I would have the gonads to come fuck all the Pittsburg pussy I wanted. The women there say that the local boys don't have enough dick to satisfy them. I could take care of that problem Originally Posted by themystic
LOL, I didn't see this one. NICE insecure junior high banter. I figured that's about your level of maturity.
NICE insecure junior high banter. Originally Posted by Muscleup


Self-Aggrandizement - A pattern of pompous behavior, boasting, narcissism or competitiveness designed to create an appearance of superiority.

Despite their facade, self-aggrandizers often suffer from low self-esteem themselves. They live in a dog-eat-dog world of fear where being anything less than being number one is regarded as failure – a world where nobody can be trusted.

What it Looks Like
  • A person engages in false accusations, smear campaigns, distortion campaigns, character assassination attempts and malicious gossip.
  • A friend amplifies their own image, or behaves in a pompous, arrogant manner.
What NOT to do
  • Don’t feel sorry for a self-aggrandizer. They often use guilt as a diversion from their own behavior and as a means of getting public support.
  • Don’t listen to promises from a self-aggrandizer or believe every word they say. Trust is built on track records.
  • Don’t become a false prophet. Self-aggrandizers love to recruit and deceive unwitting bystanders to sing their praises.
  • Don’t stand in front of a freight train unless you want to get hit. It’s easier to derail a train than to stop it cold.
  • Don’t become intoxicated by the thrill of being taken on board by a self-aggrandizer. Eventually they will not want to share their glory with you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Then there's...let's see, PUSSY ASS WHITE CRIMINALS who, just don't want anyone else to have anything. They propagate hate, fly flags of conquered countries, and think that gives them a fucking purpose. Funny thing is, these GANGS operate virtually in public. Many of the members have to wear HOODS, because they're ashamed of what they do. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Sorry Randy, you just lost me with your last paragraph... who are you talking about? Antifa?

Originally Posted by lustylad

Excellent! Randall described Antifa perfectly!!!! they're the only whites that wear hoods doing criminal acts.

Sorry Randy, you just lost me with your last paragraph... who are you talking about? Antifa?

Originally Posted by lustylad
That there is some irony.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Excellent! Randall described Antifa perfectly!!!! they're the only whites that wear hoods doing criminal acts.

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yeah, I guess KKK [gang] members and Aryan Nation and wannabe Nazi's all just became cops, huh?
Yeah, I guess KKK [gang] members and Aryan Nation and wannabe Nazi's all just became cops, huh? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Do you have any recent information of any of them wearing hoods and committing crimes in modern day?

I'll wait.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah, I guess KKK [gang] members and Aryan Nation and wannabe Nazi's all just became cops, huh? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Your race card is expired. How many of these cops associated with the Freddie Gray incident had KKK potential? SGT White is the one who didn't call for medical services and Officer Goodson was the one who was driving the van wherein the fatal injury is said to have occurred.

Randall Creed's Avatar
What was this shit, like two years ago now?

Get some new material.
Originally Posted by oeb11
FF- in response - there is no evidence from medicine or science that Homosexuality among men is a genetic trait to be passed on to offspring via heterosexual mating.

The origin of homosexuality is unknown to medicine - but homosexuality has a very long history among the species.


FF- If homosexuality is not a genetic trait then are you saying it is a chosen lifestyle?

Answer - OEB -I do not believe that homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle. It is something inborn, and not "fixable" with therapy as some have tried to do.

Medicine has not an answer as the "cause" -- a genetic trait passed down from "father to son" is unlikely.

Sorry - I may be a bit off topic.

Originally Posted by oeb11
Respectfully, I do not understand how it can be neither an inborn trait passed on genetically nor a chosen lifestyle.

Does that make it a genetic mutation? It is clearly biologically futile.

I am not a white coward.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What was this shit, like two years ago now?

Get some new material.
Originally Posted by Randall Creed

You're the one who needs "new material". Your BLM BS is two years older.

