So Looks Like BRET KAVANAUGH May Have Raped A Girl In High School

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm not concerned with how reps feel. Turnabout is fair play. This is what irritates me about the dems we need more cut throat people like Diane Fiestein. She is my hero..this is the fuck em up politics I ride for. See Republicans are shady and dirty as FUCK and when they get their comeuppance they cant handle it.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Ohh in case yall didnt know Chuck Grassley oops I meant Chuck Assley paraded out 65 women to sign a letter in support of rape attempter Kav. Here's the latest:

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans released a letter from 65 women who said they knew the nominee in high school and vouched for his character, saying he always treated women with ”decency and respect.”

Politico contacted all the women on the letter to see if they still stood behind Kavanaugh in light of Ford’s allegations, and so far just two have said they did.
This is awesome news. I stand with the women. ;-) LMAO
you know what? there's no burden of proof at all. the Members can vote down Kavanaugh for having an eyebrow hair out of line. this is strictly a tit-for-tat Hearing at this point. sure, they will continue the Dog-and-Pony show, because it is required, but out of 100 Senators, there are 100 that know exactly the game that is being played, and it is exactly how I outlined earlier. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That's true. That's one reason why I stated these allegations were a political maneuver. For it to be a Criminal investigation then you need a victim, physical evidence, testimonials ect. So yeah , I agree with your post.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Ohh in case yall didnt know Chuck Grassley oops I meant Chuck Assley paraded out 65 women to sign a letter in support of rape attempter Kav. Here's the latest:

This is awesome news. I stand with the women. ;-) LMAO Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Ha! well, to be fair, just because only 2 have stood by their support so far, it doesn't mean many more would not. but what it does mean is that even if all 65 vociferously support Kavanaugh, it doesn't mean a God Damn thing. this type of behavior that Kavanaugh participated, allegedly, is a crime of opportunity. throw in some alcohol, along with a rowdy party and a chance out-of-site window to maneuver, and Kavanaugh turns into an Octopus. he may be Mr. Church Choir Boy, but give him that 5 minutes of opportunity, and he would welcome Satan with open arms.
lustylad's Avatar
he may be Mr. Church Choir Boy, but give him that 5 minutes of opportunity, and he would welcome Satan with open arms. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
"Welcome Satan with open arms"???? LOL! Give me a fucking break. The allegations, which he and the other witness deny, are that he clumsily groped and jostled with a woman in high school while enebriated. I'm sure nobody in this forum ever did anything like that. Are we all satanic now?
lustylad's Avatar
Politico contacted all the women on the letter to see if they still stood behind Kavanaugh in light of Ford’s allegations, and so far just two have said they did.
Another indication of Politico's bias. Look at how they framed the question. They should have asked each woman if she wanted to withdraw her support, not confirm it. There is a big difference. Many of the women probably just want to wait and see at this point - and would have said "no" to the former question.
That's a lot of writing with no credibility behind it. Ok so you don't want Kavanagh appointed to the Supreme Court, ok I get it. The problem is there's a burden of proof still at hand. It's not enough to just say something happened over three decades ago. These allegations are nothing more than a political maneuver. If Kavanagh wasn't in the position he's in to be nominated to the Supreme court this animated rape story never would have surfaced, because it wouldn't have any impact, because it didn't even happen. So deal with that.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That's why they pulled it. Better to "try it in the court of public opinion" than on the floor of the Senate. The other reason why they waited was so Social Media etc could be scrubbed.

Short fuse, "alarming allegation", Reps need to hold firm. This is all a ploy to buy time for the Democrats so that possibly they can wait out the election in a month and a half and have both the House and Senate.

I predict this would happen Friday. At the gym today, I didn't see too much about it on the tube. Have they released the letter? Seems this person based on the Social Media they didn't scrub is a member of "The Resistance" and a die hard Progressive.
Karl Childers's Avatar
"Welcome Satan with open arms"???? LOL! Give me a fucking break. The allegations, which he and the other witness deny, are that he clumsily groped and jostled with a woman in high school while enebriated. I'm sure nobody in this forum ever did anything like that. Are we all satanic now? Originally Posted by lustylad
We were all a little funny in high school, not funny Ha Ha! but funny - something else. Everyone knows they were "funny" when they were teenagers. Some people are even "funny" as adults. That is what makes ECCIE so interesting.

