Making a Living

I sure as hell know that you can't trust anyone 100 percent, especially when you are already BOTH breaking the law and probably lying to a mate to boot lol. So much for intuition. Originally Posted by London Rayne
kudos on you for that one. SO TRUE !
It will be in the courts a long time. No winners especially for Tyler and his family. Originally Posted by SR Only
are these jerks in prison and expelled from the university at least?
are these jerks in prison and expelled from the university at least? Originally Posted by ninasastri
I think expulsion was immediate. They may have come up with bail. The NYC media (and National) will stay on top of this.
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  • 01-18-2011, 09:14 PM
The decision to have a client that you know, and trust in your home is obviously not a popular one, but for some of us it works , and is something that we feel comfortable doing. Yes, there is some risk involved,but then again there is always going to be a certain level of risk in what we do as escorts regardless of how we do it.In the end all you can do is what makes the most sense to you, and decide for yourself what risks are worth taking for you as an individual.

I find it sad that so many escorts feel the need to judge each other over the way they choose to run their business .I assume that we already have plenty of people on the outside judging us,. Is it something that we really need to do to each other. Originally Posted by Becky

There are ladies that I have invited to my house btw Call me CRAZY!
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  • 01-18-2011, 09:16 PM
So let me get this straight. Women are safer fucking random strangers than their husband? Originally Posted by pjorourke
If their husbands are crazy! At least thats what the stats point to,
I met Aussie Amber 4+ years ago (maybe longer). Beautiful girl. I thought she first retired then came back briefly and then really quit. Maybe to return to Austrailia? Don't know. I do remember it wasn't quite GFE. or At the time I seem to have thought she was a bucket list. Afterwards I was sort of "meeh." Originally Posted by SR Only

She was beautiful, wasn`t she? Well her rates were low because she would not offer GFE. i think that is reasonable? I don`t think she advertised as GFE. I just loved to look at her. What a beauty!
London, it is one thing to inform people of the risks that are involved when you invite a client into your home It is another to make fun of the people who feel a little different from you on the subject, and that has become pretty obvious to me in reading parts of this thread.

You may have noticed that my post was not addressed to you , or anyone else in particular. I am sorry if you thought my message was intended for you.
London Rayne's Avatar
I understand.
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  • 01-18-2011, 09:29 PM
I'd like to invite all you ladies over to my house for a Happy Meal!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hahahahahaha..... I knew someone who created her webpage under her REAL name.....found it on whois and told her, and she was surprised someone found out she`s an escort......she was also a HDH and claiming to be smart .......... i think to speak in Lauren`s terms that is a real big step in
REALLY opening your life up ....;-) ..... Originally Posted by ninasastri
LOL! You crack me up girl
I'd like to invite all you ladies over to my house for a Happy Meal! Originally Posted by WTF
I'd like to invite all you ladies over to my house for a Happy Meal! Originally Posted by WTF
I am still waiting for the panties that you promised me , and Ans for Christmas.I need new sox as well

I understand. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Its all good Have a good night
Naomi4u's Avatar

No one is judging, but expecting others to be oblivious is another thing. If you want to say, "Hey guess what..I work out of my home....I know it's dangerous and not so discreet, but I don't care," then so be it.

Stand up for what you do, but don't try and make excuses for it by suggesting that no bad thing could ever happen to you because you are so much smarter. That's what the last girl said lol. I am using "you" again in the general sense, as I have no issues with you.

I don't get all pissy and call judgement every time someone says they don't charge by the hour, because I really don't care. I know how much money I make charging by the hour lol. It's not what is being done, but the reasoning used to try and justify it. No matter how you look at it, it is NOT DISCREET on many levels, so say so and move on. If you want to do it fine, but others stating the facts should not make your comfort level change. I think it is outright stupid to let any man you met as a paying client know where you don't have to agree.

I am sure many of the things I do are considered stupid to others, but it does not make me dislike them because of it. I know the reality of working out of a home. I know for a FACT how easy it is to be set up by just one person opening their mouth. I sure as hell know that you can't trust anyone 100 percent, especially when you are already BOTH breaking the law and probably lying to a mate to boot lol. So much for intuition. Originally Posted by London Rayne
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  • 01-18-2011, 09:42 PM
I am still waiting for the panties that you promised me , and Ans for Christmas.I need new sox as well

Originally Posted by Becky
They were edible and I got hungry.

Your new Socks are safe

Its all good Have a good night Originally Posted by Becky
Sweet Dreams
London Rayne's Avatar
I'd like to invite all you ladies over to my house for a Happy Meal! Originally Posted by WTF
A meal or a "snack?"