Here's another one of your imaginary Nazi "white supremacists" who joined the police force: Jeronimo Yanez. Maybe if Castile hadn't kept reaching for his gun this so-called ~Nazi~ wouldn't have shot him.

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-27-2019, 05:03 PM
Looks like we got another one. Lets take bets on if he is a trumper or not lol. Its ok to joke about it yall dont care. No need for gun control. We solve our issues with good ol thoughts and prayers.
  • Tiny
  • 04-27-2019, 05:47 PM
Respectfully, I do not understand how it can be neither an inborn trait passed on genetically nor a chosen lifestyle.

Does that make it a genetic mutation? It is clearly biologically futile. Originally Posted by friendly fred
The origin of male homosexuality is complicated. There appears to be in some instances a genetic component, something on the X chromosome that can be passed from mother to son. It's not entirely genetic though. If one identical twin is gay, the probability that his twin will be too is much higher than average, but still I believe below 50%.

The environment in the womb also appears to have an effect. Testosterone in pregnant women may have something to do with it. My cousin, who researched this a good bit, thinks her son is gay because she was under extreme stress when she was pregnant -- her husband was dying. Later born children are more likely to be gay.

So perhaps primary reasons a man is gay are because of genetics and the environment in the womb before he's born, both things he has no control over.

As to it being an evolutionary dead end, maybe or maybe not. I read somewhere that female relatives of gay men are more fertile. Maybe they make up for their brothers' gayness. Or maybe gays are good fighters, that helped the tribes of yore kill their enemies. The Greeks promoted homosexuality in the military because it improved morale and made people fight harder, for the benefit of their comrades who also happened to be their fuck buddies. If you've ever been accosted by transvestites in Costa Rica or Bangkok you know they can be pretty aggressive. At least I wouldn't want to mess with them.

If you're interested in this, this would be worth a look,


Apologies to Trey for going off topic.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Looks like we got another one. Lets take bets on if he is a trumper or not lol. Its ok to joke about it yall dont care. No need for gun control. We solve our issues with good ol thoughts and prayers. Originally Posted by Trey

You'd lose. From the shooter's manifesto (which Twitter has already taken down):

“Are you a Trump supporter?” You mean that Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous co**sucker? Don’t make me laugh.

I'd post The New York Time's inflammatory, Omar-like, antisemitic cartoon that ran this week, but it violates ECCIE's community standards.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Looks like we got another one. Lets take bets on if he is a trumper or not lol. Its ok to joke about it yall dont care. No need for gun control. We solve our issues with good ol thoughts and prayers. Originally Posted by Trey(I'm a dumb sucker)

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The origin of male homosexuality is complicated. There appears to be in some instances a genetic component, something on the X chromosome that can be passed from mother to son. It's not entirely genetic though. If one identical twin is gay, the probability that his twin will be too is much higher than average, but still I believe below 50%.

The environment in the womb also appears to have an effect. Testosterone in pregnant women may have something to do with it. My cousin, who researched this a good bit, thinks her son is gay because she was under extreme stress when she was pregnant -- her husband was dying. Later born children are more likely to be gay.

So perhaps primary reasons a man is gay are because of genetics and the environment in the womb before he's born, both things he has no control over.

As to it being an evolutionary dead end, maybe or maybe not. I read somewhere that female relatives of gay men are more fertile. Maybe they make up for their brothers' gayness. Or maybe gays are good fighters, that helped the tribes of yore kill their enemies. The Greeks promoted homosexuality in the military because it improved morale and made people fight harder, for the benefit of their comrades who also happened to be their fuck buddies. If you've ever been accosted by transvestites in Costa Rica or Bangkok you know they can be pretty aggressive. At least I wouldn't want to mess with them.

If you're interested in this, this would be worth a look,


Apologies to Trey for going off topic. Originally Posted by Tiny

interesting. since they've never found the gay gene, I've always thought chemical imbalances or changes in the brain were behind the creation of homosexuals. the behavior is similar to schizophrenia, a confusion of identity.. the article suggest chemical changes in the dna is the culprit.