Maybe someone should start a thread on the many meanings of "funny". Un Hu
Another prediction: if this accusation doesn't get traction, Dems will either whisper of another "assaultee" or come up with another actual person.
LexusLover's Avatar
Another prediction: if this accusation doesn't get traction, Dems will either whisper of another "assaultee" or come up with another actual person. Originally Posted by gnadfly
... with his signature in her year book! Like ...

"Great time groping you! Your bud, Bret!"

(No original year book available. Just a copy!)
Another indication of Politico's bias. Look at how they framed the question. They should have asked each woman if she wanted to withdraw her support, not confirm it. There is a big difference. Many of the women probably just want to wait and see at this point - and would have said "no" to the former question. Originally Posted by lustylad
I wonder how many people hung up on "Politico?" I would have.
Total unprovable BS. Claims that Kavanugh was drunk leads to a legitimate question of whether SHE was also drunk. Yet another "I never told anybody til now because I can get on the news" moment. Won't hold up the vote and won't stop his confirmation. Originally Posted by Lantern2814

Plus with how the liberals seem to want to make this a PUBLIC lynching, rather than something investgated in a court, it seems they care more about 'Trial by the public" than they do with trial by jury..

And with the whole #metoo movement, it seems (like we saw after Tailhook), merely accusing someone, is being seen as grounds to 'cook their goose', whether there's any evidence or not.

As much as I hate to say it, if this woman's account is factual, the Kavanaugh Nomination is in trouble.

The only saving grace might be the ages, as all were high school students.

It's a shame. But this is the world we live in. From now on, every man of influence or power will be subject to scrutiny of the things he did for his entire life of accountability. Originally Posted by Jackie S

So what, the whole "innocent till proven guilty" thing goes in the trash, we've morphed into a "you are guilty merely because you got accused, who cares if there's any evidence or not">>

NO it was not even discussed until at least 30 or 40 years had passed according to this morning's paper. Kinda skipped over it; more fake news. Originally Posted by Karl Childers

And i kinda call BS on the whole "This was a repressed memory, which only recently came out, during a therapy session with the woman, her husband and their therapist, on a Totally different subject"..

He didn't call her back again, not ever. After about eight weeks the police called and told him to come in for an interview - she had charged him with rape, the night of the second date.

He called an attorney who went to the interview with the guy. He instructed the guy not say a single word, nothing at all. The attorney and the guy listened to the lady cop tell her story and lie about having a rape kit and test results with DNA. When the cop finished, the attorney said "we have no statement to make at this time". The attorney and the guy left.

That was the last they heard about the situation.

The moral of the story is that cops and women lie. Keep your mouth shut and walk away without looking back. Originally Posted by Karl Childers

I've heard similar stories, but always chalked it up to gossip.

That's why they pulled it. Better to "try it in the court of public opinion" than on the floor of the Senate. The other reason why they waited was so Social Media etc could be scrubbed. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Which is why i feel if/when they do a proper investigation/hearing on this, DO NOT HAVE it televized. As IMO all that does IS push it into being a 'court of public opinion' hit piece..

Another prediction: if this accusation doesn't get traction, Dems will either whisper of another "assaultee" or come up with another actual person. Originally Posted by gnadfly

And i feel, if they do manage to Torpedo Kavenaugh, whom ever else Trump nominates, will get EXACTLY the same happen.. Some 'nameless gal' from way back in his past, will crawl out of the woodwork, with an accusation..
So we have a woman who scrubbed her social media accounts to try to hide her liberal leanings and hatred of President Trump, can't remember when or where this "incident" occurred, has told at least three different versions of this story, and the witness SHE named has called it BS. Her credibility is already shot. Don't even bring up the lie detector tests. They're inadmissable as they can easily be manipulated to get the desired results.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... with his signature in her year book! Like ...

"Great time groping you! Your bud, Bret!"

(No original year book available. Just a copy!) Originally Posted by LexusLover

don't forget to use two different color pens .. for diversity yeah?

bambino's Avatar
She went to rallies wearing a pink vagina hat. They had her waiting in the wings. Pretty sad.