Assholes's Speech

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Have you by chance seen what happened in London today? No way do I want this to happen in the U.S. It could be a member of my family that got killed and that is not acceptable. Trump knows that we have to do something and that's what he is going to do. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
First, the attacker in London was BRITISH-BORN!!!! Not an immigrant. As has been shown in the U.S., almost nothing can be done to prevents such attacks by citizens of the country.

You have absolutely NO idea what Trump will do. Unlike other countries, the U.S. has vetting procedures in affect that have been very effective. I am all for the most effective vetting procedures possible. I will repeat. I have no problem with a temporary ban on immigration. At the end of that temporary ban, if no changes have been made in the vetting process, it will show that Obama's team did a fine job of keeping terrorists out of this country.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
7 countries is a damn good start. Let's not forget Obama and bush had enacted travel bans.....north korea, iraq, iran, I missing any? Originally Posted by Buddys Place
According to Politifact, which I consider to be an unbiased source, comparing the travel bans of Obama and Trump is like comparing apples to oranges. Totally inappropriate.
actionjackson647's Avatar
under the amended immigration law of 1965 it is illegal to discriminate against immigrants based on national origin..
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Once again Ellen proves she has no idea on what she is talking about much less has any understanding of what TRUE FACTS truly are.
I say who cares. I didn't vote for him but we have him. Give him a chance. If it doesn't work out elect another one in 4 years. Why get so upset about stuff you can't change? No one on here is ever going to change someones mind or covert them to their side. Peoples minds are made up.

Ps. You think Trump or Clinton would give 2 shits about what members of a fuck board think?
nuglet's Avatar
YEAH, I think they would care, just not publicly.. most of us vote.. that's ALL they care about.. oh, and they'd want some slice of the money passed around here.
Yeah sure! Tell yourself that! Lmao

YEAH, I think they would care, just not publicly.. most of us vote.. that's ALL they care about.. oh, and they'd want some slice of the money passed around here. Originally Posted by nuglet
What is your fucking problem?

Once again Ellen proves she has no idea on what she is talking about much less has any understanding of what TRUE FACTS truly are. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Oh snap!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Try stating TRUE FACTS for once Ellen. It might be refreshing to state the truth for once. Alternative facts probably belong in an alternative universe. What you tried to state about Trump knowing what to do about such attacks was falsely and said out of racial ignorance. Said to try to boost a charlatan and to by-pass that hatred and discriminatory fear like yours is why there is such a thing called HOMEGROWN TERRORISTS.
Another example lol!!

Try stating TRUE FACTS for once Ellen. It might be refreshing to state the truth for once. Alternative facts probably belong in an alternative universe. What you tried to state about Trump knowing what to do about such attacks was falsely and said out of racial ignorance. Said to try to boost a charlatan and to by-pass that hatred and discriminatory fear like yours is why there is such a thing called HOMEGROWN TERRORISTS. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Another example of what? Do you have a point kickrocks?
About you alienating yourself. You are very self destructive I see. No need to go hard core cuz your opinion differs from some one else.

Another example of what? Do you have a point kickrocks? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. This is your problem - you babble about shit nobody understands. Ok - let's try this - Trump is the President of the U.S.A. - can you understand that? And he will be for the next 4 years - try growing up and dealing with it.

Try stating TRUE FACTS for once Ellen. It might be refreshing to state the truth for once. Alternative facts probably belong in an alternative universe. What you tried to state about Trump knowing what to do about such attacks was falsely and said out of racial ignorance. Said to try to boost a charlatan and to by-pass that hatred and discriminatory fear like yours is why there is such a thing called HOMEGROWN TERRORISTS. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
One more thing Fire - I just received an email on my Gmail account from one of your little minions. He said basically I don't have a brain and that you put me in my place. I told that guy to be a man and say it on ECCIE. I really don't know what the fuck your problem is - well, actually, I do it's called BSC.