Why is Impeachment such a forbidden topic?

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages drives people to talking to themselves .... sober up before you start answering yourself.

Perhaps if I did drink, particularly as much as you do, I would be able to communicate with you better, since consuming alcohol kills brain cells.

Otherwise you have a wonderful self-indulging holiday weekend of drinking. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What was your reaction when you first realized that you would never be anything, other than an Idiot?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Current Events.

But in this thread I am actually defending your privilege to be ignorant and uninformed when you vote, and protesting against removal of your 2 mistakes from office for no reason than their failure to do their jobs.

I would be impressed with your effort to refocus any criticism of your lameass voting if it wasn't so pathetic and non-intellectual in tone. Perhaps one reason another Secretary of Defense will have to be installed .... poor judgment and a refusal to pay attention to sound advice.

Excluding your 20-20 hindsight, of course. Go drink some more. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Many of us voted for Obama for a very simple reason -- the economy was in the ditch and Bush was to be held accountable, whether he could have done anything to avoid the financial market collapse or not. The buck stopped there.

DJIA in March 2009 -- 7063.

DJIA in November 2014 -- 17828.

The average investor could have made 1.5x his investment in just 5+ years. Not too shabby. The rise in the market made my move to retirement not only possible, but very comfortable. Hopefully you did as well as I did.

BTW, Obamacare has not affected me personally in any negative way. How about you?
Many of us voted for Obama for a very simple reason -- the economy was in the ditch and Bush was to be held accountable, whether he could have done anything to avoid the financial market collapse or not. The buck stopped there.

DJIA in March 2009 -- 7063.

DJIA in November 2014 -- 17828.

The average investor could have made 1.5x his investment in just 5+ years. Not too shabby. The rise in the market made my move to retirement not only possible, but very comfortable. Hopefully you did as well as I did.

BTW, Obamacare has not affected me personally in any negative way. How about you? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Yssup Rider's Avatar
LOLLing at Slobbrin tryin to act all smug and shit...


LexusLover's Avatar
Many of us voted for Obama for a very simple reason -- the economy was in the ditch and Bush was to be held accountable, whether he could have done anything to avoid the financial market collapse or not. The buck stopped there.

BTW, Obamacare has not affected me personally in any negative way. How about you? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
As for the first part, I don't have a problem with "the buck" stopping with whomever is at the helm at the end of the voyage, just so long as each "helmsperson" (before and after) is held equally accountable based on the same published standards of measurement.

As for the 2nd part the copays have gone up, the "coverage" for prescriptions has been modified and reduced, and less "line items" are covered, which shifts the cost to me and away from the carrier. That experience is consistent with others with whom I have contact, when their employer quits coverage or shifts the "responsibility" for coverage to a third-party (union for instance) and/or reduces working hours for the employees to avoid the mandates. And those situations are just cropping up, because the real impact of the law has been pushed off in anticipation of the 2014 elections and the ripple effect has not yet reached all those to be impacted. Rather than increasing pay checks it has reduced pay checks and that effects my business by reducing the number of persons who are capable of paying. It's going to get worse, not better, unless the provisions of the law are changed or set aside.
LexusLover's Avatar
If you ever feel dumb... Originally Posted by bigtex
Just remember, Gruber said you are, BT.

He's the "expert" according to your man in the White House.

How does it feel to be conned into supporting OBAMINABLE ...

..... and his policies?
Impeachment is the one totally Constitutional Option that The Congress has to reign in a President or a member of the Federal Judiciary when he or she oversteps their.authority.

Why then is it such a forbidden topic?. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Impeachment is a forbidden topic cause we would just end up with Joe Biden, that's certainly no improvement.



DUMB ASSES! Originally Posted by bigtex
What's even dumber is there are those that voted for a long legged Mac Daddy, not once but twice.

Just remember, Gruber said you are, BT.

He's the "expert" according to your man in the White House.

How does it feel to be conned into supporting OBAMINABLE ...

..... and his policies? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just remember........

You are the very same LLIdiot

That was conned into supporting a friggin' Wilted Shrub

Who would later become known as

"THE MOST UNPOPULAR (and incompetent)



To add insult to injury

LLIdiot was stupid enough to vote for Shrubya's failed policies......


Indeed, LL is a bonafide...........

LexusLover's Avatar
Just remember........ Originally Posted by bigtex
I can remember a lot, because I stay sober. How about you?

Like I said, it would probably help if I drank heavily so I could kill enough brain cells to be able to communicate better with you.

But you have to take the first step .... then there are 11 more.

BTW: This thread is about ... "Impeachment" ...

........... since you have forgotten.

Does someone read the Wall Street Journal to you occasionally?

"A more meaningful comparison would be measuring Mr. Obama’s rating and Mr. Bush’s in the sixth year of his presidency. Today, Barack Obama is in net negative territory, with personal ratings of 42% positive and 46% negative. George W. Bush’s rating in September 2006 was 42% positive and 49% negative."

Are you starting to "feel" the least bit like a dumbshit?

Or do you need to get into at least the 8th or 9th step? After all those "idiots" over at the Wall Street Journal ... they don't know shit from shinola ...right?

Just ask ole 20-20 hindsight BigTits with xray vision from 6,000 miles away.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey, BigTits ... here's what your President's man said about you, et al...

Gruber: "This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO [Congressional Budget Office] scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in – you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed… Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass....Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."

"the stupidity of the American voter" ...

.. that would be you, BigTits.

Gruber said that about you .... you voted for Obaminable .. remember?

"ObamaCare"??? Remember? Gruber from MIT ... that "idiot" from MIT WHO was invited to the White House 19 times to help YOUR MAN BULLSHIT YOU!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

As for the 2nd part the copays have gone up, the "coverage" for prescriptions has been modified and reduced, and less "line items" are covered, which shifts the cost to me and away from the carrier. That experience is consistent with others with whom I have contact, when their employer quits coverage or shifts the "responsibility" for coverage to a third-party (union for instance) and/or reduces working hours for the employees to avoid the mandates. And those situations are just cropping up, because the real impact of the law has been pushed off in anticipation of the 2014 elections and the ripple effect has not yet reached all those to be impacted. Rather than increasing pay checks it has reduced pay checks and that effects my business by reducing the number of persons who are capable of paying. It's going to get worse, not better, unless the provisions of the law are changed or set aside. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Believe it or not, I appreciate the response. My situation is somewhat unique because I went from working full-time to retirement (or semi-retirement). The only downside in my current coverage is that viagra is not covered. But I do get paid back for my insurance premiums and other medical costs (up to a generous limit) so my medical expenditures are much less now. I've been fortunate in that I don't take prescription drugs and normally go to the doctor once a year for a physical,

I have friends who are self-employed and their insurance coverage went up dramatically under Obamacare. I have asked the question several times on this forum with very few responses -- how has Obamacare negatively affected you? Much negative speculation but nothing concrete.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What's even dumber is there are those that voted for a long legged Mac Daddy, not once but twice.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Take a look at what a Gallup poll lists as the important problems facing the country today.


Then enlighten us. As you go through your normal day, how have the policies of Obama negatively affected you regarding what is important to most people?
matchingmole's Avatar
"Why is Impeachment such a forbidden topic?"

Because in the grand scheme of things...it's a patently stupid idea.