REPORT: 'Whistleblower' Who Complained About Trump's Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky Revealed

rexdutchman's Avatar
But wait this is all over not giving free money to Ukraine to give back to politico s in our guberment ?

  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2019, 12:21 PM
Thank you Mr. Poopy Pants! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

fake canuck
matchingmole's Avatar
The only first hand disclosure is the actual transcript of President Trump’s conversation, which of course, exonerates him from any wrong doing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
HoeHummer's Avatar
fake canuck Originally Posted by oeb11
Homo milquetoast.
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2019, 02:37 PM
please do continue, poster.

soon to join the "Band"
Poster has nothing cogent or constructive.

Or even close to on topic.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Cheese it! The Coppers!

LOLLING Mr. Poopy Pants.
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2019, 02:50 PM
Do keep up the scatologic name-calling, fake canuck.

i do not need to write that it is all SomeOne has to contribute.
HoeHummer's Avatar
But yous did, eh?
LexusLover's Avatar
Do keep up the scatologic name-calling, fake canuck. Originally Posted by oeb11
He's just trying to escape his reputation in the spas down here.

Also, he must have heard the females up there don't shave armpits.
  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2019, 08:40 AM
Up there they shave nothing.

That with the obesity makes it hard to determine male from female in many cases.

not shaving makes it hard to run on the dog sled team.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well now .. the liberals are at it again. this bitch Mary Papenfuss .. what kinda name is Papenfuss? is that liberal for retard?

Blood Will Be On Twitter's Hands If Something Happens To Whistleblower, Critics Charge

Critics are lashing out at Twitter for not taking a hard line to protect the identity of the whistleblower whose complaint prompted the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Both Facebook and YouTube are scrubbing any mention of the whistleblower’s supposed identity and photo — but not Twitter.

Facebook said it would block references to the alleged whistleblower’s name and photos under its policy against “coordinating harm,” which prohibits “outing of witness, informant or activist.” YouTube announced a similar action.

But Twitter said it would allow users to name the individual alleged to be the whistleblower, and to post photos of the individual, as long as the information doesn’t include personal contact information. So Twitter has become the go-to platform for vicious attacks on the whistleblower that many say could endanger the individual’s safety.

The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub, asked Saturday why Twitter was failing to suspend accounts of people trying to “get the whistleblower killed by naming the person they think it is.” He added that Twitter will be “largely responsible if anything happens to this person.”
.@jack - Why is Twitter failing in its responsibility to suspend accounts of people who are trying to get the whistleblower killed by naming the person they think it is? Twitter will be largely responsible if anything happens to this person. @TwitterSupport
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) November 9, 2019
Do I sound pissed off that they're sending death threats to the whistleblower and my friend who represents him (and also happened to represent the Benghazi whistleblower)? You better believe I'm pissed off. These are terrorists. And the terrorist sympathizers are just as guilty.
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) November 9, 2019
At least one person responding to Shaub said an account was taken down by Twitter after she complained about it. But others said repeated complaints about accounts naming the suspected whistleblower remain up despite being reported to Twitter.
The MAGAs are posting the picture repeatedly and asking for Retweets, which of course they are obliging. I have reported many of them to no avail. This is dangerous to the Whistleblower as well as the family. @TwitterSafety @jack @TwitterSupport Do your Job or you are Complicit.
— TrumpIsOnMyLastNerve (@Jovigirl888Gail) November 9, 2019
Donald Trump Jr. posted the name of the person he believes it to be on his Twitter account. The tweet remains up.

The president is encouraging such exposure. The White House was sent a cease-and-desist letter by the whistleblower’s attorney on Thursday in an effort to protect the whistleblower’s identity — and safety.

“I am writing out of deep concern that your client, the President of the United States, is engaging in rhetoric and activity that places my client, the Intelligence Community Whistleblower, and their family in physical danger,” Andrew Bakaj warned White House counsel Pat Cipollone. “I am writing to respectfully request that you counsel your client on the legal and ethical peril in which he is placing himself should anyone be physically harmed as a result of his or his surrogates’ behavior.”
The whistleblower’s attorneys also told The Washington Post that social media platforms have an ethical responsibility to protect “those who lawfully expose suspected government wrongdoing.”
I’ve reported many tweets who’ve not only named whistleblower, but also included targeted harassment & threats. Yet those tweets remain.

What’s up with that @Twitter @jack???
— Jodie Moss (@jodiemoss1976) November 9, 2019
I reported 58 users.
I've gotten a report back on one of them.
Twitter agreed the user violated the TOS, but didn't say what action would be taken.
— Boo-urns Aubrey (@AubreyOfMaine) November 9, 2019
Getting action from @TwitterSupport is like waiting for Godot.
— Carolyn Boyle (@accidntlmystic) November 9, 2019
The whistleblower should own @twitter when massive lawsuit results from any harm.
— Trash Talk (@TrumpTrashBags) November 9, 2019

So let's OUT Mary Papenfuss, shall we?

what a worn out nag! typical of the left. as ugly as they are dumb ..

seems Miz Pussyfussy doesn't understand the law. like that ever meant anything to the radical lefts anyway, eh? oh but they constantly claim Trump breaks the law. if they say so ..

as i have pointed out before, the whistleblower laws do not give blanket protection of the person.s identity. it applies to officials within the Intel community and the workplace only. Trump can name Eric Ciaramella and it violates no laws.

so can McConnell. what Schitthead Schiff forgets is that the Senate can call their own witnesses .. including Schiff himself.

as we all know .. Schiff is desperate to prevent Ciaramella from testifying because it confirms what is already known. that
Ciaramella did contact Schiff's staff before filing his complaint, that his complaint was rejected as an urgent concern because it was second hand, that the ICIG changed the rules to allow seconfd hand complaints to be considered urgent and thus sent to Congress .. specifically Schiff's Intel committee,

this farce was orchestrated by Schiff, as a pretext for an impeachment. we also know .. that the testimony of Schiff's "star" witnesses is falling apart by the day.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
well now .. the liberals are at it again. this bitch Mary Papenfuss .. what kinda name is Papenfuss? is that liberal for retard?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Sometimes you do come up with some good ones.

Marry Papenfuss


Mary Papenfuss has worked as an editor at the New York Post, the New York Daily News, Associated Press in San Francisco and, and has written for People magazine in Paris, Ozy, the International Business Times, and Reuters. She’s the author of Climb Against the Odds: Celebrating Survival on the Mountain, and Killer Dads: The Twisted Motives that Compel Fathers to Murder their Own Kids.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sometimes you do come up with some good ones.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

just for you caveman poster ..
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Let's derail and maybe go off the rails.
  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2019, 04:32 PM
Mary Papenfuss has worked as an editor at the New York Post, the New York Daily News, Associated Press in San Francisco and, and has written for People magazine in Paris, Ozy, the International Business Times, and Reuters. She’s the author of Climb Against the Odds: Celebrating Survival on the Mountain, and Killer Dads: The Twisted Motives that Compel Fathers to Murder their Own Kids.

What a great curriculum vitae for a man-hating female DPST. God forbid I would ever be in a building adjacent to that.