the deadly virus.
“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute," he said. "Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Does the google search bar work on your computer?
Yes, Trump did suggest to the doctors about the possibility that a disinfectant could be given to CV19 patients to clear the Virus. Did you not see the republican governor of Maryland last week on face the nation?


From the link:

During a news briefing last week, Trump speculated whether treating patients with an ultraviolet light or injecting them with disinfectant was a viable treatment to rid people of the deadly virus.
“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute," he said. "Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Does the google search bar work on your computer? Originally Posted by adav8s28
But thats not what you said. He didn't suggest giving it to anyone, but simply suggested looking into it.

Kind of like when you said a fever of 100.4 was indicative of Wuhan Virus over the Flu. That wasn't what was said at all, just your partisan spin on it.
adav8s28's Avatar
But thats not what you said. He didn't suggest giving it to anyone, but simply suggested looking into it.
Originally Posted by eccielover
Sure he did Numbnuts. If you are going to use it as a treatment, you're going to give it them. The word inject came straight from Trump!


From the link:

During a news briefing last week, Trump speculated whether treating patients with an ultraviolet light or injecting them with disinfectant was a viable treatment to rid people of the deadly virus.
“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute," he said. "Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”
  • oeb11
  • 05-03-2020, 12:43 PM
Little a wrote - " a fever over 100 is "diagnostic" of Wuhan virus.

a blatant Lie, or a Foolish , unfounded mis-statement, or just hubris and elitism.

Likely a combination of all -which in combination with other behavioral patterns constitutes a condition known as "Liberalism"!
Also common is name-calling as their method of denigrating One of a different Opinion. "Numbnuts" comes to mind.